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Download Comments posted by Ivan

  1. Thanks for the upload, when are you going to start using something like google drive though or Mega.nz? Putting everything in 200mb parts is pretty silly. I love erogedownload/erogegames for the information when new stuff comes out but I always end up downloading it somewhere else for big games.


    Don't get me wrong I really appreciate your work but 200mb parts for big games is simply a big nope when there are so many free options out there that allow bigger files.


    mega.nz has 20GB uploader bandwidth limit, 200GB for largest paid account. It might work for smaller sites, but given this site's popularity (I estimate daily downloads at around 9-10 TB) it'd take at most 20 minutes before users start seeing screen like this - notice that downloading 1GB file causes 4 hour download cooldown. 5 minutes / 200 MB / 2 files doesn't look as bad in comparison, does it?


    google drive doesn't specify any limits, but they have usual "acceptable use" provisions in place, and lock out popular files completely for 24 hours.


    mediafire advertises "unlimited" but they banned me after 12 hours due to "bandwidth abuse" ("acceptable use" clause in their ToS, again), deleting all files on account and blacklisting IP address of my storage server.



    This only concerns bandwidth/storage aspect, without even going into copyright policies.



    Just because some tumblr blog with 100 visitors/day gets away with something, doesn't mean it's feasible to replicate something on large scale - a kid can make lemonade stand and no-one cares, but if you want to build a coca cola plant, you need binders worth of permits, registrations and checks.

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