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Posts posted by pumasrevenge

  1. My first post after a few month of absence in this thread here. And I finished just a few eroge in this long time:


    Minna Daisuki Kozukuri Banchou

    Heart de Roommate

    Komorebi no Nostalgica


    Komorebi no Nostalgica was the best one, but it's not translated so far. The other two are translated, but yeah, nothing compared to Komorebi. Heart the Roommate is the better one from the two mentioned.

  2. About G-Senjou from before: Just don't play it if you're new to such games ... man, it was my 2nd VN and now I just get disappointed from 95% of the other games, because my expectations are to high -_-


    And the last one I played was Slave Witch April ... really, I just don't know why I'm playing such titles like Boob Wars, Slave Witch April etc. ... in the end it's just a waste of time, nothing else.

  3. I can't see a dying heroine tag and Lump of Sugar games usually have a happy ending full of rainbows and love.

    Are we talking about -Kiss on My Deity- or about -It's happy days-? The first tag of -Kiss on My Deity- is "Dying heroine 3.0". Select "show all spoilers" ;D


    I don't want to spoil the end of that VN so I'm afraid I can't answer your question about True Remembrance. However, if you really want to, you can always go and check the tags in VNDB though. ^^"

    Yeah, I know, and that's the reason I ask. Mystery, Mind Control, Amnesia ... everything sounds so "bittersweet" :D

  4. Thanks, but what the world really needs is a translation of Tayutama. And why am I writing in small letters anyway?

    Lol, looked it up on vndb ... and what is the first tag I read? "Dying heroine" ... no good day for me. But you are right, we really need a really good translated vn in the next time. Man, I hope the translation of Yosuga no Sora, Tenshin Ranman or Baldr Sky will be finished anytime soon.

    Already crossed out the Grisaia series on my list, for now at least.

  5. Narcissu has only one ending and that's definitely a sad one.

    Never played it, therefore my "maybe". Cross Channel has also a sad/bittersweet ending, but in the end it's also a good one :)




    There's also a german translation of Narcissu so be sure to check it out if you're from germany.


    To sad ... I'm not from Germany. A little more downward if you look on the world map ;D Anyway, thx for translation (I'd like to think that you translated it, since the translator is also called OneManArmy) ... the world definitely needs more german vn!

  6. try reading narcissu(1&2), similar theme(living), it has voice and is better written

    I wanted to play that long before, but I don't like the tag "Dying heroine" in vndb :D Just don't like vn without a "happy ending". Maybe it's also a happy ending in Narcissu, don't know, but I don't like it if the heroine I go for dies at the end :)


    @Pumasrevenge If you want a recommendation, I would suggest True Remembrance. I heard this one is a gem.

    Happy ending without death etc. or a bittersweet ending? :D

  7. Finished Yumi's route and Kana's true route in Kana -Imouto-. To be true, I expected more in Kana's route. Yumi's route was quite good.


    [spoiler=Yumi's route]Although the protagonist was really abnormal in the epilogue. Until the last five minutes or so ... then he was normal and the epilogue was over.



    Kana's true route was just a bittersweet ending for me. Normally, that would be a reason why I don't like it nearly as much as Yumi's ending, but hehe, just read the spoiler above and you know why I couldn't really stand Yumi's epilogue at first :)


    [spoiler=Kana's true route]Ok, she happily lives her life after the transplantation, but man, there was no need for me to move out.



    Shortly said, there was to less character development for me. Ok, the protagonist changed very much, but Kana's true route ... it has a bitter aftertaste somehow, but I can't really express why.

  8. Looked up all vn here again, and man, now I started Kana -Imouto- ... going for Yumis ending 1st and then directly the true ending. Hope it's as good as I heard from many people, but my first impression is like "meh, to much time leaps", but then "finally a vn which is about the meaning of live" ... I really can empathize with Kana and the protagonist through to happenings in my own past.


    PS: The protagonist was awful at the beginning!

  9. Finished Otoboku three days ago. Ok, not the whole game, just two routes, but I don't like the other characters that much, therefore I don't want to play it any further. Somehow I really want something like G-Senjou no Maou, Sharin no Kuni, Majikoi, Snow Sakura or something like that ... my last five VN were only just nukige, trap or something else, somehow it get's boring :D


    Now: Pure Girl ... I have to play it through, no matter what -_-

  10. Accidentally I landed on MangaGamer's website and looked a bit around. There I found out about the Jisei/Kansei Bundle.


    Does anyone know if there's a torrent or ddl for the Bundle, or must I download Jisei and Kansei one for one?


    And sry if it doesn't belong here, since it's called "Eroge Requests", but I thought I could ask because we can download non-eroge in this forum too :)


    Thx in advance!

  11. Finished Boob Wars yesterday and my opinion of the game is really short:


    Worst eroge I've played so far. I waited two weeks for the crack, until a friend send it to me ... but why the hell did I even wait for it?


    Playing Pure Girl atm and then I think I'll play Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku -. Somehow Hinaori Kagome reminds me of Higuchi Ririko from Sharin no Kuni and Usami Haru from G-Senjou no Maou :D

  12. 3.) It is not easy learning a new language and some people just can't be bothered with it.

    That's the reason why I don't learn Japanese atm (maybe I'll learn it in the future, who knows). My native language is German and my foreign languages are English "and" French. I'm learning English since 10 years now, just in school, and I don't have any problems to understand movies, animes, VNs, books and so on. Ok, sometimes I use urbandictionary or something like that for special phrases or words, but that's all.

    And since four years I'm learning French. I don't like French, that's also the reason why I don't learn that much ... and therefore I can only make easy sentences and know a few words after this four years. I think I even know more japanese words than french ones, just because of VN.

    And somehow I don't have the time to learn a new language anyway. I go to school for six to ten hours per day and then I'm glad that I can go home now, just to learn for the next test. Then I have other games to play as well, and then I'm going out with my friends at the weekends ... maybe I can play about 6h a week, at best, that means 3h for VN and 3h for other games ... as you can see, there's no time to learn a new language anyway.


    In the end, if there's an english VN, I'll just play the VN and nothing else. That means I need at least two weeks for a VN. And if there's no english VN I want to play, I'll play a Nukige without complicated story with ITH. Used this method the last two years, and I think it's the best for me for now :)

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