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Everything posted by 41MG8H0

  1. I just finished G-senjou no Maou, and I think it was very well story. Not including boring piece of life shit what I don't really like, I got a 'lot' of fun. I've been reading the story for months, with breaks ofc. Anyways, I liked mind games and criminal plot. There is many characters (worst or most annoying one is Tsubaki), every of them has its own personality type, not that much reminding of well known schemes. I really liked classical music thing in it, but producers should put real pieces as soundtracks, in my opinion. Well, I found myself a bit empty inside when I finished it. Anyways,
  2. Not a VN, but... Have you played SDT before? (Cringy flash game, but the best one I found)
  3. I guess I'll start reading old release today, because I'm bored of waiting.
  4. Thanks to user above, I just noticed I haven't introduced myself yet. In short: - Michał (Michael), Poland, 18 y/o. - Online when possible: playing games/chatting/browsing web/watching anime (not that much lately)/reading visual novels/learning languages. - Currently I'm learning english and japanese, going to learn other languages, maybe russian and korean (I have the whole life for it). - Got bored of watching anime so I'm here, looking for novels without repeated schemes. - Listening to everything which sound pleasant for me (genre doesn't matter). - I'm friendly, even though I
  5. Finished https://vndb.org/v10526 yesterday. This one was really too short. I think its end is really good start to develop story further - the novel itself would be great as introduction to "the whole story". (I have found nothing about another parts of novel, so this is my opinion).
  6. Finished https://vndb.org/v97 today. What I can say about it? It was... different. In positive way, of course. Great dilemma: "being happy weirdo or go by society's normalcy?". Plot was interesting. Characters was fine too (I mean mindset, their decisions was realistic). The main heroine was kinda too innocent, in my opinion. Sadly, producers should put few more random characters, or something, because I have feeling the world the VN was about, was too small. Poor made environment graphics, it could be better. Just in short, I'm bad at describing anything.
  7. https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-tech-support/2802-help-noob-2/#post74731 Thank Harlequin instead. ^^,
  8. 1. Download all packs. 2. Extract one (or every). 3. There should be .iso file, or any other format you need third program to extract it (Alcohol 120% etc.) 4. Extract .iso file. 5. Install the game. 6. Patch it.
  9. Since my last post here I finished AC:Unity (shitty imo), finished GTA V aswell (would recommend, online is so fun). I picked up LoL recently, also still playing osu! It'll be like this for long, I guess.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmOOnU1ykRQ Great song.
  11. She wasn't bad at all, IMO. @t I've watched 4 eps of Evangelion and I think protagonist (Shinji Ikari) is one of most annoying characters, I'll see how it'll be later.
  12. Why Amatsuki has so much follows on his twitter? Comparing to other utaite singers it's big difference.
  13. Ah, right! I'm still newbie at japanese. - Do girls refer themselves as 僕? I mean in different regions or dialects, etc. - Why some vocaloid/utaite songs makes no sense/or is hard for explain? (I'm asking because I'm translating these sometimes to my native language.) It's because japanese language is like this, or it's because author of lyrics wanted to make it not that obvious/for people's own interpretation? I'm saying now about songs like "Idola no circus". (Idk if you are listen to this kind of music). - Should non-japanese people use honorifics when they are writing to japanes
  14. - How would this sentence look in men speech then? - And what does "w" at the ending of sentence mean? I know it mean "warau", or "lol" but in which way? It's more like: "私は嬉しいですw" - "w” in meaning happy, or more sarcastic like: "貴方は本当にバカだw" in meaning laughing of something/someone? - "貴様" is used to be "you" in non-formal speech/colloquial speech, or mean turn to someone without respect? I see "貴様" is often translated as "you bastard" in the anime's, so I wonder.
  15. How to make plural of noun in japanese? 二冊の本 三匹の鼠 Am I doing it properly? And what about termination -たち? It mean "and others", right? Like: "お兄たちがどうする、かな?" - "What does my brother(brothers/and others) doing?" Or this one is written properly?: "どうするお兄たち、かな?" Correct me if I'm wrong.
  16. @OP Is this https://twitter.com/hmrng_2525 official Himeringo twitter? I mean her Himeringo - Utaite Wiki // Also, you guys should use edit option, instead of posting multiple times.
  17. Yeah, haha. I've played every part of the series (except first, only started and then dropped) and never complained about games unless I started playing AC:Unity. (Creators of the game changed few things I liked in this game, so this is how it looks.) But you know... Other parts of the series I've played long (maybe 2-3 years ago), so now when you reminded me about it, I can't tell you anything more than just "I enjoyed the game back then".
  18. Okay, sorry for that, I acted impolite. - Are people there eating with cutlery sometimes? - What japanese people think about foreigners (I mean normal people who moved there, not otaku's)? - What japanese people think about people obsessed with japanese culture (weaboos)?
  19. I don't remember correctly what it was about, but it's okay and worth playing.
  20. I'm playing osu! mainly, also I started playing Assassin's Creed: Unity, but not finished it yet.
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