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Posts posted by 41MG8H0

  1. For the girls personalities, well they are just the typical ones every anime/hentai/vn uses, your never going to get away from the generic archetype of the various personality types, berating a game for that is not really nice, when thats just how anime and such is



    So, looks like we have different opinion on this.



    Another vn I enjoyed was Comyu: https://vndb.org/v1896 each girls route was fairly diffrent from each other as well. It has a true end route too.



    Thanks for recommendation.

  2. As far as Hoshizora goes, it's an all right borderline 'moege', ie a VN that doesn't have a whole lot of substance. It took me a whole year to read that one, and I wasn't hugely impressed by some areas of it. That said, I really liked the sisters' routes (Komomo and Kosame); I thought theirs were a bit more special and fun. Asuho's route was okay. As for the rest... it sort of ranged from being a bit meh to flipping annoying (I'm looking at you Aoi). So, summation: Hoshizora has some really good fun bits here and there, but it requires you to slog through potentially iffy bits. Conclusion: I'd still read it, but it's more the type of VN you can read on the side less seriously than something else (like an anime or TV show where you watch an every day or two); as I said, I'd at least try to read the sisters' routes at some point. As far as length, it's probably nearer the 30 hour mark than the 50 hour mark, but it's still not a short read. Oh, before I forget, try turning Chinami's voice off in the options menu. You'd be surprised at how much it improves your quality of life (my ears stopped bleeding for one).



    I'll read hoshimemo someday. I'm guy who like to finish things he started, after all.



    vndb.org is the main database. It's a list of most of, if not all VNs there are and is a pretty good place to get a general idea about a title and to see whether or not it has an english patch. However, it's definitely not the best place to go if you want current news. For that, I'd recommend our forum which, if you look under our news section, is updated every Sunday about the status of current official (mainly sekai project, manga gamer and JAST translations) and unofficial (fan) translations. You could also use something like the fuwa VNTL-Moon if you want an aggregator to read about every bit of news (FYI, if you didn't know, fuwanovel is sort of the 'other' VN fan translation site... it's a different atmosphere, but most people there are cool... obviously we're better though).



    Thanks for making it clear to me.



    As for recommendations, there are several I can give depending on what exactly you want.



    I'd prefer something without well known schemes. I like matured, intelligent protagonists/characters, mind games, philosophical approach/dialogues (only in cases it makes sense, not when just simple words are "dressed" into better ones, just to show characters in better light). I don't like when villain is villain for no reason, like "I wan't to destroy the world, because nobody was playing with me when I was young!", also I don't like characters like "I want to help everyone, because this is what hero should do!", or characters which are too kind for everyone. I'm enjoying when someone is conspiring against other and trying to get closer to his goal, whatever he need to do (killing/conspiring etc.). I like to watch young talents/geniuses, for example: kid who's talented in hacking/math or something. Also, I'm finding mentally ill characters interesting. I don't like tsunderes, after all they are based on "well known schemes". I don't like harems. I don't like when main character hesitate between choosing girl, or don't want to do it with one of them, even if she wants (c'mon guys, tell me what real man is acting like this?). I don't like SCI-FI and robots/mecha at all. I'd prefer time of action to be close to our times, or near future, but I don't have anything against past (middle ages etc.). I like realistic, logical stories. Also I like mindfucking endings, but only when it making sense (not like ending of Mekakucity Actors, where only autors know what's going on - just example for people who watched it).



    Sharin no Kuni - Its story/route structure is very similar to G-Senjou no Maou as it was produced by the same company, however I'd say it's less polarising. I know this has been recommended before, but I suppose I'm just throwing in my support for this one. A little silly in places, but generally pretty fun and not too long at 20-ish hours. This has eroge in it.



    Yeah, I'll check it out.



    Little Busters EX - I put this here because you mentioned it in your first poast. LB is possibly my favourite VN... so I'm a little subjective. Still, I'd highly recommend the VN with a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, I'd wait a little bit for the deluxe version called Ectasy (EX) to be translated before reading. This adds three new routes (a LOT) as well as modifying and improving the current routes. It also adds a completely new character to the game. I have no idea when the translation'll be done, however, so we might be waiting a while... (an update was posted not too long ago, but who knows when exactly it'd be out). The other thing to keep in mind is that it's long; whilst I'd say it's totally worth it and the majority is reasonably paced, some people might disagree. Also really long VNs can be poor choices for a reader who's only read one or two VNs before. The last thing to keep in mind is that there is a lot of slice of life stuff. KEY, the developer, has a formula which goes something like:


    Fun happy intro > Slice of Life ballocks in common route > More serious in the character routes > True (final) route > Reader cries


    Now I really like the slice of life stuff done by KEY; I think it's fun and easy going, and I also appreciate the stark contrast there is between the common route and the character and true route (the latter mostly). But... yeah. Point I'm trying to get across is that the length and slice of life stuff can be a little polarising for some people. Still, wait to read the complete version if you can (whenever that'll be...). The complete version has eroge in it, but seriously that's not the reason you play a KEY game.



    I want to read it even more, after all your words!



    Ever17 - As said, this is a pretty great mystery VN. You can read my spoiler-free review here. That explains my thoughts more than I can here (just don't hit the spoiler boxes if you don't want to spoil bits of the story, obviously). Another one of my favourites, and a reasonable (again, 20-25ish hour (?) length).


    There are a whole load of other VNs I can recommend, but I'll just stick with these three for now (these were recommended by other people or referenced by you... I just wanted to put down my opinion on them). If you want more ideas just let me or someone else here know.



    Thanks very much!

  3. Wow, so many nice people here! Thanks guys for positive feedback.



    I recommend reading Saya no Uta someday if you want something very different from the usual. You won't find that stuff in anime, I can assure you. Although if you can't stomach horror or gore, don't bother.



    Okay, thank you very much! I've checked description of this one and it seems interesting, also it's not long, so I will check it soon (already downloading).



    My question is, do you still need the eroge part to read the visual novels?



    I'd prefer it.



    Also, not required at all, but Sekai project is releasing G-Senjou this summer, officially localized.. if you can wait a little while longer, they are updating a few things, making the resolution/interface/graphics better.



    Thanks, I'll wait then. But... Where I can check for news about it?



    Also, I would use this database https://vndb.org/ to check for English patches. If a VN has a full English patch, it'll say under their release that a full English patch was released so you aren't trying to guess which VNs have an English patch or not.



    Yeah, I've checked it before asking, but I've asked to check other sources. So, it seems vndb.org is kinda "main" site of all VN's things?



    You should just read https://vndb.org/v17 instead. It has pretty much everything you're looking for. Good characters, a very interesting story and there's also a certain something that you won't find in anime. I won't spoil it, though. The only problem with Ever17 is that you'll need to read through the first routes (4?), which are not really mindblowing, to get to the really fucking amazing last route. I mean, you'll be staring at the screen dumbfounded for 10mins, believe me. It's totally worth it, but you could find the routes before that a bit boring.



    Okay, thanks. I'll read it.



    Fuck me. I wrote a wall of text but forgot to post it (again) and now all the people above already said the things I wanted to say. Fuck.



    Well, thank you anyways.



    But yeah, the story won't get much better so you might want to switch over to a story heavy visual novel such as Sharin no kuni.



    You mean this: https://vndb.org/v57?

  4. Hello there, I'm new on forums.



    So, I'm interested in VN's a bit, already I'm reading Hoshizora no memoria.

    (I have finished only one eroge before (nekopara vol.1), which I played only for "eroge part", story wasn't good, though.)


    As I said before, I'm playing/reading already Hoshizora no memoria, and this is kinda... irritating.

    I mean, the girls or heroines (however I can call them) and even protagonist are really annoying.





    (I'm already at part where they was taking photos with Mare).


    I can't stand Chinami's hyperactivity and Aoi's harshness. Also Asuho's personality is kinda... flat. Other girls personalities aren't anything new. Protagonist act like he'd mature, even if he's in second grade of middle school. The whole thing about stargazing is really overused story.



    The novel seems to be long, even on site is written it's about 30-50 hours of reading so I am gonna to ask:


    - Is the story that really good to play it?


    I know it's well know Visual Novel, and it's recommended often. I even found it on "best eroges list", where the VN was high-rated one, so this is reason why I'm playing it.


    But... it seems story isn't interesting.


    I mainly watch anime to know interesting stories, meet fascinating characters with deep personalities, but I recently stopped watching anime due to overused schemes (I mean "the good one" will always win, "the bad one" is always "bad" for sake of it etc.) So I'm kinda new in VN world, and I wanted to check this hoshizora no memoria thing, but it seems I will not find anything new there.


    So what is, guys, your opinion about this one? Is worth reading or not? Will story become more interesting later? (and plz no spoilerz)


    And what about Hoshizora no memoria: Eternal heart?


    Btw. my next titles to read is "g senjou no maou" (I heard this is good one) and "Little Busters!".




    //And on side note:


    Is there any place to download english patch for:


    - kanojo no seiiki (彼女のセイイキ);

    - Hoshizora no memoria: eternal heart;

    - chiisana kanojo no serenade (ちいさな彼女の小夜曲)

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