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Posts posted by pumasrevenge

  1. I've learned my lessons the hard way. Never again will I read spoilers. ;_;

    I don't have problems with reading spoilers. Before playing a new one, I always look at a review to find out what happens at the end. Mostly this is the last paragraph of a review and I read from the bottom to the top, only to stop on the point where I think I know enough to like the ending :D


    Cross Channel is the reason why I'm like this. Man, they could leave it at the ending of the first day, this ending would be definitely better than the "true ending".

  2. I ll try going through another rute

    but if that work can i change routes after thet point

    i was in the berio route

    I think you have to clear the route first if you aim for another route. I think you would get a bad ending if you follow the walkthrough for Kaede's route until this chapter and then continue with the walkthrough for Berio's route.

    But anyway, you have to complete Berio's, Kaede's, Nanashi's and Rico's route to unlock Lily's route and then Mia's route. If you absolutely don't want to play Kaede's route, you must use a savegame. I would recommend you to download mine and load Save01 (this is the savegame after completing Berio's route) and then you can play Berio's route again if you want to play it.

  3. the nigth after the fight with kaede the game crashes after kaede starst saying

    'W-W-W-W-W-What ar you doing here?'

    i alredy use the quick fix

    anybody know how to fix that??

    Try to begin the route from the start again or try another route (for example, if you are on Kaede's route, try Berio's route, if you already did her route, then try Nanashi's route).

    If the other routes also won't work, try to reinstall the game.

    Have you tried on another PC?


    You can try to use my savegame from the first post too.

  4. "Finished" Duel Savior yesterday.


    To be true, I skipped three routes completely (Berio's, Nanashi's and Rico's). Berio's, Kaede's, Nanashi's and Rico's routes only are preparations and explanations for Lily's and Mia's route. Lily's route is much more extensive than the routes before and there's much more story. Mia's route is completely different than Lily's, but I liked Lily's route more. And the harem route was completely different too, but it was definitely the best route of the game :D


    The negative points of the game: Chapter 1 to 3 is completely equal for each character after you've cleared Berio's and Kaede's route and chapter 4 to 7 is nearly the same too. In the end you can skip nearly 90% of the text from chapter 1 to 7 after clearing Kaede's and Berio's route. And yeah, you can't skip battles, which makes the whole thing really bad. From chapter 8 on the story is different in each route.

    The next thing I have to criticize is the variation of the endings ... after you've cleared two routes you somehow know how each route will end.


    The best thing in the whole game: LILY!

  5. I'm not gonna pretend to have good knowledge of DirectX stuff, but i do know that having some newer/latest DirectX versions installed does not necesarily mean you have all the old versions required for some games to run installed. I've seen people have this problem for a game like Fallout/Fallout2.

    I know, therefore some games have the DirectX version which is needed at the installation included, but not every game. And if you want to play an older game which needs for example DirectX 9 and you're using DirectX 11 (actual version of DirectX) there can be problems, without a doubt. But you can't uninstall DirectX like any other game/program, since it's not listed under the program list, which means you can't install an older version that easily, since you get the message about the newer version which is installed. It's possible to uninstall DirectX, yeah, but it's not that easy in comparison to other programs.

  6. Probably something to do with the version you used (perhaps one of them 'bare bones' versions) or a lack of something else (probably some old DX versions but they can be found on the net). Ive installed various oldie games from 96, 98, etc in W7 Ultimate without any or very little problems.

    I'm only using the original disc for older games, since I can get them really cheap and the old games are the best ones in my opinion (like AoE, Cossacks, etc.). And no, I can't have used old DirectX versions, because I wrote the MS support about the DirectDraw error and they send me the download link for DirectX ... "You have installed this or a newer version of DirectX already." (don't know the exact message since my language is set to German).


    Solution for people who get the direct draw error if they're using Windows XP - Run in compatibility mode under Windows 95. Highly doubt it will work for Windows 8 users, but you can try it.

    Thx for the info, added it to the first post.


    Anybody know how to unlock endless mode? I was thinking I'd just have to beat one of the routes but that didn't work. I get the feeling it's something obvious since no one else asked here or seiha's forums.

    You must clear all routes before you can unlock the endless mode.

  7. people better stop using windows trialware just because it looks more "interesting" and because all the bullshit M******** throws at you

    better use windows 7 or good ol' windows xp (never disappoint me) if you only want to play eroge (more stable, more everything)

    if you really wanna use windows 8 and you have patience just wait about two weeks for it to get release officially (schedule release on October 26, 2012)

    This problem exists on the official release too, because DirectX.11 has not all features from the previous ones. The advantage of Win8: Older games (from 1995 and younger) work just fine again. I wanted to install over eight games from 2002 and before, but none of them worked on Win7.


    In fact, the best solution for this problem is to install VirtualBox and run it in XP, but Win8 is definitely better than Win7 regarding (very) old/er games.

  8. I hate this game I cant get [bBERIO'S PATH to work!

    I have already did Kaede and Rico.

    I have tried it my way, then tried using a walkthrough,then my way mixed with the walkthrough.(Nothing Works)

    Each time I have to do those stupid fights I done 600 times over and over,Just to get to chapter 8 and she doesn't go to the city with me.I don't even like her character but I need to do her rout.


    Here is a save with the complete Berio, Kaede, Rico, Nanashi, Lily and Mia (normal and true) route. Didn't play the harem route so far, therefore there's still one h-scene missing in the replay menu. Furthermore, I don't know if I'll play the survival mode (you get five CG's if you reach level 200 in Survival) and I don't know if there are some CG's from the character routes missing.

    Save 01 - After completing Berio's route

    Save 02 - After completing Kaede's route

    Save 03 - After completing Rico's route

    Save 04 - After completing Nanashi's route

    Save 05 - After completing Lily's route

    Save 06 - After completing Mia's normal route

    Save 07 - After completing Mia's true route

    That means, if you load Save 04 for example, you can go on with Lily's route and then Mia's true ending (after Mia's good ending) if you want to see them.

    Or if you load Save 07, you can go on with the harem route for example.

    The CG's and replay scenes are saved in the config file, that means, if you only want the CG's (or h-scenes), you just have to overwrite the config file.

    And no, you can't turn the battles off. Just change the difficulty to "Little girl" :)

  9. Just done with FateSN's UBW route. Well, that was my goal from the start, all I wanted is the tsun-tsun Rin anyway. And I wanted Shirou to redeem himself from being a pussyfag back in Fate, but I guess it falls flat of my expectations. I couldn't really enjoy the "identity twist" since my baka imouto spoiled it to me (she's watched the anime already, that bitch). Is HF worth the read? Not a big fan of Sakura though, she's too deredere for me. I would have preferred an Ilya loli route...

    Skipped everything until a specific point, then I read everything. I wanted to play only Rin's route too, but I thought at least I should try it out ... and it was better as I thought it would be :)

  10. ama ane is just a 6-7 to me based on the looks and stuff..

    i havent start that yet too..

    There's one reason why I gave it an 8, and this is exactly the reason why I said you shouldn't judge based on the description. The description is based on the good endings, but if you want to know everything, you need to get the bad ending too, and that is also a bit from the dark side.

  11. whats the name of that specific vn if i may know...


    And Ama Ane is also a good example. Ok, the average score is only in the same area as the one from Demonbane, but yeah, just look at the other rankings. And please, don't say anything about the story, it's much more complicated than the description says, because they only says half of the story.


    Like in every genre, there are mostly better ones out there, you only have to search for them. And maybe you need to learn a bit japanese :D

  12. So,you are the happy-ending guy then muv-luv is not your thing.

    Not really,

    but it's a different thing for me if only one character dies or nearly everyone dies.




    No,they did have significant meaning.Scores are voted by players like us so VN with high score literally means many people like it .The reason why some VN are underrated is because they don't have translation so no-one rated it .

    And exactly that's the reason why the scores on vndb doesn't mean anything (or at least not much) for me, since I play eroges without a translation too. Ok, maybe for someone who only plays english ones it's meaningful, but I played japanese ones which were much better than Demonbane (this is only an example out of your list), but on vndb it's more than 100 ranks lower, the average score however is much higher than the one from Demonbane.


    And yeah, I don't want to start a discussion here since this is a site for english eroges (mostly), but yeah, that's my opinion. And I think I'm not the only one with this opinion about the scores on vndb :)

  13. Yes.


    It is very dramatic near the end

    That's also a reason why I didn't play it.


    After playing the first two I wanted to play Alternative, but in the meantime I played a few other games with such endings as Alternative. Since then I spoiler myself before playing an eroge to be sure there's no such an ending ... then I found out what happens at the end of Alternative. Maybe it's really good, but the ending is the highlight of a story in my opinion ... I just don't like it if some of the most important characters die at the end (or it ends up like in Cross Channel).





    Muv Luv Alternative is rated #1 on vndb for a good reason.
    means nothing. CoD is also one of the best selling games and every part get a high score ... in the end it's the same shit over and over again. Sales figures and scores means exactly nothing. There are also some eroges on vndb which are for example extreme underrated. The top 50 (or so) are mostly filled with them which got a translation ... some of the really good ones don't even get a translation (or didn't get one so far).
  14. Hmm i might have overlooked the harem route. Is that the same as Justice/crea or am i misunderstanding something?


    Btw, battles are much shorter if you set it to the "piss easy" mode

    Yeah, made that already :D


    The walkthrough for the harem route (you must have cleared all routes before that one, just to be sure. The last route should have been MiaB (Mia's good ending).





    You need everything above this line to get this route.

    Hilarious name.

    Can your group of females, especially your psycho sister and Lily live happily

    ever after like Mormons?

    We'll see.


    Chapter 1

    Savior? Me!?:

    FIGHT: Golem.

    Map: Ho Hum


    Chapter 2

    A black papilio:

    Map: Doesn't matter

    FIGHT: Berio. Win, yawn.

    Choose the first choice: ‚à‚Á‚Æ‘±‚¯‚é

    Map: Doesn't matter.


    Chapter 3

    It dances at night!:

    Map: Choose library in the second or third choice to get CG, rest doesn't


    Map: Church

    Map: Doesn't matter

    Map: Doesn't matter, but it's fun to have her chase you for a while. Go to

    the church at the end.

    Choose the first choice: •ø‚¢‚Ä‚Ý‚½‚¢

    FIGHT: Black Papilon. Just win, she's not much. On hard she's still not much.


    Chapter 4

    A dangerous newcomer?

    Map: Doesn't matter

    FIGHT: Save silly Claire from some baddies.

    FIGHT: Kaede. The corner relauncher is your friend. On hard still very easy.

    Map: Dorms, Church, Middle

    Map: Library, Summoning Pit, Dungeons

    FIGHT: You and Kaede vs Mia and Berio. Yawn.


    Chapter 5

    The magic book in which it was sealed:

    Map: Exit

    FIGHT: You and Berio go to fight some baddies.

    Map: Church, Cafeteria, Classroom, Church, Arena

    FIGHT: Rico. Yawn.

    Map: Dorms, Dungeons, Forest, Hospital

    FIGHTS: Noisy people in the library. Yawn.

    FIGHT: Immunity x 2. You're used to this by now. Try to set up the infinite

    for experience!


    Chapter 6

    Signs of ruin:

    Map: Library

    Choose the second choice: •sˆÀ‚ð‘Å‚¿–¾‚¯‚é

    Map: Park

    FIGHT: Kaede

    Map: Classroom

    FIGHT: Random loser blobs and werewolves.

    Map: Arena

    FIGHT: Mia

    Map: Hospital

    Choose either one!

    Map: Library

    Choose the first choice: ƒK›ƒŒƒbƒh

    Map: Middle

    Choose the first choice: ‚â‚é

    Map: Hospital

    Choose the first choice: S”z‚·‚é‚È

    Map: Classroom

    Choose the second choice: —ç‚ðŒ¾‚¤

    Map: Arena

    Choose the second choice: ˆÐŒµ‚ðŽæ‚è–ß‚·

    Map: Exit

    FIGHT: Kraken. Wow, Berio's new reflect wall is amazingly cool.

    FIGHT: Headless Kraken. GG Lily spam.

    FIGHT: Lily.


    Chapter 7

    My name is NANASHI!!:

    Map: Park

    Choose the first choice: ‹C‚É‚·‚é‚È

    Map: Classroom

    Choose the second choice: Œë–‚‰»‚·

    Map: Hospital

    Choose the first choice: —ã‚Ü‚·

    Map: Cafe, Classroom

    FIGHTS: Undead doofs

    Map: Church, Middle, Library, Park

    FIGHT: Lily

    Map: Right outside the school, Arena

    Choose the first choice: ŒP—û‚ð‚·‚é

    FIGHT: Kaede

    Map: Headmaster's room

    FIGHTS: Garbage day


    Chapter 8

    The holiday of Avatar:

    If you're missing this choice you failed.

    Choose the first choice: ‚¤‚ñA‚±‚±‚ÍŒZ‚Æ‚µ‚Ėڂ𗣂·‚킯‚É‚Í‚¢‚©‚ñ‚È

    Woo, new dialogue!

    Poor stupid Seru XD.

    Baka! Bakabakabakaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    What do zombies eat? (Wait, I forgot she's not really one XD)

    New CGS!

    "Low level."


    Chapter 9

    Darkness Covers All:

    FIGHT: Trash on the bridge

    FIGHT: You, Mia, Lily vs Lobelia and Shezar.

    Um wow they REALLY reset the difficulty, before the more times you won in DS the

    ridiculously harder it got.

    I think Justice resets that number, cause holy crap this fight was EASY on hard

    difficulty with Mia, who I suck with.


    Chapter 10

    The night before decisive battle:

    OMG Berio took off her stupid hat!

    Aw how nice they send you off with a "You're going alone against 10,000 enemies"


    GIGA in no way endorses underage drinking! Really!

    Wow, this is like the most ridiculously silly CG I have ever seen.

    I knew Mia and Lily couldn't share XD

    New word, buracon, opposite of sis complex has entered my vocabulary!

    "I bathe with him! So there!"

    Six drinks in a row, remember that alcohol poisoning is bad!

    Six uh...wow... something else in a row.

    You already have no morals godamn it, it's the point of no return fool!

    And so, with a hangover, the brave knight sets out...and meets his friend.

    FIGHT: Seru. Wow, does he even know you just knocked up the woman he loved?

    Anyway, he wants to join you, and since he likes to die in so many of the

    previous paths, you do the right thing and instead of sending home, offer to

    test him to let him tag along. Aren't you so nice -_-. Oh you meet Rubinasu.

    And you're STILL going with Downy. This bodes ill.


    Chapter 11

    the Labyrinth of Betrayal:


    FIGHT: Trash.

    However, holy crap you can use Downy or Seru along with Taiga?


    Downy has no supers though as of now.

    FIGHT: Trash. AHAHAHA Downy is godamn awesome.

    FIGHT: Just have fun using Downy.


    Hm...do we have a glimpse into the workings of Downy?

    I think we do...he had a sister, who's 'gone' now.

    Uh oh this is a problem.

    My understanding of the previous stories was so light around this part that I

    never knew why Myurieru tried to turn you all into stone, or why you fought her

    at all.

    And Downy jumps in front of you when you're about to get hit by a ghost =O, he

    also stops you from turning yourself into stone =O.


    FIGHT: Trash plus some golems. WOULD be hard, except well...not.

    Downy's too good.


    Well, THERE it is. What I was waiting for.

    Guess like he's a bastard after all.

    I have a bad feeling about Seru -_-a


    FIGHT: You and Seru vs Lobelia, Shezar, Mudou.

    Not hard at all on hard surprisingly.

    I used Seru for funnies.

    I told you they reset the difficulty counts!


    And of course Lobelia gets back up cause she's like Nanasi.

    Looks like the first destroy world White King was Robelia Reed, Downy's


    Surrender now, there are two reasons:

    First is Seru's under their physical control.

    Second is Mia is the white king (duh).

    Rubinasu protects your soul after you put on the armor and go insane.

    Poor Immunity.

    I think you manage to teleport Seru out of there with the last of Rubinasu's

    and your will.


    Chapter 12

    a Violent battle:

    FIGHT: Girls vs Trash. Interesting how you're the one who's kidnapped now =D

    FIGHT: Girls vs slightly harder trash. Kraken shows up.

    FIGHT: Girls vs slightly slightly harder trash. Bull shows up.

    All your weapons and Rico disappear ;_;

    And wow devastation is Rico path level, no half assed job here.


    Chapter 13

    the People who are not defeated.:

    Rubinasu has someone's memories =D =D =D


    Chapter 14

    a certain End:

    Will go back later with dictionary in hand, I just wanted to unlock things.


    Chapter 15

    Saigo no tatakai (final fight):

    FIGHT: God Mia, Seru, Myurieru vs Trash. Um holy crap take your pick of

    ownage here. I feel so bad for the manticores. Hard isn't even remotely hard,

    all three of them can wipe out teams solo without breaking a sweat.

    FIGHT: God Mia, Seru, Myurieru continue to rape random things in ridiculous


    FIGHT: Myurieru and Seru let Mia rest and beat the crap out of the enemies by


    FIGHT: Kaede vs Mudou. Give it your all de gozarou!

    Shouldn't be too hard, as Kaede's really good.


    Papillon comes in handy sometimes ne?

    FIGHT: Black Papillon???!!! vs Shezar.

    Holy crap thankfully it's not the god Shezar of 12+ walkthroughs.


    FIGHT: Berio vs Shezar.

    The main event, wall and sonic boom do the job.


    FIGHT: Seru and Myurieru vs undead trash. Mia's still resting =O.

    FIGHT: Nanasi vs Lobelia.

    And here I was DESPARATELY hoping that we'd get to use sword Nanasi.

    Ah well, win some lose some.

    FIGHT: Rubinasu vs Lobelia.

    Speak of the devil! Wahaha I love Rubinasu.

    Anyway, dB is extremely cheesy, combined with juB, you can have an army out

    doing moves and never be in danger.

    Rubinasu... ;_;

    FIGHT: Lily vs Downy.

    You know what to do here I hope. dA dB spam should take him out with little

    damage to yourself.

    Godamn it...Lily?

    The others had a chance to come back but godamn it. This is bleak.

    FIGHT: Seru and God Mia vs Savior Armor

    Mia's AB will RAPE completely here.

    FIGHT: Seru vs Downy.

    fB is all you need really.

    Oh godamn!

    Lily managed to break Dispaia in the last fight and Seru managed to win!

    Good job you two ;_;

    Haha, "That's Nanasi...I think?"

    FIGHT: Lily, Berio, Kaede, Nanasi vs Caterpillar God.

    OH NOES TEH WHORE IS BACK. And you don't have fB to help!

    Least you can beat the crap out of him with FOUR people.

    Anyway, I used Nanasi first time through, and wow uh, small hit box problems

    disappear when you have a move that hits from the ground with three allies.

    Her head hits at just the right height too when he's low on life.

    Anyway really easy XD. Saros would want to try a solo fight I'm not crazy.

    FIGHT: Taiga and God Mia vs Caterpillar God.

    Hahaha, either work, but use Mia for her AB spam to make the fight easier

    than it already is.

    FIGHT: God Taiga vs Butterfly God

    Oh geez you chased her to take her out permanently.

    Anyway, new sword, enchanced moves, now THIS is a boss fight I can godamn enjoy

    on hard.

    None of this stupid autoguard caterpillar 1 pixel hit box crap.

    Anyway uh, I just beat the crap out of her XD.

    Save here

    After the game ends, reload for the last CG.



    Last CG means only they from playing the story. You get 5 CG's after reaching level 200 in Survival :D

  15. Anyways ive just completed all routes of Duel savior justice and liked it pretty much. The fighting does get a bit boring after the first two playthroughs, and i kindof missed a "skip battles" button. Lilys route was the best IMO, while Mias route was the one i enjoyed the least


    Ill rate it 7 out of 10.. Would have given it 8 if it was possible to skip fights

    Haha, same opinion here. Finished Berio's route yesterday and now I'm playing Kaede's route. Ok, I skipped Berio's route because I don't like her, at least the text ... the battles are just annoying if you want to skip a route only for the harem route :D


    Man, I need to skip Nanashi's route too -_-

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