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Everything posted by TheRetroGoat

  1. I'm bored. Have yuri. I think this scene is PS2 exclusive, but the PC version is much more explicit.
  2. Alright Shadolance, I PM'd you. We're always looking for more members, since this project is huge and we have a few other plans as well. Also, turns out our editing team seems to be finding the right roles for them, which is making productivity soar.
  3. Minmei!!! As for quality...well, I think we'll be safe. Especially considering the unedited script is still a higher quality.
  4. Don't worry about that, the translation quality is a whole lot better than some BS machine translation. We've got a group of translators who TL Check each others work, and a group of editors fine-tuning the English script while keeping it as true to the original Japanese dialogue as possible.
  5. MangaGamer released an official statement on the matter. Neat. To save everyone the time, here's what was said: Yes, the group did contact us about working together to make the release happen. As I mentioned before, there are a lot of hurdles towards Shin Koihime Musou's release - the sheer size of the project is the first to come to mind. The translation costs itself is already a huge investment for us. On the technical side of things, Nexton's in-house game engine isn't specifically made for English environments, and it's tough for them to make the necessary adjustments on their end as w
  6. MangaGamer released an official statement on the matter. Neat. To save everyone the time, here's what was said: Yes, the group did contact us about working together to make the release happen. As I mentioned before, there are a lot of hurdles towards Shin Koihime Musou's release - the sheer size of the project is the first to come to mind. The translation costs itself is already a huge investment for us. On the technical side of things, Nexton's in-house game engine isn't specifically made for English environments, and it's tough for them to make the necessary adjustments on their end as w
  7. We've made jokes about translating Kayuu's nukige out of pity for the poor character, but chances are admittedly slim right now.
  8. Updated the Facebook page with today's battle bio Monday! This week is featuring Ei, Yue's right-hand strategist and total tsundere.
  9. Kauyuu scene is unfortunately not from Shin, that's a separate game. A fan-made nukige called Kayuu Musou, or something like that. That being said, there are a lot of scenes in the pond and other bodies of water. I don't know if this fetisth exists, but if there are aquaphiliacs in the audience, good news.
  10. Everyone else is just a very late bloomer. Which, considering one of the pics I posted on Facebook, may actually be kinda true.
  11. That's more or less our plan. They're totally no less than 18. Even if they don't look the part. Also, our entire team is constantly chatting and brainstorming together, so this won't be one of those games where it's glaringly obvious that different people have worked on different parts.
  12. That is one thing I liked about the first Koihime. it was content heavy, but never irritatingly difficult to play. That was a game that never needed a walkthrough.
  13. Does not seem to like me. Ah well, no sexiness for everyone else, I guess...
  14. Now who would add a NSFW pic? Not me, can't figure out how to add a bloody spoiler tag.
  15. Yet another risk of being a visual novel player.
  16. Quick question, what's the sites rule on ecchi photos being uploaded?
  17. Do the large amount of threesomes count? Also, since it is no longer April Fools, I can announce that we have approximately half of the game translated!
  18. I hope you guys appreciate me resisting the urge to pull any serious April Fools Day prank with Shin Koihime Musou. Some of the team had pretty evil ideas!
  19. I really have to remember to add that part in introductions. Akumu is part of our translation team. He's currently doing Gi base events. he goes by Akikojam on forums
  20. Today's battle bio Monday, but we may need to delay it. So I'll have to make up for it with additional cuteness. Sound good? Battle bio Monday is when I post a new fully translated bio on the facebook page.
  21. This is a good reminder of how weird the editing is gonna get...oh dear...
  22. For those interested in keeping up with Shin Koihime Musou, I made a thread for it that can be found here. Haven't posted much yet, but I did only make it a day or two ago
  23. Hey everyone! For those following the eroge news forums of the past week or two, you may know who I am. For those of you that don't, I'm TheRetroGoat, manager of the Shin Koihime Musou translation project. Hopefully the name gives away what we're doing. I decided to basically make a thread here to help make those interested in following the project easier, as well as answer questions, address concerns, things like that. We've also got a Facebook page, The SKM Project, which I post info and bios on. Feel free to ask anything you want, I'm constantly checking all of the forums I'm aware of
  24. In real life, I'm a gaming journalist. Covering that made me livid. Apparently it can be beaten in around ten minutes at this point. That's just lame. I'd be pissed if a five dollar weekend killer could be completed in that amount of time, let alone a heavily anticipated Triple A title.
  25. I don't mind high prices for high quality and long games, but I do dislike when a five hour game costs $30. I'll wait to hear if it's any good before I check out Chou Dengeki Stryker. $45 would be a lot for a game I play for three days. Also, I'll start giving weekly updates on Shin Koihime Musou on the eroge news forum. Figured the timing would work out best to make it easier for me to post and everyone else to follow.
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