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Posts posted by Daeverius

  1. Dargoth changed his website to https://dargoth.com/, he also has an update on MGQ Paradox:

    After a long hiatus of not patching, this one is probably going to be disappointing. It hopefully translates all the missing events and further edits at least the important parts. Some of the town dialogue might be a little rough in places, but nothing worth complaining about. Battle talk events are almost finished, although I think only Sonya’s h-scenes and a Hild one or two made it into this patch. Seduction events, battle fuckers, and H-scenes are going to get finished though…. Sorry I missed Valentine’s Day.
  2. Update for MGQ Paradox here


    Happy Halloween! This patch is still missing translations in a few random places that really should be done by now, but it’s in a state I’d consider playable. We’ll continue to fill in missing parts, revise what’s already there, and crank out translations for the H-scenes and other content that’s been a lower priority lately. Sorry for all the delays….
  3. MGQ Paradox update from Dargoth HERE


    So yeah, it’s been 3 months and the translation project hasn’t exactly made huge strides. Since the last patch, this patch does let you talk to all the monsters in battle on the Ilias Continent, but the seduction events aren’t done. A couple of the early BFs are translated, too. I said before that this is mostly a clean-up patch, but it doesn’t even finish all of that. The next patch should put the game in a playable state start to finish. Hopefully that won’t take another 3 months, but yeah…. I realize how hilariously bad 6% progress in 3 months is. On the “bright” side, Paradox part 2 is confirmed to not be this year.


    P.S. I’ll update later this week with some other monster girl games you should be paying attention to.

  4. Update from Dargoth!


    MGQ Paradox English Translation 1.21.30


    So this patch isn’t all I hoped it would be, but I’m not waiting any longer. Big thanks to the new help I have editing files, but unfortunately I haven’t had time to look them all over to smooth things out and fix mistakes. You should be able to play up through San Ilia and Mt. St. Amos. A few files are translated but completely unedited, including:


    Map011 Luddite Village

    Map110 Ancient Temple Ruins 1F

    Map111 Ancient Temple Ruins 3F

    Map112 Ancient Temple Ruins B1F

    Map113 Ancient Temple Ruins 2F

    Map128 Forest of Spirits

    Map140 Iliasport Indoors




    Map621 Luddite Village



    Monster talk dialogue in battle is done up through Queen Harpy, but still lots more to do. The seduction dialogue isn’t done, neither are battlefuckers other than Marie. Gameplay elements continue to be a work in progress, but are substantially translated.

  5. MGQ Paradox English Translation 1.21.18 HERE


    Like before, use the patch with the original Japanese version 1.21.


    To the surprise of probably no one, I didn’t actually manage to finish all of the Ilias continent. The good news is that lots of progress was made in the last two months! Pornof (minus the panty turn-ins and Scat Captain), Happiness Village, and Harpy Village are translated along with the Ilias continent Tartarus rifts (and associated caves/dungeons, etc.). So you can essentially play up through the harpy sidequest now. Midas Village and the Slug Tower haven’t been touched though. In-battle dialogue remains about where it was in the last patch, sadly. The translation has a few rough edges and inconsistencies that will need to be smoothed over too.


    Not a whole lot of extra h-scenes translated, but many of the ones that are copies from the first game have been copied over from Rogue’s translation. We’re in the process of editing and rewriting those, but they’re in the game unedited right now. Who would have thought that getting work done and coordinating people in December would be hard? Rather than guessing which h-scenes are translated, you can refer to the linked progress spreadsheet.


    Also link to progress

  6. MGQ Paradox Translation Status Update from Dargoth


    At any rate, the next patch will be at the end of the month (probably Sunday, Nov. 1), but it’s not going to be very satisfying to anyone, least of all myself. MGL implemented a new dialogue box format that’s much nicer than the original, plus we’ve got some changes under the hood that don’t matter for actually playing the game. Between those, fixing mistakes, copying over content that was previously translated but disappeared from patches, and finding all sorts of random lines that weren’t translated and should have been, the forward progress on the translation hasn’t gone far. Hopefully that can change in the next two weeks!


    I’m still aiming for an end of the year patch with all of the Ilias Continent translated.

  7. MGQ Paradox English Patch v1.21a came out


    Well this has been a long time coming. After the nightmare of patches to the game causing dozens of hours of extra work and invalidating plenty more, we finally have a patch that’s actually compatible with the current version of the game. Yes, that means you need 1.21.


    So… if you’re waiting on a patch that translates a big chunk of the story, you’re still going to have to wait. If you’re already playing the game anyway, a giant portion of the skills, items, jobs, interface text, etc. is done and this patch should help. All the h-scenes that were available in the demo are copied over, but no more than that. Now that the giant hurdle has been overcome just to get this far, actual content translation can progress at more than a glacial pace. Thanks for your patience, and sorry if the lack of content in this patch is disappointing.

  8. MGQ Paradox 1.20 came out, patch from Dargoth is on the way.

    It’s real! Busy converting all the ancient 1.03 translation files that I’ve been using as a baseline over to 1.20. Got lots of items and random stuff in 1.10 format that I’m really hoping Fanservicefan can help convert himself…


    At any rate, I’m alive. Bad weekend for both me and MGL, but oh well. At least we have the damn patch now.

  9. MGQ Paradox English patch 1.02a


    Didn’t get as much done as I wanted, but this patch includes all the map content that was translated in the demo along with lots of abilities, skills, racial traits, etc. H-scenes are conspicuously absent, but we’ll probably patch again in April with more.


    Torotoro’s improvements from his patch 1.02.01 aren’t incorporated into this patch yet. If you use his, it’ll untranslate some of the menu stuff, but otherwise shouldn’t conflict. Speaking of 1.02.01, new patch naming format since Torotoro copied mine

  10. MGQ Paradox update HERE


    This weekend: patch for all demo content, all or mostly all items, skills, and other gameplay-related text.


    Prior to Memorial Day (US) (let’s say May 20): patch for the Ilias Continent. All story and quests translated up to leaving the continent, as many H-scenes as we can manage for the monsters found there. Hopefully a good chunk of miscellaneous text too, but we likely won’t get to stuff like encyclopedia entries by this date. Rest assured that everything in the game will be translated eventually. Fully 100%, not “Dargoth 100%.”


    That’s the plan for now!



    I also finished Majikoi and I didnt have any problems with it. I might have gotten used to mistakes from all those fanfics I read but its still strange that I didnt notice those errors. Translation is fine dont worry Helvetica and keep up this level for future releases.

  11. does anyone know when the last update to the shin koihime musou translation was? i was just at the fuwanovel page and since they started just updating the first post, it doesn't say the date of the update. just interested since that is another one i'm really looking forward too.


    HERE for post


    And if someone doesnt feel like checking whole message:

    main story: 89%

    side events: 80%

    H-scenes: 14%

    Battle Bios: 100%

  12. I`m dying here, need something to read... world would be beautiful if there was 1+ new translated visual novel to play each week.


    Read some Light Novel in meantime or one of english books that have story similiar to those japanese ones(Spirit Guide Saga(trilogy) Death Incarnate or w/e). If you dont have anything just ask, i have huge list of things to read.

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