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About Eab1990

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    Junior Member
  1. So I just skimmed this whole thread. People actually skipped routes in this game? That makes me sad.
  2. The censorship was my suggestion/idea, actually. Since I considered showing this game to other people IRL, but not wanting the ero material to turn them away, I asked Insem if he would consider a way to remove the h-scenes. Needless to say, I wasn't expecting him to do so in a retarded manner.
  3. Considering he just made a public statement because he doesn't approve of me "defaming" him all over the internet, I don't think you know the half of it.
  4. It was literally the only solution that made sense. Exact same installation process works on every laptop but my own? Has to be a username thing. Whatever. Last time I ever work with that guy. Maybe in a few years, he'll be more mature about this sort of thing, but it's a miracle I put up with him for over a year. I just really wanted to get the game translated.
  5. I KNEW IT. I knew he made it so that it wouldn't run on my username. Thanks a bunch.
  6. ... Hmm. Crap. That didn't work, but I just realized. I haven't been able to use MemoriaEN.exe lately, even when I was still editing the scripts. Long story, but basically, I had to use the original executable to play the game. However, said executable DID have the scripts in question to be in English. I'm not sure what Insem did, but at some point, I wasn't able to use MemoriaEN.exe anymore and had to resort to using the regular Memoria.exe instead, in order to play through routes as he released them. But with this final patch, nothing is in English for the original executable, save for th
  7. Already applied both untroll patches. Hasn't changed anything. And yes, I've installed everything correctly. To clarify, I've done the exact same installation process on three different laptops and gotten the game to run perfectly fine, but the exception error remains on my laptop (and one other person on the Staircase blog), even if I try to copy the confirmed working executable to my laptop, or even the entire game folder. The problem is limited to my executable, on my laptop.
  8. No, that's the weird thing. The original runs just fine, albeit I have to be in Japanese region due to Favorite's region-lock. Since I was the former editor, I can still run previous versions of MemoriaEN.exe with older scripts as well, so I suspect that something's off with the current patch/executable or something, and not the actual game...
  9. Since Insem is being unhelpful and deleting my comments on the blog, I suppose I'll ask here. I, and at least one other person, have come across an unhandled exception error when trying to run MemoriaEN.exe. It reads "Unhandled exception occurred at 0x2044F13B. Check the error log for details." I've tried reinstalling and re-patching several times, to no avail. Any ideas on how to fix this?
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