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Posts posted by pumasrevenge

  1. Whats even stranger i installed on my normal locale then simply copypasted game into xp jap locale and have no problems with font. On the other hand at start of 8th chapter when i choose girl to take to city im getting crash(resolved it by moving save back to my normal pc played that scene and moved it back).

    Although the problem is solved already in your case, did you install the patch? If not, you can find it in the first post.

  2. Thats not gonna work on windows 7 (at least for me) I simply dont have an option to change it into 16-bit color(i have an option to play it in 256 colors though). The only solution on windows 7 i found was to either change your whole color to 16-bit(which sucks) OR use special program for making it windowed(dont rememeber the name) or using Oracle to emulate windows xp.

    Installed Windows 7 now (because of the DirectDraw error) and it works now, but you are right, there's no option to change it to 16 bit. I'm still looking for a solution, would be nice if you could tell me if you found out something (without the help of other programs or changing the whole color) :)


    hmm I'm playing under japanese locale but my text is still showing up like it is in your screen shot. Are there any other ways to fix it or any fonts I should download and add?

    I'll look into it and tell you if I found something.

  3. Thats not gonna work on windows 7 (at least for me) I simply dont have an option to change it into 16-bit color(i have an option to play it in 256 colors though). The only solution on windows 7 i found was to either change your whole color to 16-bit(which sucks) OR use special program for making it windowed(dont rememeber the name) or using Oracle to emulate windows xp.

    Thx for the info, I'll add it. If you mean the program D3DWindower, that one doesn't work. Would be nice if you can recommend any other programs, since D3D is the only one I used before :)

  4. LoL, don't know the characters, haven't seen the first episode of the anime (the frist 12 were the ones whos decided to sh*t themselves and I really don't want to start on episode 13.)

    Why not? I startet with episode 13 too ... only to know which ending made it into the anime. Never watched the other episodes too, because it was the first ending of the game


    and this ending was the worst one


  5. Content:

    1. Duel Savior DESTINY & Duel Savior JUSTICE - Changes
    2. Mechanics (gameplay, character routes, etc.)
    3. Bugs
    4. Installation notes
    5. Other things


    1. Duel Savior DESTINY & Duel Savior JUSTICE - Changes

    this is just copy-paste from the official website of

    Seiha Translations


    1. Sound

    Will not include exceedingly minor things such as slightly different wordings, changed references, or something being bleeped in one but not the other. In general though, the language is more toned down and often less vulgar. For example, saying "Gave herself to me" instead of "Gave her virginity to me." Some changes, however, are just mystifying, like "Necrotech" becoming "Necromatic." The panty shots in the CGs are all covered up and most of the sex scenes are replaced by fades to black, but it's always obvious or even directly said what's going on. I'll note the ones that get replaced instead of just skipped over.


    VA Lists

    Taiga -- None / Sugiyama Noyiaki

    Mia -- Kaori / Shitaya Noriko

    Lily -- Kanari Kanzaki / Kobayashi Sanae

    Berio -- Nishida Komugi / Takahashi Mikako

    Kaede -- Oda Marina / Itou Shizuka

    Rico -- Kasuga Ann / Minami Omi

    Nanashi -- Shion Miyabi / Nabatame Hitomi

    Crea -- Kamisa Akari / Mizuhashi Kaori

    Muriel -- Oonami Konami / Yamaguchi Yuriko

    Dahlia -- Matsushita Miyabi / Ohara Sayaka

    Downy -- Narita Ken / Hayami Shou

    Sel -- Ishikawa Daisuke / Mizushima Takahiro

    Shezar -- Maekawa Takeshi / Suwabe Junichi

    Mudou -- Miyabayashi Yasushi / Norio Wakamoto

    Imnity -- Mikagami / Mamiko Noto

    Lobelia -- Shion Miyabi / Nabatame Hitomi




    Additional system voice options:

    Taiga (ID 0)

    Black Papillon (ID 7 and continuing from here)













    Chocolat Savior (an extra fandisk) is included on the disk, unlocked by completing MiaA.



    Very (VERY) slightly extended Chapter outros (ie literally just: "Next Chapter: XXX." Plus some tagline)

    Taiga does the voiceover for 1-8. Route-specific heroine for remaining chapters.



    The new OP for Destiny (

    ) plays when the game is booted up. Fatally plays as normal partway through the prologue/chapter 1. The version linked is from the ORIGINAL Duel Savior and is the one Destiny uses. Justice has a slightly modified version.


    Somewhat related, in Destiny, the final final route's last boss theme is No Way Out instead of Fatally.


    Destiny also has an additional ED (

    ) that plays after the normal ED with a separate credit roll for Alchemist. It is awful.




    A number of combat sounds were changed. Much of it was increasing sound effect volume. This is most noticeable with Mia's arrow attacks which are much louder than before.


    There are also some internal changes, including a few new scripting commands for how delayed output is handled.





    2. CG/Scenes

    Chapter 1:

    Added Mia/Golem CG


    Chapter 2:

    Berio sex changed to taking a bath with her.


    Chapter 4:

    Added Mia porridge CG

    Kaede masturbating replaced by taking a bath with her.


    Chapter 5:

    Lily stripping changed to happy fun bathing suit dressup time (CG changed to simply have a bikini)


    Chapter 6:

    Added Lily/Taiga CG

    Kaede upsidedown 69 changed to bunny girl funtimes


    Chapter 7:

    CG of Nanashi's face art altered (different words, shading, and glow on Lily's hand)

    69 with Rico changed to bathtime.




    3. Routes

    Herorine routes in general are more or less the same. Sex is replaced by fade outs and a corny head shot on a pink background. Berio, Lily, and Mia all get one of those and they are all terrible.



    Heavily modified CG for Crea/Rebellion (bra added, reframed, rod thing repositioned over stomach)



    Heavily modified CG of Principal's seal (clothes added, shackles and gag removed, hair redrawn for some reason...)




    Harem/Crea Route:

    Heavily restructured to include Crea as the centerpiece. Specifically:


    After MiaA is cleared, additional events with Crea during Free Action choices appear along with associated CGs.

    Almost the entirety of the start of the group date is completely changed, plus Crea added to picnic.

    Bridge battle party changed (PC Team A: Taiga, Lily, Mia. PS2 Team A: Taiga, Lily, Nanako (same as Lily route))*

    Crea added to Gargantua invasion

    Completely different epilogue



    Uh, actually, it's not. The game claims that it is, but it is not. Moving to TL notes and fixing as best I can.




    4. Changes the translator (Aroduc) can't/won't import


    Altered stand sprites

    Dahlia (nipple slip covered)

    Papillon (straps expanded to bikini)

    Nanako (skirt lengthened/repaired so no panty shots, multiple versions)

    Mia in night shirt (closed/lengthened so no panty shots)


    I probably could clumsily import them into Justice, but I really don't think the amount of work that'd require would be worth it for the final result.


    Music/Replay Gallery

    Technically, I personally didn't mess around with the CG gallery either, but these galleries are complex and a headache, so no. Justice's gallery remains completely intact.


    The next ep previews are some kind of complicated macro using script commands that don't exist in the PC version, so I just made stuff up instead. I also changed many of the later CGs for them since the ones they used were stupid. My favorite was the one that was a tiled background.


    Crea's sprites in her final chapter are technically wrong/different from what they should be. Another complicated thing that I really can't fix well.


    Destiny only EDs are cut. Only decent way I could implement them anyway are just literally recording them and playing them back as a movie.


    Destiny ver.OP is also just ignored and Justice's default OP is used. Same with the title screen. Destiny's is just vanilla DS's anyway.


    2. Mechanics (gameplay, character routes, etc.)

    most of them is also just copy-paste from the official website of Seiha Translations



    1. Gameplay

    General Mechanics:


    A - Basic attack

    B - Special attack

    AB - Super attack (consumes 2 Red)

    C - Block


    Most characters have netural, ↓, and → variations for all basics, specials, and supers with air variations of each.


    A - Punch (repeatable)

    →A - Kick

    ↓A - Traitor: Chainstaff


    B - Traitor (extended by pressing B up to two more times on hit)

    →B - Traitor: Rocket Punch

    ↓B - Traitor: Axe


    AB - Traitor Combo (extended by pressing B up to two more times on hit)

    →B - Traitor: Super Rocket Punch

    ↓B - Traitor: Super Axe


    j.A - Punch (repeatable)

    j.→A - Kick

    j.↓A - Traitor: Hammer


    j.B - Traitor: Lance

    j.→B - Traitor: Rocket Punch

    j.↓B - Traitor: Bomb


    j.AB - Traitor: Lance Combo

    j.→AB - Traitor: Super Rocket Punch

    j.↓AB - Traitor: Bomb Cluster




    Press ↑ while in the air after hitstun ends to recover control




    Ground only

    Hit box generally disappears during evade



    Pressing block right before an attack hits will parry it. The defender will take no chip damage, lose no gauge, and have a few frames of invincibility. Attacks that have multiple hits may not be interruptable, even with the frames of invincibility.



    Certain attacks (and bosses) have super armor for a certain number of hits before they can be interrupted into hitstun.



    Determine gauge size. Nothing else.


    Blue Gauge

    Fills over time

    Depletes on block or defensive cancel (below)

    If blue is empty, then extra damage is taken when blocking


    Red Gauge

    Fills when attacking

    Will fill over blue gauge

    Normalizes towards half when taking damage (+ if half)

    Depletes on supers (2 bars)

    Depletes on offensive cancels (below)



    Almost any attack can be canceled. They can be performed directionally (double tap a direction/C+direction), normal attack to special attack, a normal/special to special/super, or super to super. Not all characters can cancel in every direction (most can't cancel downwards for example) and many characters have unique cancels (ex. Berio's forward offensive cancel creates a shield that bounces the enemy back)

    There are three main kinds of cancels.


    Free cancel

    Uses no gauge.

    Norma attack to special attack (or super)

    Upward direction cancel off normal attack

    C+↑ from neutral will perform a free (upward) directional cancel


    Defensive cancel

    Uses one blue gauge.

    Backwards directional cancels


    Offensive cancel

    Forward directional cancel off any attack

    Upward/downward direction cancel off a special or super

    Cancelling from one special/super to a different special/super

    Note: Doesn't include the cost of using the super, so offensive canceling into a super will take 3 red total


    Damage Prorating

    Damage lessens the longer a combo goes on

    Damage greatly lessens once an enemy is in a down position (even if they are relaunched into the air from it)

    Damage lessens the less life an enemy has left



    Character specific notes

    (Just done off the cuff, may have missed something)



    B, AB can be continued by pressing B up to two more times after striking



    Ground B attacks are determined by length of time button is held and angle of release. Angle can be changed after attack begins.



    →B and →AB can be held to increase detonation distance



    B, j.B, ↓AB can be held to increase length/power of effect

    ↓B, ↓AB and ↓j.AB can be aimed after attack begins

    ↓C creates shield (req. 1 blue, depletes blue while up and lasts until blue is empty)



    Can triple jump

    Has a downward cancel in the air

    When using AAAAA, final hit automatically jumps

    Has ↑j.B and ↑j.AB

    j.6B, j.6AB are multiple hit attacks. Continue by pressing B with the correct timing



    ↓AB super only available when summon is out

    Summon slime with →C

    Summon Necromicon with ↓C

    Orders for summoned monsters given with C+direction

    Summons cannot be dismissed. They must be defeated before a new one is summoned. There is no limit on summoning otherwise.

    Directional cancels have no slowdown or other visual effects

    Directional cancels free cancel into themselves

    Cannot directional cancel while a summon is out



    Head has an independant hit box when detatched (damage is only taken by body)

    Many attacks change while head is detatched

    When head takes damage, it cannot be recalled/picked up for a few seconds

    Being on top of head when it is supposed to enter a stunned state (ie at end of some supers) will automatically reattach it instead

    When head is detatched, ↓B, ↓AB creates an extra grave underneath head




    2. Character routes

    Route is set at the start of chapter 8. You are given a choice of characters to ask out and whoever goes with you is the route you are on. There is an semi-enforced route order and only the routes that are unlocked will be available to ask out. However, girls may turn you down if you have not gotten enough points/cleared enough flags with them. It's definitely possible (probable even) to have enough points with multiple girls on a single playthrough to choose multiple routes from a single save. Mia is selected by choosing nobody.


    Route unlocks are saved to the system data and can be accessed from any game. Completing a girl's route also unlocks her for use in battle instead of controlling Taiga. Levels are carried over in an NG+ when the game is cleared (any ending) but levels are NOT saved to the system data.


    MiaC* -- Unlocked from the start

    Berio -- Unlocked from the start

    Kaede -- Unlocked from the start

    Rico -- Complete Berio or Kaede's route

    Nanashi -- Complete Berio or Kaede's route

    Lily -- Complete Berio, Kaede, Rico AND Nanashi's routes

    MiaB* -- Complete Lily's route

    MiaA* -- Complete MiaB

    Justice/Crea -- Complete MiaA


    *Regarding Mia's route

    Unlike the other girls, you cannot be turned down when selecting it for having too few points with her. Entering it without fulfilling the conditions for MiaB/A (completing Lily and enough points with Mia) just pushes you into MiaC. MiaC is not a full route and completing it does NOT count as clearing Mia in any way. Second, there is a normal end and a true end. The normal end must be completed before the true end is unlocked. You can simply save in the final chapter and then reload after seeing the normal end to see the true end.


    The Justice/Crea route splits off at the end of chapter 7 instead of the start of chapter 8 (as far as the scripts and save files are concerned). If the conditions are fulfilled, there will be a prompt to begin it at the beginning of chapter 8. If no prompt comes up, you have failed to fulfill the conditions.


    A quick mnemonic for remembering order is large breasts, small breasts, medium breasts. There is a much more specific reason they're grouped/ordered like that but it's quite spoilery.



    Ordering proceeds from heroines/routes most tied to winning the war for Red to the least. The only three true savior candidates (Mia, Berio, and Kaede) are unlocked from the start, although Mia's full route isn't available until later.


    IE route ordering is:

    Red savior candidates (Berio and Kaede)

    Red-aligned anti-Messiah heroines (Rico and Nanashi)

    Anti-messiah candidate (Lily)

    White savior candidate (Mia)

    Anti-God (Harem/Crea)


    There's certainly a strong argument to be made that Lily's far more White aligned than the others too.



    Crea events for her route (Destiny Only):


    Chapter 4, 2nd Free Action (Night) - Gate

    Chapter 5, 1st Free Action - Gate (Choose not to bug Berio)

    Chapter 5, 2nd Free Action - Gate

    Chapter 6, 1st Free Action - Gate

    Chapter 7, 2nd Free Action - Gate




    No other requirements apparently, besides clearing MiaA.


    I have no good idea how harem route is unlocked besides winning all the battles.


    3. Bugs

    1. Gameplay

    Imn's backdash is slightly glitched and will execute her summon's super off an HJC for no cost.





    Too many collisions simultaneously with a frozen sprite can overload the game and cause all projectiles to lose both substance and hit properties.





    Possibly related, but I haven't been able to duplicate it, so I'm not sure WHAT this bug is exactly. It looks like the game tried to HJC from the offensive cancel and just putzed up Nanashi's head, resulting in the same error as the ice one above.




    Guarding while jumping can have strange effects on momentum. Usually, it's just a very quick deadfall (which is probably intentional), but for characters that have a double jump, tapping block right after a double jump can cause them to rocket upwards. AI Berio tends to do this a lot for some reason.




    This was fixed for most (all?) characters in Xross.



    When you block, the screen locks for a moment (presumably during the parry frames). If you're moving fast/far enough and tap block rapidly, you can scroll yourself off the screen. Also note that things a little ways off the screen have wonky hit detection, so this could probably be even glitchier under certain circumstances.

    DS Screenlock Glitch - YouTube





    2. Technical/Installation


    Destiny voice glitches:


    taig000000 is an empty padding file, but it's called in the game twice. Once at the start of Crea's route (stomach rumbling noise), and once at the end of Lily's route during the escape. The two lines are not even remotely alike.


    Voice 3090030173 and 3090030203 are backwards in Destiny in Berio's route. They're the same line for both, just one has reverb since it's a flashback. I've gone ahead and swapped them back to fix it.


    Voice samples 0065060009 and 0065060010 are identical files in Destiny (hospital in Nanako's route). They shouldn't be, but they are. There's nothing I can do since the right line doesn't exist.



    ----Save files----

    --Previous save files may not work or have minor errors depending on where in the script they were saved

    --No previous saves in chapter 1 will work

    --All previous saves will default to Justice content

    --Previous system saves may erroneously have certain CGs already unlocked or erroneously mark text as read

    --Previous system saves that have the harem route unlocked will need to clear Mia NORMAL (not True) in order to unlock Crea's route in either Justice or Destiny

    --The system save can be freely used between Justice and Destiny content. IE, completing Berio's route in Justice counts as completing her route in Destiny as well, and vice-versa.



    --Graphics unique to/modified for Destiny are of a lower resolution and quality due to its release on PS2

    --3 Destiny-only CGs have been added to Justice's content during the common route

    --Certain character graphics in Destiny that were altered to meet Sony's sexual guidelines could not be imported. These are graphics that have nipples or panty shots

    --Crea's in-battle sprites have been approximated as best as possible using her sprites from other games

    --Destiny chapter transitions had to be redone. Voicing remains identical as in Destiny. PC voicing for these lines is not available.



    --Scripts inside character routes cannot be marked as read due to hardcoded constraints. Scripts that are part of the common route (chapters 1-9 by script, actual split is earlier) will function as normal.

    NOTE: Lines are marked as read first by SCRIPT, then by line, so even though there is a significant amount of duplicated text between routes, as each route has its own scripts, it was treated as unread between them anyway. Justice and Destiny have their own separate scripts for all events, including the common route. You can simply set Skip Text to All in the configuration to skip the text if you wish.




    --No translation or editing has been done for the Messiah Training extra disk game modes that were released with Justice

    --Justice's title screen is used instead of Destiny's

    --Destiny-only BGM are not included in the Music Gallery

    --Destiny-only Replay Scenes are not included in the Replay Gallery

    --Destiny-only Ending credits cannot be used. Some CGs used in the endings use Justice's versions of CGs instead of Destiny's

    --Additional Destiny-only system voices cannot be implemented

    --Chocolat Savior (integrated as part of Destiny) and its CGs cannot be included

    --Many lines that had only minor differences (such as stuttering, rewording, or cut/added portions of the line) between the Justice and Destiny versions were altered to improve compatability for using Destiny voice actors in Justice content. A spoken line may not be 100% indicative of the text that was originally translated.

    So, the rest here are bugs which were listed on the official website too WITH a solution (the solution is quoted if there's one). If you have found a new problem, just post it (this also applies if you know a solution for a problem). I'll update this post if it's necessary.


    Play in window mode?

    The game should start in full screen mode when you start the game the first time. To play in window mode you need to change it to 16-bit color (right click, "Properties" - "Compatibility" - "Settings" - "Reduced color mode")

    Thx to Daeverius for the following information: If you don't have the option to change it the way above, you have to change the whole color to 16-bit OR using Oracle to emulate XP.




    Problems with h-scenes (replay menu)

    If you select Rico's 1st H-scene, it turns into BP's 1st scene right before the 2nd round of sex starts.

    If you select "Keep going" in Berio's first H-scene it turns into Lily's.

    Maybe there are other problems like this too, but no one said something so far.

    Aroduc is working on it, maybe there's a patch in the next days/weeks.




    DirectDraw error (when starting the game)


    Mostly users of Windows 8 have this problem. One solution is to install Oracle VM to run Windows XP and open the game in that (if you have the problem on Win8).

    Still searching for a better/easier solution.

    Thx to desi and Yachi (via pm) for the following information: Solution for people who get the direct draw error if they're using Windows XP - Run in compatibility mode under Windows 95. Highly doubt it will work for Windows 8 users, but you can try it.




    Font problem (like the following)


    Change to JAPANESE LOCALIZATION and install the original game again! If this doesn't help, change your location to Japan too.

    Unfortunately there's no solution about this problem if this doesn't help.




    Black screen, although the sound is playing when playing in 16 bit (or error about no support)

    No solution which solved the problem completely. Install the patch (here) and try to update your graphic drivers and DirectX.

    Thx to Nobu for the following answer: Hmmm maybe its the bit color (btw im just guessing) when i tried to use window mode, it said either: change to 16 bit or, 16bit does not support, so try changing ur current bit on u computer to the other one and try again



    Game crashes randomly or on entering chapter "x" of character route's (mostly)

    Download this file, put it in the directory and run it.

    Thx to dr_lapedh for the following information: choose in the setting skip all unread text, so the troublesome text that keep crashing the game can be skip

    Try to begin the route from the start again or try another route (for example, if you are on Kaede's route, try Berio's route, if you already did her route, then try Nanashi's route).

    If the other routes also won't work, try to reinstall the game.

    You can try to use my savegame (link below) too.

    4. Installation notes


    Unzip into game directory, overwriting all files



    ----Voice Actor Configuration----

    By default, PC voices will be used for all content.


    See here for a complete list and samples of the voice actors:



    If you wish to use PS2 voices where they are available, then rename Voice1.pac to Voice2.pac and vice-versa.


    If you wish to use PS2 battle/system voices, rename Justice2.pac to Justice2PC.pac and rename Justice2PS2.pac to Justice2.pac.


    Additional files for disabling Taiga's in-combat voice or for disabling either set of voice actors entirely are available at Seiha Translations - Index page



    5. Other things

    You can find a more detailed Walkthrough here and a more detailed Battle Guide here.

    Note: This two aren't from me.


    Here is a save with the complete Berio, Kaede, Rico, Nanashi, Lily and Mia (normal and true) route. Didn't play the harem route so far, therefore there's still one h-scene missing in the replay menu. Furthermore, I don't know if I'll play the survival mode (you get five CG's if you reach level 200 in Survival) and I don't know if there are some CG's from the character routes missing. Some CG's from Destiny mode are missing too. This is JUST in the case you don't want to play a specific route and want to go directly to Lily's (for example).

    Save 01 - After completing Berio's route

    Save 02 - After completing Kaede's route

    Save 03 - After completing Rico's route

    Save 04 - After completing Nanashi's route

    Save 05 - After completing Lily's route

    Save 06 - After completing Mia's normal route

    Save 07 - After completing Mia's true route

    That means, if you load Save 04 for example, you can go on with Lily's route and then Mia's true ending (after Mia's good ending) if you want to see them.

    Or if you load Save 07, you can go on with the harem route for example.

    The CG's and replay scenes are saved in the config file, that means, if you only want the CG's (or h-scenes), you just have to overwrite the config file.


    Played all routes with the walkthrough above. There are a few "translation mistakes" (for example for the point on the map), but it's easy to find out what the editor of the walkthrough means.


    About the problem to play in window mode: I changed the color mode of the system, because I think it's the fastest and easiest solution (if you can't change it at the properties). You don't need to restart or anything else, just a few clicks to change the settings, that's all. Some desktop symbols and so on change now, but if you change the color back to normal, everything is like before (at least on my laptop).

  6. You can find my complete list here.


    Sono Hanabira (this one & this one) - I'm playing these only out of boredom and if there's nothing else I have to play.

    Kamidori Alchemy Meister - stalled it for a while because I don't like it as much as I thought.

    Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate - stalled it too until there's a new english patch for it.

    Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road - my next goal is to finish this one. Can't say that much so far, because I only played it nearly over an hour.

    Duel Savior - have a problem with the installation, but if I can solve the problem I'll only focus on this one.

  7. If you are just looking for ones focused on friendship, I can recommend you D.C. Da Capo II and Sharin no Kuni. The story completely different, but friendship is a very important point in both, particularly in Sharin no Kuni.


    And if you play japanese ones too, I can recommend you Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road. Before you say something that it completely reminds you of Majikoi, it's from the same developer :) I'm playing it right now too.

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