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Posts posted by Virsia

  1. - Implying (or rather, outright claiming) that VN's (translated, and so far) are not easy to read and understand, that is, very simple writing, is entirely dependant upon one's own reading level, literary knowledge and capabilities. As simple as that. To put it in D&D terms; when you're low to mid level you might think Charm, Stinking Cloud or Fireball to be superb spells, but when you've reached high levels and cast things like Chain Contingencies, Time Stops and Summon Planetars... not so much.


    - When it comes to things that don't have gameplay elements and are just what the name says 'visual novels' there cannot be any 'casual', 'skilled' or 'hardcore' categories discussion outside the fact that it just relates to the enjoyment levels of the genre, that is, how much do you like it and how much time do you spend on it. Basically it's just: "i like it more than you for i have tried them more than you (including the better written ones) so i'm a 'hardcore' vn reader while you are a 'casual' one".


    - Now, when it comes to things that do have gameplay mechanics, yes, i agree on the usage of the aforementioned categories as they relate to the effort involved in both dominating and understanding such gameplay elements to a high degree of competency or mastery... But, as this seems like quite the niche, i don't see much in the way of mainstreaming 'streamlining' dumbing down seen in other gaming genres happening here.


    i think he/she implying to relativity theory? basically everything will became different value on different standpoint


    and gerard that one is an overkill

  2. you may refer to this??


    Brave Soul has party rpg battle system it's old school though this one offers variety of dungeons and quest and you will get H scene too.


    Princess Waltz has that sort card battle system the story are pretty interesting not to mention cat battle!! (H game)


    Pretty Soldier ad 2048 is a turn based rpg if you like tentacle whis one might be your fancy and there is wide variety of girls to conquer from mele fighter to sniper, from the soldier who fought on the front line to your communication officer.


    lightning warrior raidy is rpg ( you lvlup as you encounter enemies ) thats monster will show up in cutie girl form and wide variety of them from wraith, ghost, Minotaur even to succubus and harras them sexually if you won the battle.


    gadget trial is turn based rpg (no h scene) but if you want something that basically time wasting this one is worth taking, the battle will take long to finish like 2-3 hours especially on first play.


    piece of wonder, this one like gadget trial, this one is turn based rpg too, this one pretty hard since you cant drag the battle out for too long there will be variety girls to conquer too but no H scene.


    eien no aselia another turn based vn, good storyline, and there is plenty girl to conquer, can be considered time wasting coz the battle will take long to finish especially on the first play, and try to beat it not in just hard difficulty but super hard too.


    if you interested in suspense VN:


    yo jin bo will come to your fancy in this title you will act as a feudal princess fleeing from your castle you will have samurai, soldier, ninja chasing after you, and you can only rellies on your yo jin bo (bodyguard) to stay alive, and maybe getting one happily ever after ending yourself, its not have battle system but your choice will affect your survival rate.


    chain (you will act as a private detective investigating a case) you will go to place no one dare to set foot into, encounter allies and enemies in the way, and uncover hidden secret and foul plot.


    soul link (sci fi based vn which takes place on outer space) you will act as a student at outer space academy on faraway military satellite one day bad things happen as the thing unfold will you survive with your life and your loved one or sacrificing yourself in the way i dunno it's up to you.


    i dunno bout rance or else since i never play them before, but i'll have them line up

  3. When I play VNs, I usually just throw all logic out the window and engross myself with the particular setting that is presented. Almost all VNs that I've played have some type of unrealistic setting.


    agreed with that, most vn display unrealistic life, accurate perfect timing, and damn lucky shit. if you gonna compare it's not that different from reading harry potter or agatha cristine novel, thats why i played it on night, it help me fill my own private time, the only time i can get lost in my own way.


    i bet we all want an adventure thats why we read vn on the first place or maybe we just want a good bedtime story, but whatever the reason is, i think the best way is just accept it and enjoy it

  4. well this one old one dude, i think there is no map for dungeon, but the dungeon is not that hard to finish, mostly just follow where you find monster and eventually you will encounter dungeon boss.


    brave soul has party battle consist of 3 character first one is you, the dragon pet of yours and one female companion you encounter on your journey, basically when one girl leave you will get another replacement, its not like you will get harem of girl at your party, its not work that way.


    As for other girl.....

    i'm kinda forget the names but the first time and actually you already has a girl that stay with you all the time which is


    your pet dragon, she actually a girl



    she's secret ending you need to finish game once.


    The girls, like other VN has their good and bad side, and what they like and dislike so in order to obtain their ending, basically you just need to keep one girl stay on your party long enough to gain her affection.

    How to make her stay on your side???? just dont pick something that make her leave you.


    other note:

    for fast clear dungeons, get one of that rapid slash sword (forget the names) and use it to grind your lvl, it will be walk in the park.

    to clear secret ending you need to clear secret dungeon. this one bit hard than the rest of the dungeons beside the final boss dungeon, and i think it's only here you will get that rapid slash sword.


    good luck with that

  5. today i nailed dc with full completion, err bout the review, i think all story are good whichever heroine you choose, but i like sakura and nemu above all, the next best heroine would be miharu, about kotori i think it's better on DC inocent finale or in kotori love exp rather on DC, this one takes long to beat, hmm i think i need one week to actually beat this one asumming i played at night with 4 to 6 hours a day this one need at least 33-36 hour completion i dont know the exact time lol


    now onto next project Yume Miru Kusuri



  6. well most of my 1st and second and third was pretty much HARD copy,like CD or Floppy Disk. just thinking back there when going to games store and pick it from the rack...... ahh hell i dont really care, it's just the same when you bought some fancy magazine like FHM or Liberty, in the end the guy who own the shop get to know my face, and since then when new "stock" arrive he always save me some btw sometime i get discount too like buy 3 get one free, thats good since as a student i'm broke....


    but mostly right now i'm just get it from internet, but sometime i'm still buying from my agent

  7. DC IF was frustrating because it barely even was about Kotori...


    ...and much more about the MC coping with Nemu's death. And since I personally never liked Nemu, that made it even more infuriating.


    nemu is one of my favorite heroine beside sakura it's frustating.......

    spoiler about dc if inside open at your own risk!!!



    well the beginning not about kotori I agreed. and there is only one way to prevent her death, which is get nemu's end. btw there is something even more confusing than that, its when kotori and jun'ichi get married nemu on wheelchair??? with sakura???



    talk about killing the mood...........

  8. The hero ussualy depicted as sore loser, more like jackass rather than badass, selfish, airhead, weakling and annoyingly dense character, combine that with horrible family background like one and only child having step sister, his parents was to busy to care bout him/work overseas or simply an orphan, he eats ramen all day or other junk food unless when the story unfold when he's finally got himself a girlfriend, the only good impression of the hero ussualy because he's kind hearted, pure, and so damned lucky person.


    i'll vote for Kaoru sakurazuka (X-change alternative)

    and chriss northfield (princess waltz) judging from her personality i think shes count as tsundere

  9. It makes no sense to avoid f/sn's bad ends though, they were so freakin enjoyable.


    well i certainly dun know fate stay night that much but i think thats the whole point there is bad endings, especially for us the fans of vn,

    well just try to imagine or recall that moment (if you have any) when you can say "finally, i get it" when you finally get your good ending or even true ending without someone tip you off.


    "believe me all of that night.... that time..... that frustration and all effort you put into it will be rewarded"

  10. Well, I would suggest that you download and finish YMK as soon as possible.


    It's worth doing that just to finish Aeka route properly.


    okay i'll put it on top priorities, i'll put duel savior on pending then. since i certainly must thank phantasm for reminding me, that one sure refreshing my memories.


    man i'm getting exited


    and for this "one night stand" thing feel free to use it ;)


    YMK part 1 ...... 5%

  11. You don't like yume miru kusuri.:confused:

    I think it is the best VN among all the VNs you mentioned aside from kana little sister and kanon.


    it's not like that...... well sorry if this count as spoiler.

    from what i read at the back of dvd and my playing experience, it actually count as one of the best, judging it has great artwork, the overall story i played also good, but unfortunately the dvd i brought has some corrupted data so from 3 heroine i only able to get past trough 1 heroine which is aeka, somehow the game let me save the data but it wont load for some reason (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻□

    I already try to re-install it twice but no luck, so i decided to do one night stand run in order to beat one story plot, with no save at all, but the odds is against me, it also broken in the middle i think it's in on a scene which aeka being bullied at the rooftop while the protagonist out getting food at the school cafetaria. which is frustating.............


    for the note: i'm still putting it on my download list and honestly i'm still curious what will happen next

  12. let me tell you guys on how i get this VN virus, it's from my sister.......

    it's long ago when i'm still pure ( ikr you want to puke, but all children used to be pure) the day when i likes watching hamtaro and doraemon on sunday morning, i stumble upon pandora box called pc, this pandora box belong to my sister, well this pandora box has the game i like to play (tetris), but for some reason that day i dun feel like playing it, why.....??, coz there is something else interesting at the monitor, the icon seems cute and eyecatching, it's calling me and urge me to click it, and somehow the door that should be closed now has been open, the wall that should be there instantly crumble well thats how its start and since that day i know there is something called VN in this world


    there maybe not much ppl who interested in this game, but still it worth a try........ if there is a prospect to pass the VN illness i think i will try, but there is only one group of people i wont share this, that group is....... my parents..... it will be raining molten lava from sky before i told them

  13. just to be blunt i hate male char who know everything about me, sounds like my older bro to me gah i hate him..........


    you know for all this game i surely hoping there will be harem ending, why?? coz everyone will be happy, you get me and i get you, and you wont do suicidal and crazy thing coz ussualy when you reject them something bad will happen, like a sudden accident, or she will go dying by sickness and making suicide, and the most annoying part is she will be back to kill you, well i have good heart you know, i cant just leave when someone is having a bad time, it's just not my style, even if it just inside a story like visual novel, my inner voice say "man you're so damn low leaving it at that", i dun see any wrong in harem in fact it's common thing in my country to have more than one wife (well lucky me), my family aint that different, even my dad has 4 wife and each bear at least 2 children, and it's not weird to marry your step brother or sister (you may call them cousin love or sister love) as long they not from the same mother as yourself as long that you swear in front of priest, even until i white this reply there is no law in this country that forbid this polygamic behavior, i think screw with legal stuff i'd say you can bribe the civil administration to make falsified birth certificate or something, there is no stopping it in love even if you fighting the rest of the world, and of course there is also people who only has one wife.


    but really girls are like food, can't live without em, maybe sometime it's sweet, sour, taste weird, spicy, juicy, plain or really make you want to puke,

    but different tongue different taste, cant blame u from hating one.... lol


    i've been dating lolis before they sure are childish and energetic, most of time they want to get spoiled over and over again, always joking around, but when the time come they can be real deal too, and guess what lolis will eventually get rid of their flat chest, and became mature woman.

    as for sisterlove or cousinlove, personally with family this large it's almost unavoidable to get rude awakening, i'm not a morning person anyway no hard feeling over that, and also i've seen some of my friends, they look happy so i guess it wont be a problem. a tsundere is rare one but i think they're cute in their own way.


    i never see yandere or yuri in real except in anime, manga, or vn i'm sure curious to find out.


    For me all girls welcome, i never really hate them maybe sometime i get irritated but NEVER hate them

  14. well there sure lots fate stay night fans around, but never read it my self so i guess i'll put it to my must download list.


    so far i've finish:

    to heart(my 1st VN ah~~ remember good old days), kanon (search true ending was hell), Kana little sister (this one is full of tragedy, tears and sadness), Brave soul , critical point, Private nurse (most likely duel), little my maid, figure of happiness series , heart da roommate, piece of wonder, yo jin bo (after get killed many times), chain, virgin rooster (i'm bad), discipline (totally bad) , bible black ( supreme bad), do you llike horny bunnies series, lets meow meow (suprisingly not just catgirl inside), bazooka cafe (big breast with chocolate, who can say no), come to see me tonight, snowdrop (talk about playing hard to get), snow sakura (truelove story), princess waltz (intense battle with good artwork), sagara family, yin yang 1-3, x-change alternative , yume miru kusuri , gadget trial.


    and the winner is:

    the most interesting true love story: snow sakura

    the craziest sex scene: bible black

    tear frenzy VN: kana little sister

    the most intense: princess waltz


    sorry i cant really think which one the best lol

  15. well that would be gadged trial, in case you dun know it's like all ages visual novel mixed with turn based battle, and since it's all ages it has no H scenes, but still pretty interesting.


    to sum it all it's about android which has human heart the rest you can google it i dun want to spoil the fun outa you, if you happens to be interested.


    next project will be da capo which i'm pretty sure will be epic (at least from the synopsis) :D

  16. well i dun like to rush thing o i play reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaly slow

    since not much english version of this thing


    now struggling with da capo (to get 100% complete)

    now downloading duel savior still long way till complete thx to my sluggish connection


    well i know how to speak japanese yet i dun know how to read kanji/katakana/hiragana

    so "it's pain in the neck" quote from you know who :p


    I prefer true love, romance and twist around story not really much fans of guro and rape type genre but sometime.......

    well you know it happens........ lol

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