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My Chrome Extension: Easy-Eroge Downloader

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Hey all,

Long time lurker first time poster.

Fantastic site and all, have downloaded a few! This all started because as a free user of downloadani.me I kept failing to remember to click the download links and they'd expire, or I'd not download each .rar file as efficiently as I'd like...

Anyway, enough about my failure as a human being.


I made this extension to teach myself chrome API, and also to give myself a better ease of use for downloading shizz.


It doesn't do anything magical, illegal, or anything the lads at downloadani.me would dislike (like subvert ad revenue). It just does some pretty neat tricks to make life easier.


Screenshot preview




1) Go to the downloads page of erogedownloads.com

2) Right-click any link for the "Eroge Download" option in context menu.

3) This will automatically bring up the first of the .rar download pages. Enter the captcha and minimise the page. The download will start automatically when download time has finished. The page will also close.

4) When a .rar part has finished downloading, another download page will be brought up automatically, this will happen for all download pages until complete.



I just made it today, so we are literally talking version 0.1. It's not pretty nor fancy, but it does the trick for my personal use at any rate! Improvements will no doubt happen.


Download link here


As you can see this is actually the source files for the project. I didn't want to pack the extension for a couple of reasons:

1) It costs money to put on chrome store.

2) Helps save a bit of my anonymity.

3) You the user can edit and do what you want with it. Feel free to improve or inspect. This also ensures on your end I've not put anything funny into the files and it does what it says on the tin.


To install in chrome browser:


1) Unzip files to a folder.

2) Go to chrome->settings->extensions

3) Turn on developer mode checkbox.

4) Press "load unpacked extension" and navigate to the unzipped folder. Press okay.

5) The extension should be ready and raring now. (Optional) Turn on the incognito mode checkbox if wanting to use in incognito.


That should be it, when you right click a link on the downloads page of erogedownloads.com the new option for eroge downloads should appear. Feel free to comment, suggest improvements or point out bugs.



Known issues:


* Pressing the icon in top right hand corner loads an empty UI. This is because there is no UI page for it to load. I am nothing but astoundingly lazy. Will be fixed later when I decide what to add to it.





Edited by thatGuy
y images no worky?
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