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Posts posted by Omi

  1. if you liked Katawa Shoujo go for Hoshizora no Memoria. If you want a little more drama but still in that same vein (I remember katawa shoujo had a bit o' drama) do Yume Miru Kusuri.


    Sharin no kuni, G-senjou, Steins;Gate and muv luv..

    There are more after these ^^


    Hyro pls, he wants more like Katawa Shoujo and you go recommend these >_

  2. The art in this game looks older so its nostalgic but at the same time its good enough to stand alongside contemporary CG art. If Ryu says its a must read I'm definitely putting this on my to-read list :)


    In fact this review telling me its a must-read is making me look forward to this; the vndb scores must not give it justice, as happens often with older games and nukiges.

  3. You mean dating sim games or like visual novels with a romance focus?


    gyaruge encompasses both i think, although who plays genuine dating sims nowadays


    euphoria....aka the game where you can mess up beatrice =D


    I just skimmed through the OVAs for euphoria (the last one came out like last month apparently) and they're virtually the same character lmao

  4. MangaGamer Staff Blog » Blog Archive » Announcements from Otakon 2014!


    Otakon 2014 announcements from Mangagamer, pretty much just the above titles in a single post.


    And since they are calling the adult version of Eden* for Plus Mosaic I guess it will still be censored as with the previous Minori releases, although maybe a bit less so than the original Japanese version.

    (I don't particularly mind but it would be nice to have it all uncensored of course.)


    Did that article seriously state they wish to "make the western market an equal in the visual novel industry"? don't mean to be a debbie downer but, talk about optimism..

  5. Thanks for the fast replay, well i think i play it after i finshed all clannad routes, it nice that the voice actors are the same, i really wanted to play tomoyo after but the new voice of her is not so good as the old :/


    Yea, Tomoyo After felt completely different from her original route in Clannad. If i remember correctly, things differ between her afterstory and clannad route. She was my fav in Clannad but play her afterstory at your own peril lol.


    regarding your OP, listen to what killer says

  6. I recently finished Yukizakura/ Snow Sakura and also Eidelweiss. These were my last two fully translated VNs i read before i moved on to partial patches and tool assisted reading of japanese ones..


    Yukizakura was a short and sweet VN, straightforward and with really nice ラブラブ。


    Eidelweiss.. the routes in this VN were so drastically different from route to route. Moneyslut was by far my favorite route and it was also the least convuluted. I dont think ill ever understand Overdrive, i can never find a vn from them that i fully like. After deardrops I wasnt gonna play another VN from them, but i decided to give this one a shot and it wasnt half bad at all, but some of the routes just leave you asking, "why end it like that though? y u do dis"

  7. ugh I'm so happy for you guys all showing me all these partial patches, i've been trying to find more partial patches, too bad ivan said he's not really keeping up with partial patches anymore :(


    Im playing games in japanese now and partial patches of the prologue/common route etc. really help set up the context and tone of the VN and make it easier to read the rest of the VN in jap.

  8. what? tomoya's name wasn't translated? im confus. im currently playing the game and i've seen no problems so far. of course, i'm talking about the one dowloaded from here. I didn't even know that the translation is "incomplete" apparently. I checked vndb and apparently yea, theres no complete patch supposedly which is making me really confused as to what it is I'm playing

  9. I know this topic has long since veered off course but I just want to get this long rant out about the actual game pertaining to this topic.


    The main character in this game is dumb as a bag of rocks. Got up to right after his first live event and so far all he has done is be an annoying wimp who does whatever anyone says and then when he is called out for the pathetic whelp that he is he denies it. Even worse he gets angry about it because it is true but he continues to be a tool and does what he is told.


    What was especially dumb was when he was feeling down the one guy tells him rock is what people play when they hit the bottom of the barrel and this is what is suppose to drive the story forward and get this guy in a band? First off no, people play the blues when they are down. Secondly it made no sense why he ever listened to this guy since he thought he was douche bag. Thirdly, I don't know why yet since I'm obviously like 20 minutes in but this weakling pisses me off so much because he ran from violin but he is okay putting his all in guitar?


    If anything I will finish this to satiate my beginning anger. But beyond the main character everything else looks interesting especially since I just started.


    dude, just drop it. it won't be satisfying to finish. .

    play hoshimemo!

  10. but its not good to trust ratings..

    the plot maybe good/

    but expression and character development thru out the story if not enough then it kills the mood~


    You may be right

    Although I haven't run into such a case going by the ratings, maybe I will once my list of played games increases.

  11. well yeah , people who favor the plot r usually dudes that have real life girlfriends or just want to kill time with reading , basically they just read VN , eroges like reading books , dont care about how moe the character is.


    Yea, although I think that's a fair rating system. If one wants a good plot, it'll be easier to go by the ratings in that regard. Although its still useful for moege (or nukige) since a 7 rating would mean its really good for its genre, I think

  12. i see , well , it's a shame , u r missing alot of moe

    Hmm well not denying that it may be good, yet I'd rather go for NVL than ADV. I'll take your word for it being good though


    basically , god eroge is an eroge that's too awesome , like a god.


    . . .

    haha don't really get that genre description but okay!

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