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Posts posted by Kamidori

  1. at first I was like "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS THING?!?!?! there's a head!!! a head!!!"...

    but learned that, you eat the chick part whole, clear your mind, don't imagine what your eating... that's the only time you'll say it's delicious...


    Has anyone tried FRIED SCARABS, "pritong salagubang" in my country...


    no , no matter what u imagine , it's still eating little chicks

  2. Well that's actually the problem here. Since when has a deity/god to cook? I never heard anything like this, they usually have their slaves/followers/creatures who make delicious food for them. Well sure, I hope that she's able to make me some japanese food but what the heck, it's not that she has to. My cooking skills are quite decent so we'll be fine. As for her being real, in my imagination yes but she will never stay in my room and hug me. If she's doing it, then I probably became broken.


    1 word , dakimakura

  3. I've no informations about her cooking skills though. Well I guess she isn't that good. I mean she comes from a different century and has obviously no idea how to use all those new inventions like TV and friends, she couldn't handle a modern kitchen...



    She'll never be for real... *sob*sob*...uuuuuaaaaaahhhhhh~


    she's a japanese deity + a loving japanese fox wife* so im sure she can cook traditional japanese food . and she will be real to u if u screw yourself up enough , like me.

  4. Count me in for that. Meat is always a good choice. I mean dammit, I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian, so gimme a nice steak. I don't like all sorts of japanese food though. I can't stand those salty octopuse arm thingys, they are 90% salt and 10% meat, not my cup of tea.



    I actually also prefer spicy things but that's probably because of my fucked up tasting skills. Seriously, I've even problems to taste the differences between different kinds of cheese.



    What the fuck man? Candy is fuckin awesome~!

    Btw, japanese sweets are damn annoying, why? If you buy there some cookies then each of them have their own packing. And the worst thing, those packings are damn hard to open.



    then i will be eating japanese food that mashiro makes in your place

  5. Oi oi , wtf r u doing with my waifuu kureha-chan????


    Kawaii nyan...


    she's mine!!!!!! i posted her cat girl pic in the Yur waifuu of the month!!! dont mess with me!!!! or i will stealyour Laura!!!


    dont touch her u pervs!

  6. ^ woooooo , what a win!!!!-that's from dracu riot right??? OMGGZZSZ , must restrain myself from... ARRRGGGGG



    here's mine..............

    i posted the wrong pic and somehow cant delete it... still.. must not.. pull it.. down....


  7. Are those even edible???


    I'd rather eat burger with Tabasco sauce on it...


    this isnt about edible or inedible , it's my "life source"-refering to first pic .


    about the second pic , i would love to eat that chocolate sweet with her-Ancer- , it's how u enjoy food (it's my favorite too so it counts)

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