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About Wahfuu

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    Junior Member
  1. Hmm, haven't finished one in awhile. Rewrites quickly becoming my second favorite product by Key though. I was expecting all the shounen shenanigans to annoy me far more then it actually does. Doesn't bother me at all, actually. Last one that actually made it through the abyss that is my gigantic backlog was Hoshizora, though. Gotta be my favorite showcase of running-gag humor I've seen. Some routes are better then others though. Decent storytelling though and one or two memorable characters, so it gets a pass.
  2. MVA, despite it's ungodly pacing problems. The political intrigue, three games of character building all climaxing and even the psuedo-science was all amazing. Some of the best production value I've ever seen. Go as far as to say some of the best japanese media ever.
  3. I don't think an opinion would hurt anyones feelings. Just know that your opinion is subject to being as wrong as everyone elses. Of course, simply talking on a forum won't change anything. I'm not even wishing for all H to be abolished in all story driven VN's, either. I just wish it was more then just fan-service. It's not impossible to make sex relevant or meaningful in a story. I just encourage people I know/talk with to get hard-copies of the really great VN's that deserve the money for the experience. If they can afford them, obviously. That's a different matter. What? What could
  4. As I said, I don't blame the buisnesses for actually selling it. I can't. It's easy money and we apparently are eager to foam at the mouth in order to see pictures moan at us. However, it's the community that decides what content we get, not the companies. Whatever sells, we get more of. And thats Nukige. No, all-ages can't possibly sell more. There aren't enough people who care or pay attention to quality of writing or flow of a visual novel to warrant taking out an H-Scene despite how bad or abtrusive it is. It will almost always sell more if it has H in it. The only thing I can think of is
  5. Yo. Author of that here. You're right in the sense that I didn't really talk about how H-Scenes in story-VN's really work, as it wasn't part of the article, really. I did briefly touch up-on how I feel about Nukige's themselves, but never really decided to say if they really interfered with the flow of the story or not. I probably should have explained if it relates or not. Sorry about that. Anyways. The very notion that VN's need H is incredibly absurd. Very rarely do you find H in visual novels that partains to anything besides fan-service. G-Senjou no Maou's attrocious butchering
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