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Everything posted by JohDan

  1. Also it's a new translation and not the old shitty one.
  2. Nightshade needs updates too. Basically all the D3 otome games need updates. :
  3. JohDan


    So this game has gotten a few updates since it's release it seems. Can this game be updated with those patches please? Thanks.
  4. It looks like qTorrent updated and somebody downloaded the file, was that anyone from here?
  5. Do they take 500MB files? It does have a seeder, you just can't connect to it for some reason. Also looks like some of the normal trackers for files are down too.
  6. Torrent is up on KickAss, https://kat.cr/graduation-sotsugyou-2-neo-generation-mixx-t10982276.html Had a friend upload it.
  7. So I noticed there was an entry in the list for Graduation which I assume is the Mixx game title for Sotsugyou 2. However it said I didn't have permission to view the link so I can't confirm. I've been digging through some of my old stuff and found my CD and made a dump of it, I was wondering is anyone would be interested since the link seems locked? It needs a No-CD crack, if one exists, as it will crash if you copy it to the harddrive and play it that way. It plays fine from the ISO however. If people are interested in this nugget of history that should be forgotten, would a torrent be OK
  8. JohDan

    Sword of Asumi

    Pretty sure this isn't an otome game. If it is the art style is way off for it. The developer got a bishoujoge artist to do it or such.
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