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Hello all! I'm new to VN/Eroge world. I've played Yume Miru Kusuri, Kanon, Clannad, Family Project Galaxy Angels, and Escalation Panic. I enjoyed all of them.


What I want to ask is:

1. Is there any VN that similiar like Aeka's route in Yume Miru Kusuri, I meant about bully?

2. How about Evangelion? Is there any chance it will be translated to english? I heard there is a VN/Dating sim from this Anime.

3. Any VN recomendation? My preference is good story line over H-scene. If possible funny and good graphic (cute). And if you don't mind, please tell me why you recommend it.



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About VNs with allusions of/actual bullying scenes , click here | on recommendations , all of the above , and might i add Little Busters , Fate/Stay Night , Saya no Uta (if you dont mind gore) , G-senjou no maou , and Sharin no kuni's fandisc after youve gone through Sharin no Kuni proper. Even if youre not much into the whole "deep psychological drama" thing on VNs (for g-senjou and sharin and especially for Saya no Uta) , in my opinion its VNs that you must complete in your lifetime.

Edited by iLoveTsundere
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