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Everything posted by Vsolon

  1. Jesus Christ that's alot of parts, and is this a full translation?
  2. Vsolon

    Bunny Black

    Well damn, this game was pretty fun after finishing it. Any news on the sequels for this getting a translation? I really need to try the sequels.
  3. Vsolon

    Bunny Black

    Oh, you seem to know a bit about the game. So here's a few questions. 1. Does Support Magic Work? Like Cloak doesn't 2. Is it worth it too buy the upgrade versions of the Monsters (Example. Fairy --> Sprite) It seems to be just preleveled 3. Is there a way to uncurse items without breaking them. I found some equipment that's really good but its cursed. 4. Are the skills that do status effects worth it? It seems like it doesn't have a good chance of applying the affect unless you put alot of points 5. Are range skills worth it, including magic. I feel like just putting all po
  4. Vsolon

    Bunny Black

    This game is actually pretty fun, grindy, but fun. But what i don't get and i wish they'd explain is how do you use things like Id and Cloak. I got them but when i use them they do nothing. It doesn't let me use it on an item when i use Id i get the interface for when i use First-Aid or heal. Does Id or Cloak not work? And whats with the whole Fairy and Sprite thing. A bit into the game there are like evolved version of earlier monsters. But from what i see they are just leveled for you. Are they not improved versions or just ones the game already leveled for you? Cause i have a Ursa Major loo
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