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Games with voice patch

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For example, Koihime Musou has "If you liked "Koihime Musou", you should check out:" links, but no connection to Koihime voice patch. I played half of game without the voices added. Its easy to miss, because not so many games have that kind of patch. I was so confused because Kanon actually has the link to voice patch.


As it is general problem on erogegames I made a list like "related games" for Ivan to quickly fix this issue.


Deus Machina Demonbane

Deus Machina Demonbane – Voice Patch


Fate/Stay Night

included in download



Link done


Kara no Shoujo

Kara no Shoujo - Voice Patch


Koihime Musou

Koihime Musou - voice patch



Planetarian - Voice Patch



Utawarerumono - voice patch



YU-NO - Voice Patch


Probably the same problem witch music/uncensor patches - dont have time to check it now so someoen may post it here;]

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