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Steins,Gate Review by OneManArmy

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Here's my little review of Steins;Gate, an awesome game which you've to play. I tried to not use any spoilers but you may find some hidden ones. Anyway, here we go!!! \o/






The story of Steins;Gate takes place in Akihabara and is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.




The art is definitely the selling point of Steins;Gate, at least when we're talking about the first impressions. Unique style which looks amazing, especially the eyes. There are some weird looking CGs though but who cares? I can't decide if I like this art style more than the one of the liar soft games (like Sharnoth) or not. Anyway, the art is high quality stuff, thumbs up.





To be honest, I'm not sure about the music. I kind of ignored the bgm tracks in most parts of the game, not because of them being bad or anything, but because of reasons I don't know. The only times when I really noticed the music were dangerous or emotional/sad scenes. Then again, I didn't use my headset (like usually) while playing this game, could be the reason for my impression. I will listen to the OST during this week so I may change my opinon rather soon.


Edit: Okay, please forget about everything you just read. I was listening to the OST and it's good. Not amazing but way better than I thought. This means that I'll also change the game's score.





The characters were well done and most of them had a very interesting personality. I was able to see them as real persons which's obviously a good thing and also kind of rare. I loved that some characters had a twisted personality or past, made the whole story much more interesting. On the other hand, Daru and Mayuri were rather plain and predictable. Oh I don't have a favourite character, only god knows why.



I tried buddy! I tried!




Voice Actors

The voice actors did a pretty good job, especially the one of Okab- eh Hououin Kyouma.

His voice acting in extreme situations was totally amazing and realistic. As for the rest, good quality.





I've to admit that the first three chapters were a little bit boring. A lot of complicated stuff was explained and I couldn't get into the game. Don't get me wrong, those chapters were definitely enjoyable, mainly because of the humor, but not as good as the other ones. So yeah, the following chapters were incredible exciting. Why? Shit happened and the awesomeness finally arrived. It was like a sudden punch in your face. But let's take a short look at the routes.




Suzuha's Route



I really liked the endless loop situation and how the protagonist began to loose himself.

The ending was in my eyes a little bit wishy washy. She was an interesting character though.




Feiris' Route



In this route I liked the romantic ending, it totally fits the rest of the story. The whole card game fighting stuff scene was not my cup of tea, or rather said it was damn annoying, but I liked the rest of the route. I'm not sure about Feiris though, I've mixed feelings about her.




Ruka's Route



Cute is justice.


No really, I mean it. The route itself was boring conversation feat. cute Ruka.

Well, it was a good change from the rest of the story.

Oh and its ending was very emotional, I liked it. Ruka is cute and cute is justice.




Mayuri's Route



Actually, that's the only route I didn't play. I just don't like her. That's all I've to say.




Kurisu's Route & True Route



Obviously the best route. I was damn disappointed when seeing the credits BUT THEN the story continued. And this time I got a proper ending, a heartbreaking story and a shitload of awesomeness...so everything I wanted. The ending was actually not really my cup of tea but I do think it fits the story.




Last Words

No, I'm not gonna die but I'm tired and want to end my review. Steins;Gate is definitely worth its time especially if you're looking for science fiction feat. human psychology. Please give this title some time and endure the first three chapters, you won't regret it. The true route is way better than the other ones so be sure to read it. I even dreamed of the game and I barely have any dreams. With this said, here's the score...






Hey it's me, everything goes like plannad. The organisation won't interfere with my review...


I understand...

Let's end this review...

El Psy Congroo...



Edited by OneManArmy
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That's nice to hear that you enjoyed it a lot OMA! S;G definitely seems to be a really fun and interesting VN. Now I haven't read it myself yet or anything, but yes I agree with you that the art is fantastic, just based on screenshots and such. Also... Science fiction, as you said! Love that. And hey, it's mystery as well, so that's just even better.


Well, will give it a read someday anyway. Soon perhaps, we'll see.

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Everything is the will of steins gate. With that said, i love this vn. The ruler of worlds and the one who unleashes chaos by opening the steins gate, Hououin Kyouma, is a amazing character and certainly most suited for this story as protagonist.


also, the connection between chaos head and steins gate.

hint: dystopia


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Very nice review sir, definitely agree 5BP's art style is almost as good as Liar Softs.


Too bad that I can't play this visual novel because of my crappy laptop. =(


EDIT- Okay Gerard proved me wrong. Chaos;Head is good, I just didnt like the ending :(

Edited by battlerrules
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