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About Amedaius

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    Junior Member
  1. There are choices during the VN portion of the game and also specific units (they have a heart symbol) you fight with your selected heroine during the battle portions, but the biggest impact I've found so far is a specific event midway through the story. I reloaded the save and picked different options and it seemed to branch off and give me routes of characters I had never even grouped with before based on those choices. (2 sets of 3 choices over consecutive days). I am still doing my first playthrough though, so whether those heart units have a big impact later on I can't say.
  2. (Spoiler alert) Yuri rape is the first sex scene in the game actually lol.
  3. Sort of, a character from Aselia does join your party. That being said, not playing Aselia just means you miss out on some of the references involving her skills and dialogue.
  4. That's nonsense. JAST didn't censor anything at all. They use an all-ages port of the game that was adapted by the company itself (Xuse). I definitely agree with the dubbing comment (there are a very few exceptions where the dubbing was done exceptionally well), but given the choice to (legally) play Aselia in English censored or not at all, I choose the former. The game itself doesn't really lose anything, unlike other H titles that have been censored. You have to remember that scenes in the original Aselia release was WAY over the line of what US laws would allow. Not market. LAW. Raping
  5. To be fair, the version that they used for translation WAS the one with the added routes/content and improved graphics. The PS2 port had some routes added when they made it 12+, and that version also later got released on PC, which is what they used for the officially licensed US release and is the same as the game downloadable from erogegames. So he wasn't wrong in what he said. Tokimi's and Ryouko's routes weren't available in the original release. See: Aselia the Eternal Is JAST USA's Attempt At Non-Adult Games | Siliconera
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