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Posts posted by sanahtlig

  1. It has been brought to my attention that Erogedownload has released a censored version of Shiny Days. Fans are greatly disappointed by this decision. In addition, the game was released with countless bugs and after 2 weeks almost nothing has been done about them.


    Fans will not stand for this butchery, Erogedownload. Either shape up and release pirated games as they were originally meant to be enjoyed, or we'll take our business elsewhere.

  2. Yes, please support this game if you're interested in it. I would recommend playing School Days HQ first. Also be aware that JAST has censored the loli H-scenes in Shiny Days, and we're still waiting for them to release an (un)official patch to restore the cut content.


    You can read my article if you're interested in the full details of the censorship and a very comprehensive discussion of the implications.


    Why I endorse JAST’s censorship of Shiny Days

  3. The most active translators involved with the Rance series (Arunaru and Tulip Goddess Maria) have been hired by Mangagamer. Many fan translators start their projects to bring attention to certain titles or companies, in hopes of an official release someday. It's highly frowned upon in the community to start or continue work on a fan translation when the Japanese company has shown an interest in English releases.


    Some notable examples of groups who defied this rule-of-thumb:

    1) Aaeru of Fuwanovel (Da capo 3): Ended up C&D'd by Circus, widely criticized by the community, and disappeared without a trace 6 months later

    2) Amaterasu Translations (MuvLuv Alternative): Caused a huge stir when negotiations with AGE fell through and they released their patch without AGE's consent, delaying AGE from releasing their products in English for almost 5 years. Kimi ga Nozomu Eien was to be AGE's first English release.

    3) TLwiki: They appear to have some sort of under-the-table agreement with Nitroplus to release fan translations of works Nitroplus isn't interested in releasing in English (e.g., DraKoi).

  4. Mangagamer partners with Alicesoft to prevent the Rance series from being released in English


    Preview (hyperlinks disabled):


    This year's Anime Expo is over, and the news is in: Mangagamer has partnered with Alicesoft, bringing an end to a Golden Age of Alicesoft translations that included Daibanchou! Big Bang Age, Toushin Toushi I and II, Rance 01-04, Kichikuou Rance, Sengoku Rance, as well as several lesser known titles.


    To stake their territory, Mangagamer has announced Beat Blades Haruka, a relatively unknown nukige with gameplay elements. The story centers on a delinquent ninja who grants superpowers to female heroines with the power of his dick. Players will need all the milky liquid they can muster to face down the Evil Organization which terrorizes the city, culminating in Power Rangers-like confrontations with each Monster of the Week. The gameplay itself utilizes a complex stat-based system with the success of actions determined by random dice rolls, making the system difficult to get into yet easy to master. Upon victory nothing particularly interesting happens, while defeat is rewarded with gratuitous and highly varied rape scenes, which are the game's main selling point.


    Note that this article is satire (some readers never caught on to that). I made a (real) info thread for the game here.

  5. I follow up yesterday's tweet to Debonosu with an appeal to fans of gameplay eroge and opponents of senseless censorship.


    Tell Debonosu you want the uncut version of Kagura Douchuuki


    For those who are opposed to Steam censorship of this title, here's what you can do.


    Go to Debonosu's twitter account (@debonosu) and tweet this message:


    I am opposed to censorship. Please give us the 18+ version (in English)!


    If enough fans speak up, they might listen and also release the original 18+ version in partnership with an eroge publisher like Sekai Project, Mangagamer, or JAST USA.

  6. http://i.imgur.com/0J6Ayw7.jpg

    Steam Greenlight page


    Official Japanese site (NSFW)


    With little fanfare ero-RPG developer Debonosu has unleashed its rogue-like RPG Kagura Douchuuki on Steam Greenlight. Originally released in 2009, Kagura Douchuuki was Debo no Su Seisakusho's first title after rising from the ashes of Studio e.go!. Fans of fan-translated RPGs Castle Fantasia 2 Renewal and Men at Work 2 will recognize the bewitching art of Kazue Yamamoto. Originally released as an eroge, Debonosu also released a non-adult version with erotic content removed, which presumably is the version being offered on Greenlight. According to rumor, the game will be localized by Sekai Project, which has also worked on the Fruit of Grisaia, Clannad, and Neko Para. Sekai Project has yet to confirm these rumors, and it's not clear whether there are plans for a release of the adult version. The Steam page appears to be a Debonosu initiative, as the one-line "announcement" is in broken English, and the description is posted in both Japanese and (well-translated) English.


    Read more here:

    Rogue-like H-RPG Kagura Douchuuki hits Steam Greenlight + First Impression


    This is headline news for gameplay eroge in English, even if Debonosu isn't my favorite developer. Raidy fans should find a lot to like, assuming Debonosu wakes up and releases the ero-version as well.

  7. I made a character on Goblin during the Open Beta. Sadly I don't have Early Access.


    I suspect it's going to be really difficult to gather players on a particular world. SE is being very anal about balancing population; they close off worlds for character creation very quickly. I created a character on Goblin Saturday afternoon, and by Sunday evening Goblin was already closed for character creation. They don't have a gauge for current population status, so you can't even tell which worlds are currently low or high population.

  8. Why must it be hard for me? I have the patience to wait for some crackies. My earlier quote (you seem to have a lot of free time if you dig up some of my ancient posts) was proven wrong, as it seems as there are many persons who can't wait for two weeks and MG makes the most sales in this period (Ivan mentioned this once).

    For those interested in the original source, I managed to preserve the quote from a Mangagamer representative before it was lost in the Great Mangagamer Forum Crash of 2013:

    Basically, most games our games have a long-tail rate of sales per day, which is measurable on one-hand (sometimes this applies per week, not per day). When a crack is released, the rate of sales immediately plummets to this base long-tail rate of sales. Granted, the rate of sales naturally decreases after release, and fairly rapidly too. So, if a crack is released a month or two after the initial release (depending on the starting popularity of the game), when it's already entered this long-tail naturally, the impact is minimal. But when the crack is released during the first week when the rate of sales are at their highest? It can easily kill a game, and make sequels and expansions of that franchise unfeasible.


    That's part of why Boob Wars did so extremely well for us upon its release--since it took so long for a crack to be completed, it was actually able to enjoy its normal and natural period of sales for the most part, rather than being prematurely plucked like almost every other title. This is why you'll see Doddler and other members of our staff asking people to at least wait before releasing a crack--those first two weeks make a tremendous difference.

  9. JAST just released a major website update, including a free trial of the entire first chapter (!), an image gallery, a prominently displayed official OP (sadly without subtitles), the manual (which discusses the gameplay mechanics), and system requirements. The website layout is completely redesigned: visually it's very appealing. The system section is still under construction.


    The free trial includes the entire first chapter of the game, clocking in at a whopping 1.4GB. The website is really looking good now; I recommend that everyone interested in the game check it out. The manual provides some new details on the combat system.

    Yumina the Ethereal - Official Website by JAST USA


    The new release date is August 30th.

  10. Mangagamer is requesting feedback / suggestions for its Affilates program: How Mangagamer can improve their Affiliate Program


    Guys, I need some ideas and brain storming on how we can improve our affiliate program.


    From our past experiences, traditional web and magazine ads that we paid for didn't work well,

    but there should still be a high potential with the case of affiliates, where we pay out if and only a customer makes a purchase.

    Ideally, if the affiliates are able to make good profit off of our site,

    then our site should have enough sales to keep ourselves afloat,

    and we should be able to show developers the numbers to negotiate for even bigger titles.


    If you have your own website/blog, what kind of affiliate system would you like?


    We are currently offering 10% of the sales made from the customers' last shopping cart purchase,

    who came to our site from an affiliate link, and that cookie lasts for about a week.

    I don't think the rate's that bad, but our current system where you have to copy and paste links,

    and download banners individually might be limiting the use.


    Join the discussion or post here and I'll relay the suggestions. Erogedownload is a major user so I figured people here (particularly administrators and moderators) would be a useful source for suggestions.

  11. There's two Japanese demos for the game. For some reason I can't fathom JAST doesn't appear to have plans to translate either of them. One of them is a combat trial, the other is the entire first chapter of the game. With the translated scripts in hand and the engine already hacked, I'd think translating either of them would be a simple task. If there's enough interest, I could play through the combat trial in Japanese and try to explain the system.

  12. Nice try, Jast employee.



    Just kidding.. does Jast even have any employees?



    Have been looking forward to this. Not sure if i'll purchase it yet or not, though.

    I think JAST has one full-time employee. And it's not me. That employee is now on vacation, so there's no left to let anyone know about the gem that JAST is just allowing to slip through their fingers. It amazes me they aren't trying to market this to the wider niche JRPG audience. People bought Agarest War in droves just because of the porny marketing. Now JAST actually has a game that can walk the walk as well as talk to talk, but...

  13. JAST likes to be cheap. But they also like leverage. A fan translation in progress is leverage they can use in negotiations with developers. It shows 1) There's interest in the game, and 2) If the developer doesn't act quick, they'll lose much of the market for the game. It's like killing two birds with one stone. You get fan translators who will work for slave wages or nothing, and you get a better bargaining position (which could reduce licensing costs or make a license that wasn't otherwise possible, possible).


    That said, working with fan translators has its disadvantages. They tend to be egotistical and unreliable; not really great traits in potential employees.

  14. http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af298/Dark_Shiki/1424.jpg




    After 3 years in the making, JAST USA is finally ready to release Eternal-Will's popular adult visual novel RPG Yumina the Ethereal. This will be the highest profile ecchi RPG to ever be officially released in English. It's highly rated on both VNDB (8.3/10; #5 ranked in untranslated RPGs) and Erogamescape (80/100), and is particularly praised for its strong gameplay melded with moe romantic comedy and sci-fi themes. The game was developed by members of the same team that worked on the popular titles Aselia the Eternal (released) and Seinarukana (also being worked on by JAST).


    Recommended audience

    Do you like gameplay with your VNs? Are you a fan of games like Aselia the Eternal, Duel Savior, Kamidori Alchemy Meister, and Sengoku Rance? This may be the game for you!


    Why you should buy this

    To support more English releases of excellent gameplay VNs. These tend to be ignored by the fan translation community (in part because of the technical challenges), so supporting official releases is important if you want to see more.



    "The Student Council Election is your only hope. Fight, win, and change your destiny!"


    Midorishita Yumina is a junior at the prestigious Jinbu Academy. Far from being a model student, Yumina skirts the precarious line between barely passing and failing hard. One day, a young man named Akashima Ayumu transfers into her class. Ayumu claims to have been sent by his father, an eccentric and possibly delusional man who ordered Ayumu to find and protect Yumina, whom he believes will one day save the universe.


    Ayumu and Yumina are at odds from the moment they first meet. They bicker endlessly, day after day, until finally Yumina goes too far and starts a fight just before a critical test. Her failure dooms her to repeat the year.


    But just when it seems all hope is lost, a mysterious girl named Kurokawa Kirara appears and invites Yumina to run for Student Council President.


    According to Kirara, whoever wins an Election War and becomes President will have the power to change any school rule he or she likes. Realizing that this is her only hope of becoming a senior, Yumina agrees to join the race, and drags Ayumu along for the ride!


    Thus begins an epic tale of love and friendship in which youthful passions run high and debates shake the foundation of the heavens.


    Who will emerge victorious!?


    Free trial

    JAST has released a playable demo which includes the entire first chapter of the game, including story segments and combat.


    Release date and availability

    Yumina the Ethereal is scheduled for release August 30th, and is available in hard copy or digital format through JAST, J-List, and RightStuf.


    Sci-fi OP

    Official site

    Gameplay overview

    Free trial (includes the entire first chapter of the game)


    User review

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