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Posts posted by Kamidori

  1. i feel bored.....

    all this games are boring....why the japanese get all the good stuff on all the consoles....

    get those games localized u damn english companies!!!!

    too many of those slice-of-life eroges...i need something different but its hard to get old untranslated VNs...with the crackdown.


    huh?? i think slice of life , pure love stories like hoshizora is pretty rare nowadays . and more old VNs + unknown weird VNs r being translated instead..hiiiiz....well , there r some good VNs this year.. something to look forward to..

  2. I'm not in favor of "real" girls being posted here, because that's what the other 98% of the internet is already for.

    Not that anyone should care about my opinion.



    no , i totally care about your opinion . Ecchi " real" girls? cmon , it's gross , do u want to kill me mentally???

    19566157_m.jpg Pixiv is just awesome

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