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Posts posted by Kamidori

  1. Well, I know Japanese kinda good (grammar). But I know very limited amount of Kanjis and this prevent me from playing Japanese erogames. I hope that with my grammar knowledge and with translator helping me with Kanjis I will be able to understand what is going on in VN. Also I want to do this mostly to improve my Japanese, I will save better VNs for later ;).


    use mecab . it tranlates kanji to romaji

  2. Okay, so [spoiler=episode 4]Konoe and Miyabi are actually both his childhood friends and they were already in love with him. The phone calls were from Konoe, but she and Miyabi both said they weren't at the funeral. So there still might be a little sister somewhere. And there probably is one, since that's what the show is about. Now he thinks neither Konoe nor Miyabi is his sister, but that doesn't really mean anything.



    Also, Shougo is [spoiler=episode 4]GAY.

    Two cute girls are in love with him and wake him up wearing next to nothing and he says it's a nightmare. He is definitely gay.


    What straight man would call this a nightmare?


    if u say shougo is gay then 95% of harem protags r gay

  3. Spoiler

    Hi guys, I just finished Yume's route. I am confused of what was happening:


    Yume rejected You at the lookout - Mare reaped him - fast fwd 1 yr (Pls tell me if Im wrong!) to graduation - Yume is alive and she's back


    All of a sudden goes back to when Yume was visited by Tenkuru - end up with Mare being reaped by You instead.


    What happened? Time travel? O_O Would appreciate if you guys can clarify it!


    it's the power of the starts , it's allll related to the stars , read it again

  4. Why would they even want to translate this game, this must be the most boring, ordinary looking game i have ever seen.

    Just look at the characters at vndb( Mashiro Iro Symphony ).

    They all have the same face / statur and hairstylist(differentiate only in length and color), and a normal school setting.


    shut up ,what do u expect from a high school setting pure love story?, dont just randomly call a love story with 11/10 moe girls boring,feels offending ,also their faces r lovely and different in it's own way.



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