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Something went wonky with the page layout on game download pages

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FYI: As of when I'm writing this, something has gone wonky with the page layout of the pages where you provide links to download the page. I THINK it's not on my end, as I've closed and opened my browser and even rebooted my computer. I'm attempting to attach a screen shot for reference:




(Look at me! I'm getting high tech here. Not only did I manage to attach a screenshot, I even managed to mark it up to highlight the points of interest. Go me!)

In the event the screen shot didn't actually upload, this was the page I was using for reference: https://erogegames.com/downloads/visual-novel/maid-of-the-dead-r2510/


The "tabs" for "Download"/"Free Download"/"Screenshots" etc. have been replaced by radio buttons that don't actually switch between anything and leave everything displayed by default.


Of course, with my luck, by the time I'm done writing this and post it, you'll have fixed whatever went wrong. Anyways, now that you seen this, feel free to delete the picture to free up the server space.

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