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Posts posted by Kamidori

  1. Actually, I think this thread was just made to make fun of Kami...that's about it :>


    yes , the result is 30-3 and it has humiliated me enough but who's the third person??


    First of all, the thread was poorly worded.


    It is supposed to be: Art vs Story.


    Moe NEEDS text, a character is moe when she harbours protective tendencies from the character. You nurture said tendencies through a COMPELLING story. Sure, a cutely drawn character already has a "moe" factor, but it is increased further by the STORY.


    However, it is ridiculous to assume that a beautifully drawn visual novel with a poor story is automatically worse than a poorly drawn visual novel with a great story. Companies make endless nukiges, so for some people, beautiful art > storyline by far.


    hmm..it's obvious, i do think that moe needs story, with the story u can understand the feelings of 2D gals for the protagonist , how they feel towards him , how they fall in love with him,their personalities and it increase alot of the moe-ness . moe needs love,IT REALLY NEEDS LOVE so it also need the story. both must go together ,it's just what do u prefer throughout playing eroges. but it's more like companies make endless moeges

  2. ^cant accept the fact..


    this will never be a fact , the result is too obvious considering this is a forum for translated VN players but i didnt expect there will be 2 votes only *sadface*


    (and moe delusions r awesome)


    you forgot something... I can understand JAPS... that's why I said, I play RAW voiced eroges...




    huhhh , u can only understand the voice right? and i meant other peole that can and love to play RAW eroge outside this forum so u r captain obvious

  4. nah... I play RAW voiced eroges... but nothing seems to be different...




    now that's not an opinion!!!


    I said it before...

    "Don't push your beliefs into others"


    i was just stating my reason to believe that moe is 1st , what's the point of forcing my belief with that poll result?? i just want u to understand it.




    and also, i was talking about the people who CAN play RAW eroges , read it , understand it , and plz , u wont feel anything from it= captain obvious

  5. haiz,,just wake up..

    this argument are getting stale nowdays...

    why cant you go back being a sound human??


    man , just shut up , i feel stupid for not realising i was talking to myself


    i wonder how Masao will vote

  6. Just download the hcg and you will escape from a very painful experience : to have the epicness of MLA ruined by a pseudo fanservice fandisk that makes you read hours(not joking at least 10hours of common route) of shitty comedy for only 1 scene/heroine and very few romance(total 20minutes max). After MLA i wanted some pure love story with kasumi, but i was trolled.What i found was so dissapointing i can't believe it was made by the same creators. It's not without reasons that the translators decided not to do it.


    holy shit, was it that bad???

  7. haiz..that company make it due to high demands over Nukige..though people alwasy revert to those with great story with moeness...

    and you are just urging me to slander you with insults and critics by purposely complaining here~


    ok ok , no matter what i say , u will just think it's a rant or complaint , cmon?? not once i was complaining here , i didnt say story is bullshit and useless , i didnt say translated eroges or VNs should have more moe , i didnt demand anything and was just expressing my belief


    and whirpool is totally moe based , no nukiges but i cant say that about windmill , since they had nukiges in the past but they also focus on moe recently , they r both doing pretty well . and u r right about the reverting since it doesnt hurt to have a good story with moe , that's so obvious


    and check out windmill's 10th annivesary eroge released , i will refrain from using my tissues


    and of course , even i want and revert to great story with

  8. i was an Otaku before you are even born!!

    cant you just understand the poll meaning??

    its a total waste if you just look at graphics if you dont have good story!!

    thats why many company goes bankrupted all over the years..

    my circle at japan can confirm that you'll lose popularity if you dont have a proper script to bring out the most out from the heroine..


    u r really underestimating the moe fandom and moe fanatics in japan,though i hope it doesnt lose popularity since there r idiots like me , i know some moeges have failed in moe out there , and yes that could be because of the script or other factors but i believe i can still enjoy it despite it having a lame story, i would still buy the eroge . look at whirpool and windmill, they r moege based companies , they have lame moeges with bad stories but they r still doing well and popular . like i said , u r stuck with that kind of mindset so u shoulnt blame me,i have mine too and u r the main reason i look like ranting


    well , i do admit my defeat here , just look at that poll,but it's not like i willchange or anything , kinda knew the results in the beginning

  9. sadly your thinking are still like a child..thats why you cant even think properly..

    .MOE is one of driving factor in japan is something i agree...

    but FYI..the VNs there are with good quality story!!


    it's a child's but plz dont assume everything a child said is wrong and stupid , i have my own resolve , maybe it's because u approached VNs years ago , when moe isnt popular that u r stuck with the story

  10. kami stop making a fool out of yourself here and STFU!!!

    listen to people and why they say the story is important...

    think bout it...

    and realise your mistakes..and please know what did you rant since the start of the thread~


    who said story isnt important?? i was just saying moe is 1st and i even had a reason for it . im just gonna ignore u from now on ,u just think im an idiot and a kid anyways and would insult me everytime so no point talking to u


    I dont think it will be different that much...


    no , it would be a different , moe fandom is pretty huge in japan

  11. if this forum have jap eroge fans or eroge fans who play RAW eroges the result.. could have been different.


    but the thing is..u all know i love moe ,i reallyyyyyy love it and moe exists the best in eroges , since i seek perfection in moe i cant stand looking at some ugly 2D gal for 50 hours u know.. like how u get a shit faced girl friend and look at her for 5 minutes...


    so that's why.. moe is 1st..

  12. yeah!!! moe only=good... moe+story=GREAT!!!


    im satisfied enough with this comment from u hunter


    and im so damn happy , the moe faction is 2!!!!



    Well we obviously don't like them?


    nuff said , i understand perfectly now.



    Well we usually don't like them. But hey you know what? You're thinking the wrong way. Why? Because we just PREFER story over moe, doesn't mean that we aren't able to enjoy games with a lame story but awesome chars. Gimme a crappy story and mashiro, I'll come buckets.


    hey, u edited all the important parts pretty late but u r right , even if the story is lame the characters will always be awesome(and moe is a big part of it) , even if they r realllllyyyyyyyy boring moe still gives u the motivation to play through it right? just like mashiro there . how should i say this , play for the characters?



    I CANT BIELIVE IT!!!!!!!!!! THE MOE FACTION JUST INCREASED , BY 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    u r AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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