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Everything posted by Azengar

  1. Would love them too ! Not to mention Natsuyume Nagisa was being translated at some point, too bad they didn't make it.
  2. Azengar

    Love Ribbon

    Thanks for the upload, appreciates it.
  3. Azengar

    Da Capo 3 R X-Rated

    @ikikinoko It won't go any faster but that'll avoid you the trouble of having to manually go to the pages and wait the time to download the parts, which is already quite a lot of time.
  4. Azengar

    Da Capo 3 R X-Rated

    @Ryuushima Just use JDownloader and past all the links inside, it's very fast.
  5. Azengar

    Da Capo 3 R X-Rated

    Yeah was also looking forward to this for a long time, thanks for the upload.
  6. Totally agree with you, I just find the idea of kickstarting a game already translated simply to put it on steam completely aberrant, if it was for a new translation that would be another story.
  7. Not to mention they're going to kickstart it on top of this, they sure like milking the players. :\
  8. Oh I see, the video was on private, explains why I missed it ! Thanks and let's hope that it gets finished.
  9. I understand what you mean but at least you can put a name behind the translation, I just couldn't find anything and was wondering if it really existed. I missed this video that's probably why.
  10. Is Angel Beats really getting translated ? can't find anything on google
  11. Completely agree with you one this, I'm the same. Yes and no, without the voices the game is probably incredibly dull and boring so yeah, maybe they'll get the game cheaper but it'll also be a disappointment to them. While what you says about the price on Steam is true I still believe that this is not a very honest solution, when I saw G-Senjou no Maou on steam I almost bought it right away without looking too much because I really love the game and now I still feel a little bit tricked. (Not saying I won't buy it, but still ...)
  12. Agree, plus it kinda seems like they don't want to show us the full price, I was planning to buy this and have I not seen this I would've bought it without the voices. Having to spend 20$ again would certainly have pissed me off and now I'm kinda like "meh ...".
  13. Yes, the pic should be changed as well and the name of the download (and maybe the name of the folder inside the download).
  14. Normally it would use java applet but since Dargoth is an amazing guy you can now use them with the original MGQ, more on this here : https://dargothtranslations.wordpress.com/2013/04/18/monster-girl-quest-delicious-breakfast-scenarios/ Okay something fishy here, my link is for the BREAKFAST version but the download definitely contains the LUNCH version, just click index.html to start it
  15. Didn't see your message until today. ^^ Anyway late thanks !


    Yeah I do come here for the translations update, I know this is coming from the /jp/ on 4chan but I'm not a fan /jp/ so I come here instead. :p

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