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Status Updates posted by desi

  1. Okay. I shall bestow upon myself both Umineko and Higurashi... after clearing my backlog :( Have no fear.. for I shall read them!

  2. OMA, you turned my joke into a serious response :*(

  3. OMA, you're finishing VNs and not even telling me? What the shit, man? I thought we had something special.


    j/k.. how did you like Cartagra?

  4. oo enjoy, yes I really liked it a lot. Her hair will grow back (this might or might not be a lie). The protag I guess might seem a bit stoic but I thought he worked well for the story. I also finished evangelion about a week back, one of the classics I guess. I'm going to say a "common" criticism which I know that you hate is that he main protag is a wimp.. BUT... I wouldn't call him that and there are legitimate reasons as to why.. anyway, it's more about a character study anime than a full on mecha anime.

  5. Oops :p I'll have to work ~60 hours from January 15th to April 15th. The one week or two at most is for the commute. I got an apartment that is only 3 minutes away from work, but i'll still have to do the long commute for the week or two that I work 60 hours since the apartment got delayed.

  6. Pretty sure it's Colgate.

  7. Quartett. Didn't play the other one.

  8. desi

    Right, but the two routes were from the expansion, correct? So they wouldn't be in the 18+ standalone version. I agree with you on the censorship issue... I hate it as much as the next guy... but here is their official statement - "The decision to release an expanded, non-adult version of Aselia came about as the result of JAST going through the game with original developer, Xuse. The two concluded upon watching certain adult scenes that they would need to be altered for the U.S. market, and preferred to release the expanded all-ages version instead of an edited adult release." I don't believe the translators didn't decide to not have it because it didn't add to the story(even though I feel most h-scenes really don't add to the story).

  9. San <3 Finished the movie, it was great. Heavy symbolism and just a good story overall.

  10. shit OMA, long time no chat. What's going on.

  11. Sir, you have convinced me to play Higurashi soon. GOOD DAY.

  12. so a decent one after a great VN. I'll keep it in mind after Rewrite.

  13. So far, in terms of presentation, Quartett is very nice. Story is very meh though. Period has a better story, but presentation is more on the "normal" side.

  14. So the show is still going on but the movie's romance is pretty conclusive? I wonder how that works out. Speaking of nostalgia and watching shows as a kid, I was hyped for a Digimon show since I loved the show as a kid. Obviously sometimes we have the nostalgia glasses on and watching things as a kid was much more entertaining since we didn't focus as much on criticism like you sort of said.. but now I guess they will have it out as separate movies and it will take forever for them to come out.

  15. So, how is Rome Total War treating you? Heard a lot of criticism about it being unfinished/having a lot of bugs.

  16. Sorry OMA, i'm just too popular. Should have enough space now though. And interesting review about that, was it a "conclusive" romance or did it just sort of end ambiguously? Speaking of which, I remember when I needed romance to watch anime. We all evolve.

  17. Sorry, never got back to you! Things have been busy. I am married and have a daughter now so.. really busy haha. I want to start getting a little bit more active again :) Watching anime but probably won't start reading VNs again for a little while :)

  18. Sounds like you got some connections O: Also, I started a new job this past monday. There goes a lot of my free time.

  19. Sucks about no voices, but oh well. Did you get the game from here or somewhere else?

  20. Sumika <3


    Thanks harle! <3

  21. desi

    Sure thing.

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