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I don't see anything explicitly stating that +18 content will be officially supported but this phrase seems to give credibility to that notion "...developers who build controversial content shouldn't have to deal with harassment because their game exists, and we'll be building tools and options to support them too."


You loved Steam Green light and now introducing Steam Redlight for porn!

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I don't really know all the issue and stuff so if i say something stupid just correct me and enlight me =)

I think it would be difficult, okay they probably will be open to that but do the translation compagny will make the move ? I think its a little to risky and after the bash that the west blow to the Vn they risk some real complain and arrassment about it.

If they decide to make a move for the +18 on steam its okay and will be back up by the laws of steam but the other will try probably everything to make it shut it down.

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I don't think it's realistic to consider the possibility of Steam allow +18 games.


Valve is just saying what people want to hear to calm things down. Nothing has changed imo.


Publishers will continue to release All-ages VNs on Steam and people will complain about that. (and rightly so!)


Same Song & Dance :D

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I don't think this changes anything....basically valve is just maintaining the status quo from before.

" we've decided that the right approach is to allow everything onto the Steam Store, except for things that we decide are illegal, or straight up trolling"

since they don't have any guideline regarding visual novels, they will arbitrarily decide what is allowed and what isn't based on the amount of noise the perpetually offended steam retard does.

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