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Posts posted by Kamidori

  1. Seriously, I never liked him as a char.


    meh, u r jsut jealous of his hairstyle


    I mean he increases his rank but still helps every fuckin person out there? Oh I need some milk. NO PROBLEM!!! Wil is here! I've tha power!!!


    well , this just means he's close with the people



    would be so awesome to play as a badass version of wil (something like rance lol) and do shit with yuidora. Oh and he sucks in 80% of the battles.


    what? my Wil's pretty strong and he has a harem like Rance too

  2. .......it's not that easy..


    this is the problem of the human race , of yuidora's . the people of yuidora gotta deal with that problem by themselves ,with their own strength, it's true that Wil has built lots of connections but as the lord of Yuidora he must protect the city with his own powers , with his friends , not begging the help of other races like a desperate loser O_O


    and i doubt gaptahl or kohakuren would bring their own army to help even if he asks anyways , wil's not that weak and pathetic

  3. Mare route was just a goddamn excuse to add a loli into the game. and the h scene wasnt even THAT good ;(

    also, fk test Q_Q


    it's true.. i feel like the route is an excuse for a h-scene..well , we can think of it like..mare's route is mixed with the true route


    still i thought the h-scene was decent though

  4. Er... No, its just a normal script. So either you play the game while reading it or inputting those stuff into the aggregator one by one manually (with the name changing stuff).

    Also, no pc cos i screwed several of my exam and got my laptop confis QQ. So, no further tl :(


    god that sucks.........

  5. Might as well make a late introduction. Strom here. Been following the forums for a while just never registered. Found this site through searching for unlicensed translated VNs. Have purchased all the VNs to date that are licensed and occasionally import Japanese VNs (even though they cost an arm and a leg) to help support the growing industry. First VN I played was Fate/Stay Night. It got me hooked and since then I have been an avid VN fan. 25 y/o and working on my Bachelors in Networking and Communication Management. And a loli fan. DFC!!


    LOLISSSSSSSSSSSSS , *raise the lolicon banner*



    Woohoo! I'm Voltic5, just call me Volt, I'm 20 (at least in a few week I'll be), I'm found this site via erogedownload.com found that via Bing.com, that's right! Retaliate against Google! Hmmm Favorite eroge... not sure. so many to choose from. Anime? Hmm... I guess it would be Rurouni Kenshin, or anything with some samurais and a decent story. Hobbies include video games, astronomy, world domination, boobs, world domination, boobs, total control over the universe, boobs, creating a hole in the time-space continuum, and boobs. Well I've actually been on this site many times before, I finally decided to join. (Because I'm auto-skipping through an eroge, Hoshizora no Memoria, good eroge try it out sometime!)



    AA cups and A cups

  6. kami..wtf of bullshit are you talking here??

    the translations patch are yet to be found,..and you want a walkthrough??

    stop being kamfag for a moment and approach VNs with your own doom ffor first playthrough~


    i need a walkthrough to protect my life kay, the thrill of yanderes stalking u might be awesome..but i dont wanna be the victim of guro!!!*imagine a yandere licking his guts while getting aroused*


    seriously stop trolling me man

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