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Everything posted by Hunter2x2

  1. Yeah, that's what I meant. They're picking licenses that are easy to fit on Steam.
  2. They got those announcements out of the way earlier in the year. And I imagine the Steam market is changing what kind of titles they are pursuing. I doubt it's a coincidence that all but one of the titles they announced here will have all ages versions on Steam.
  3. Ps3 is region free and they are even selling the PAL version on Amazon.com, you don't have to wait if you don't want to.
  4. The terribly translated description doesn't exactly fill one with confidence.
  5. That's old news. And ANN misreported it anyway. The Kickstarter update said the whole project (ep 2 and 3) wouldn't meet May 2015 release date that was listed for the estimated delivery on Kickstarter. Sekai Project is still saying Spring for episode 2, that post was updated yesterday and they tweeted about it.
  6. Sekai Project dated a bunch of their stuff: WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.02 - Spring 2015 RaidersSphere4th - March 2015 (Early Access) Kokonoe Kokoro - April 2015 Hitomebore - April 2015
  7. Yes. It's running fine other than some minor audio issues.
  8. That's old, it meant by the end of 2014. They obviously missed that deadline, but it shouldn't be so far off.
  9. I suppose any news for Yoake is somewhat encouraging.
  10. Work on Dysfunctional Systems has been discontinued, you can probably scratch that from the Kickstarter list.
  11. It was only delayed a day, the Grisaia KS is going up tonight.
  12. Fault -milestone one- is getting a Monday release. Grisaia KS is also going up on Monday night.
  13. Clannad fully funded in less than 14 hours. Yeah, I don't think the overlap with Grisaia is going to matter much.
  14. I don't think launching Grisaia like 50 days after Clannad is fully funded is going to matter much.
  15. The Clannad Kickstarter is up. It looks like it will get funded quickly.
  16. Parts of it are machine translated. Afterstory has some really disastrous sections. It's one thing for it to be readable enough for desperate fans, but when you're charging money for an officially localized product, there are standards.
  17. Sekai Project re-translating Clannad is the best news from this. The fan TL is a mess not suitable for a commercial release.
  18. The Steam page is just no longer public, you still own the game and won't have to rebuy it.
  19. World End Economica raised almost 100k, and that is a small unknown doujin game. Grisaia should be able to do much better, especially with the anime airing now.
  20. We don't know. Sekai has said it's a possibility for Grisaia no Kajitsu, so maybe.
  21. Comyu patch coming soon (aiming for today or tomorrow) apparently.
  22. The best thing about getting console VNs localized is gem reviews like this. Half of it is a rant about how moe is ruining everything, the other is about how impossible it was to comprehend Xblaze's simple route mechanic.
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