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Posts posted by Soren619

  1. Dat censorship... on a super-deformed CG. Seriously?

    Anyone trying Danganronpa here? With the anime coming out in the coming season I thought about trying it out - I loved 999 on the DS.



    @Ryu: Fevertel's merge got everything down the drain, huh? Which ISP are you changing to?


    The game is good, but far too easy.At least the misteries are, the game pretty much gives you the answers.The gameplay parts can be hard according to the difficulty you choose.

  2. I meant tricky to run as in " tricky to make the game run", not to actually play it (although it sorta is too).


    There are people who keep getting errors and stuff.ILoveTsundere himself already told me a few times that he can't get Yu-No to run no matter what he does (and he always makes the same "YU-NO Y U NO WORK!??!?" joke too =D).

  3. This is hilarious. Just yesterday people didn't know this VN was going to be translated, so I imagine it would have been a pleasant surprise for people who have heard of this VN or maybe even had a slight interest. I understand somewhat the cause of concern from some people regarding censorship and whatnot, but most of you guys here don't even buy VNs. What makes you think you have a say in the market if all you do is pirate it? Anyways, I can definitely see them translating the 18+ version if the all ages version doesn't work out to well. It's not like they'd have THAT much left to translate. Wheelchair heroine. Enough said.


    And you could always download the 18+ version to play along side it. They're also selling this at a very cheap price. $30-35 for a 30-50 hour VN? It might not have h-scenes, but that's a damn good deal. It's about the cost of Boob Wars.. I mean.. just think about that.


    What you're saying is pretty much that you shouldn't listen to someone who smokes when he tells you not to smoke when in truth that's the person you should be listening to because he knows all the shit that smoking gets you through.Not everybody is a pirate and those who are, not always are because they want to, some people simply don't have the money to buy every new game they wanna play that gets released.


    Also, pirates or not, most of us here have at least some understanding of visual novels and what works and what doesn't.We already know from experience that all-ages VNs don't sell nearly as much as 18+ VNs and that the more sex there is included, the more it'll sell.Ef is full of drama and little porn and it sold less than stuff like Boob Wars.


    These guys are coming in here thinking they're releasing a game "for everyone" when in truth the only people who would pay for it are the VN fans and those same people won't buy the game if the 18+ content is removed.They ignored MangaGamer's advice and they will definetly pay the price for it.


    In my opnion the whole fuss isn't as much about the game not having 18+ content as it is about it having content removed.If this game was all ages from the get go people woud have been happy about it being translated and about how the market was expanding, but the fact that we're having scenes removed and content changed means we'll no longer have the original product, it means we'll have a different game in our hands.


    At the end of the day though I guess we should wait and see how this plays out.These guys said they did something that perks up the player "imagination" with scenes and bla bla bla but I can't help but think it won't go as they want.They'll suffer from this for sure.

  4. The thing is that stuff isn't as simple as "deleting a sex scene", after all, do we even know that much about this game?


    Most people assume that sex scenes are just fan service and all, because it is the case most of the time, but sometimes they play an important part in the plot, what are they gonna do if they decide to translate a game like that?Make up a new scene?


    And like ulti said, there are other scenes in the game that would be compromised with this, although I can imagine that instead of deleting those they'll probably change them a bit and add a lot of steam / towels or whatever in the naked scenes.


    Personally, I find h-scenes a drag.I liked them when I was a horny 15 year old boy lusting for japanese porn, but now all that I can see in h-scenes is some annoying moaning and a waste of my time, I always just cntrl through them.


    But even then...well, like people said, I still prefer my games with h-scenes.Because it feels like something is missing if it's not there.

  5. I read this and was like "oh, 50% patch?I guess this must be a trustworthy project then and sooner or later we should have a new VN"


    Then I realized it was a 50% PROLOGUE patch...I mean, come on, what's the point in releasing a patch where not even the prologue is complete...Unless they want to prove the game is being translated I see no point in this.

  6. The problem is if the translators decide to do what aroduc just pulled off.In a way he pretty much right out said that if this project didn't work out, he'd be quitting the translation scene after his current works were done.


    Also, human greed is always a problem.I think 2.5k is a reasonable enough goal but soon enough we'll see people wanting 20 - 30k and even more to translate a game, I'm afraid of aroduc gradually raising his prices, slowly but surely, to see how far he can push it.

  7. Wow, aroduc is working on seinarukana?How come it's not moving at all then?=(


    Also, it's true that Aroduc got quite a bit of donations right out of the bat, but those donations are likely all from people who read his blog and shit, so it's like all guaranteed donations are already gone, from now on starts the real challenge to get donations.

  8. Depends on the VN really. Shitty nukiges are usually readable with a few months worth of jap classes. Other VNs are also readable with that same amount of time , if they arent riddled with kanji and kanji puns. I've done that myself with a few of them. Reccomended would be at least a year / year and a half of classes though , that should nail at least most of the hard stuff down.


    Meh, I really wish I could read jap, but the lack of a trustworthy teaching source and lack of time really fuck me up.


    At the moment I'm having a hard time at uni so the time I'd spend studying jap would be better off studying chemistry, really =/


    Maybe around the end of the year I could start studying jap though.

  9. Why? did they drop the first Majikoi or something?


    They didn't officially drop it but they pretty much never really update it anymore.It's translation started years ago and they still haven't even finished the 5 main heroine routes.Up until Wanko's patch it was going in a steady pace, but after Miyako's route started the pace dropped drastically and well, I'm pretty sure it's been at least over 6 months since miyako's route translation started.In other words, progress is really really really really really slow at the moment.

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