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Sengoku Rance

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The story takes place during the 4th Sengoku (warring states) era of Japan, an area of the Rance World which parodies medieval real-world Japan.


Sengoku Rance picks up where Rance 6 left off. Rance, after saving the nation of Zeth from destruction, ran away so he won't have to marry the princess. He and Sill ended up in Japan for a hotspring trip, upsetting the power balance of Japan, and sets the unification of its provinces in motion. Meanwhile, an ancient evil power stirs from its slumber...


Meet the alternate reality versions of Oda Nobunaga, Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Mori Motonari, One Eyed Masamune, Hojo Soun, Sakamoto Ryouma, Yamamoto Isoroku, Saint Francis Xavier, and many more famous Japanese historical figures in the world of Rance!

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Hmh, IMO there are no main heroines in Sengoku Rance. But you can "clear" more than 32 female characters. :p



My top 5 goes like this. Uesugi Kenshin>Yamamoto Isoroku>Senhime>Natori>Uruza Planeis


That is what i want to know.Thank.

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Play voiced VN only is my motto/policy.


(¬_¬) I see. Many old school RPG/JRPG also has a voiced characters, right? :rolleyes: Game like Phantasy Star 4, Golden Sun, hell even Pokemon in GBA has voices. And new games like Skyrim and Dragon Age 1, your main character has voices. /sarcasm off XP


Phantasm, the fact is that Sengoku Rance isn't a VN that you're just supposed to click and read.


It's a VN with turn-based strategy gameplay.


Voice aren't that important in Sengoku Rance. Heck, I don't even fully realize that it doesn't have a voices until I was asked a question about it.


It's your own personal choice whether you want to play Sengoku Rance or not. However, I'm going to tell you one thing.


If and this is a very big if, you happens to play Sengoku Rance once in your life, you've a good 85% chance to come into a conclusion that only rance rape is justifiable Sengoku Rance are one of the addictive VN that you can't stop playing once you've started.


That is all. -______-

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Ha Ha,You are really skilled at posting comment by using VN screenshot.

It hits my heart.(don't take it wrong way okay:) )

That's the only thing I'm good at. As for kanade, I never liked her.




Yeah, we're talking about sengoku rance! Right?

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Can u explain the reason in words ?



What is better Symphonic Rain or Deardrops ?

That's a hard question. I don't think that I'm able to say which game's the better one. I personally enjoyed SR more. Well, there was that annoying music mini game though. Oh and the characters of SR are way more kawaii, but that's probably just me. Anyway, just play both games.

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just play both games.


I seconded this.


I dunno how to compare this two.


However, if you want a suggestion as to which one should you play first, then I would recommend that you play Symphonic Rain first before you play Deardrops. It seems more appropriate that way to me.

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From the way u write,Does the mini game suck ?


I shall let OMA do the honor of answering that wonderful question.








Just a side note, in the VN option menu you can turn on the auto-play mode to make it get a perfect for you in minigame.


However, you might want to turn it off if














you want to read one of the bad ending. Assuming you want to see everything the VN has to offer.


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