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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Is there a reason why this VN is not translated?
  2. Shaun

    I found a torrent for it but thanks anyways. I deleted the post because I found a torrent for it.

  3. Shaun


    Is there a torrent available for this? I hate that hosting site this VN and all others are being uploaded to.
  4. Yes it will work after you apply the patch.
  5. I don't plan on ever getting Windows 8 as it is the worst OS to date. I think this Visual Novel just does not originally like 64-bit OS's as Its been well over a year since I got 7 64-bit and the last time I played this VN was when I had XP 32-bit.
  6. That patch also works under Windows 7 64-bit.
  7. None of those links help with my question, in Yuma Lake, Lake Passage stage "Bonus 3 Enter Marsh 3 times" I have no idea what that means does anyone else have an idea? Image: http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb426/MegaManZXAdvant/KamidoriAlchemyMeisterLakePassage.jpg Any help would be great. Derp of course it was a simple answer Marsh as in those trap like spots.
  8. Shaun

    Fate/Stay Night

    Thank you, that answered my question.
  9. Shaun

    Little Busters!

    That Eroge Torrent does not contain the Crack Folder required to play Little Busters!.
  10. Shaun

    Fate/Stay Night

    Sorry, I did not mean for that to sound rude or anything.
  11. Shaun

    Fate/Stay Night

    I already know that now since yesterday.
  12. Shaun

    Fate/Stay Night

    Yeah maybe something like that, it might be a good idea to ask Ivan about this then. Note: I opened "Reply with Quote" in another tab then copied that and pasted it into a normal reply here that seems to work fine but if I directly quote someone with "Reply with Quote" I get that odd message and the post never gets posted.
  13. Shaun

    Wanko to Kurasou

    I have to say after just finishing this VN (even though I did not unlock all the CG’s & scenes which means I will need to play through it again to do so) it is a very nice story and a Emotional Roller coaster to put it bluntly I’ve never experienced this kind of emotion this strongly in anything before and I am being honest here, sure there was H-Scenes but it was not like what you normally see in a Hentai VN or Animation (I would not even classify this VN has Hentai to begin with) and I will just leave it at that since I don’t want to spoil this fine VN for anyone.
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