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Posts posted by sanahtlig

  1. I usually order from RightStuf. JAST/J-List is, well, slow at everything they do. I got sick of them.


    Of the titles you listed, I'd recommend Kana and Demonbane. Osadai bored me. I found Shuffle superior to Osadai in the plot department.


    With Demonbane, it's pointless to complain about what could've been. As it stands, it's a long high quality title from a developer recognized for excellence.


    If you like more plot-focused sci-fi / action games, I actually liked Soul Link quite a bit.


    Saya no Uta is fantastic. Recommended to everyone.


    Don't buy If My Heart Had Wings. They censored the hell out of it to appeal to 12-year-old French girls. Raise the skull and crossbones for this one.

  2. Oh ... My ... God! Please direct that praise at someone more deserving.


    All my posts are ctrl C, ctrl V'd straight from my anus.


    But thanks for the welcome... Even though I joined last year *grrr*

    I like you. Even though I disagree with you. Stick around, this thread (and this forum) needs more people like you.

  3. You're going to have to help me out here. I've heard this quote thrown around (although sometimes it's '13 year old French girl' or even '14 year old French girl') but I can't find the original interview it came from.

    I did hyperlink the interview that quote came from (click the "this").

    While its actions alone are enough to raise ire, MoeNovel has added fuel to the fire with careless quips like this:


    Your other concerns have been addressed by the posters above me. The example gallery I linked (for translation errors) was compiled from the release version.

  4. All this talk of targeting teen girls is delusional. They're actually targeting the moral majority. And they know it (I hope). But "we want people of all ages to play our games" sounds much better than "we want people that stigmatize creepy Japanese porn to play our games". Their overzealous censorship can be likened to a homosexual denying his inclination--simply toning it down won't cut it, as there's still the lingering fear of being ostracized.

  5. There are Vietnamese VN fans (Anime Share seems to be crawling with them). It is...possible...that this game spread like a meme over there in a short period of time. It's also probable that even if this was true, those 16k likes would translate to less than 1k sales. Porn is illegal over there, and since that's the case they'd probably have fewer qualms with censorship...and might even appreciate it.

  6. Does anyone else find it odd that Moenovel's facebook page has gotten 15,000 likes in the past 10 days or so? They had very few before that point.

    If that 16,000 likes translates to 16,000 sales, that should blow sales of any eroge to date out of the water. MoeNovel (and other Japanese eroge companies) could very well come out of this with the message that censorship = more sales.

  7. Keep in mind you're responding to a tech advice request from months ago, and the OP has probably already made his purchase. On top of that, the advice has already been rendered obsolete by new releases.


    For home use, I heavily lean towards Intel processors. Core for core, they're faster than AMD processors, and most CPU-intensive tasks that a home user would do (such as gaming) don't multithread well (which is necessary to take advantage of multiple cores). For such tasks, you won't see a difference between 4 and 8 cores, so the faster clock rate per core wins (choosing between a fast 2-core processor and a slower 4-core processor would be more challenging). In addition, Intel processors are more energy efficient, so you'll save money on energy bills in the long run.

  8. I have one directory for uninstalled games, and another directory for installed games. I tend not to uninstall games these days (I have a lot of free space), but over the years I've lost games to hard drive issues and Windows reinstalls; I also used to have limited HDD space so I'd periodically get rid of games I was done with. As I rarely go back to games I've played in the past, I'm not too broken up about these losses. Kind of wish I still had my Seinarukana saved game though...


    I use VNDB to comprehensively track all of the titles I've played: http://vndb.org/u20137/list?c=all;v=0;t=-1;o=d;s=vote

  9. I played a little bit of Eien no Aselia's evil route. The drop in quality in those scenes was pretty noticeable, like they were added at the last moment or largely ignored. Suddenly you just start raping characters that were never even introduced. I don't miss the evil route, but the removal of the ero apparently led to some holes. I played the original 18+ version and discussed some of the ero scenes with people who played the all-ages version. They were surprised by some of the plot elements they'd missed.

  10. Machine translation? is that some kind of program

    You can use a text hooker (e.g., ITH) to hook the Japanese text from a game, then translate that text using Atlas or Google Translate or whatever tool you want to use. That's how I played Ikusa Megami Zero (another Eushully game, and my favorite VN of all time). You can do the same with Gears of Dragoon. It's not ideal, but after some adjustment you can play through entire games and get fairly good comprehension, even with little or no knowledge of Japanese.


    Or you can just wait for Yumina the Ethereal. Should be coming out in a month or so.

  11. Ikusa Megami Zero. Eushully's crown jewel, it's an epic tale of a man that became a goddess. The setting is very detailed, the journey through the story is full of twists and turns, and the gameplay is solid and adds to the narrative rather than distracting from it. Ikusa Megami Zero shows that gameplay-heavy VNs don't have to skimp on story.

  12. Interestingly, the game seems to be gathering hype on Play-Asia.


    It's currently #2 in PC sales, right below Dark Souls.

    Buy Games/PC


    They have several marketing articles for the game.



    PC [Japanese Animated Visual Novel]


    "If My Heart Had Wings" is an acclaimed and award-winning Japanese Visual Novel claiming the title for best of its kind in Japan last year. Receiving high praise for it's approach on the stories of youth and it's focus on the invisible concepts of connections and unspoken bonds, Japanese fans have found themselves completely enamored and spirited away. As well, thanks to the game's quality visuals, music, backgrounds and multiple scenarios, this moving rendition of the Visual Novel continues to entrance newcomers to this style as it grows in unprecedented popularity.


    Now available with English text, see why this Visual Novel has captured the hearts and attention of an entire nation; as one of the few select retailers able to share such a phenomenon, Play-Asia.com cordially invites you to take part in the touching story of "If My Heart Had Wings."

    If My Heart Had Wings - Japan's Most Popular and Touching Visual Novel in English!

    Pre-order News: Shin Sangoku Musou Online Z, Youkai Watch, Konosura (ENG), Masou Kishin III


    Maybe they will actually manage to break out of the eroge bubble and reach the wider audience they seek?

  13. I'm just thinking what is the wider audience kind they are thinking cause IMO the age range of the people playing vn is 16 maybe lowest and up to 35 or higher is the highest, kids at 12 years old IMO is not that fond of vn because what they want is action and adventure only those who are old enough are reading visual novel it's like kids reads books with pictures adults reads novel with deep plot

    There's plenty of college-age people out there that watch anime and read manga yet spurn VNs. This could be due to the misconception that a work that contains porn cannot have literary or artistic merit. It could also be that they simply have a knee-jerk moralistic reaction: porn = no deal. I do believe this "wider audience" exists, but it's unlikely MoeNovel will reach it because they're not marketing the game. Without marketing, only the existing customer base will have interest in their release, and the existing customer base prefers titles with ero and hates censorship.

  14. Anyways, I can definitely see them translating the 18+ version if the all ages version doesn't work out to well.

    Actually, I could just as easily see them giving up on the market. They made the decision to strip the ero content because they thought it would *increase* sales. If they see no increase, and instead a decrease, they may simply decide this market isn't worth the effort.

  15. ..............................................................................................................What the fuck just happened?

    The original topic is dead (because the translation is dead), so the topic has shifted to the next most productive topic: how to avoid senseless flaming by respecting those you disagree with, and arguing the idea rather than the person.


    Supposedly there's evidence for a concept known as "group IQ". By refusing to debate civilly, a few social misfits can bring down the "IQ" of the group as a whole.


    Some background reading for those interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_intelligence

    [Atlee and Pór suggest that] maximizing collective intelligence relies on the ability of an organization to accept and develop "The Golden Suggestion", which is any potentially useful input from any member.
  16. They should have studied MG all-ages sales numbers before taking this step.

    What's puzzling is that MoeNovel is loosely collaborating with Mangagamer, and Mangagamer *told them* that VN fans don't like ero being removed. MoeNovel ignored Mangagamer's input. It's rather senseless arrogance on MoeNovel's part, and they're going to suffer for it.

  17. It seems sarcasm doesn't cross the Wired very well. Aselia the Eternal was officially released by JAST USA, essentially the same product that was fan-translated by Dakkodango. The adult scenes have not been reinserted by fans. I present this as a contradiction of the claim that such scenes can "just be patched back in later". Also, there IS a version of Eien no Aselia that has all the added content from the PS2 version AND the adult material from the original. JAST chose not to localize this "ultimate" version because the loli content made them squeamish (other reasons too, but this was the dealbreaker).


    Personally, I played Aselia the Eternal in the original Japanese, and although I bought the localized version I have no motivation to play a censored game.

  18. With no fanfare, a company calling itself MoeNovel has launched a website and plans to release its first title by the end of May. The title is "If my Heart had Wings", a highly regarded 2012 VN from acclaimed developer Pulltop. A demo of the game is available on their website. Pre-orders are available for US $35 on PlayAsia. According to VNDB, the title is long and offers 30-50hrs of gameplay. The English release will have the H-scenes removed to "reach a wider audience".




    VNDB link: Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete

    Official website: IF MY HEART HAD WINGS | MoeNovel

    PlayAsia link: http://www.play-asia...en-70-6iiv.html

    Screenshots of the translation: https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-news/2798-visual-novels-translation-status-%5B05-05-2013%5D-7/#post53596

    Preliminary discussion on this forum: https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-news/2798-visual-novels-translation-status-%5B05-05-2013%5D-6/#post53587

    Semi-official statement from Mangagamer: MangaGamer.com • View topic - Birth of a new English VN company Moenovel

  19. Thats what fan-made ero patches are for.

    Because all-ages releases like Aselia the Eternal always get a fan-made patch that reinserts the H-scenes.


    I think the decision to censor the H-scenes is a really bad move that demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the English market. And by English market, I mean their potential customers.

  20. A translation is a derivative work and the license holder retains the sole right to make derivative works--whether money is involved or not. Fan translation for free is still copyright infringement, which is why you often see free fan translations getting C&D'd.

    Copyright infringement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The law on the matter is extremely clear and shouldn't be a matter of debate.

  21. I go on a hiatus for 2 days and my thread goes up in flames.


    But, just to clarify where the flame war actually started:


    do you really want to piss me off??

    i dont give a damn bout piracy..doesnt that explain why im here??

    and did you even finish reading my post??


    if you did..please use your brain and try to understand my words in the bracket~


    I think it's pretty clear who started it. :p


    Wasn't the person who started this the person who said that fan translations are illegal?

    By the letter of copyright law, licensees are not allowed to distribute modifications of copyrighted works (e.g., a patch) without permission of the license holder. This is enforced via DMCA procedures. I think the spirited debate in this thread is more centered on morality rather than legality, with the key factor being the license holder's lack of interest in a legitimate release. Is there any reason to enforce a license holder's monopoly of an IP if the license holder has no plan to capitalize on that IP? One could argue that such enforcement runs counter to the entire premise of copyright law, which is to promote the generation and proliferation of ideas, not suppress.


    But really, the entire doujinshi market in Japan falls under the category of unlicensed use of copyrighted works (and involves money too). It's not a legal issue until the copyright holder complains.

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