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Everything posted by Xishalet

  1. This thread is not for requests for translations. This thread is for request for games that have already been translated. We are not a translation group.
  2. Just was released on Steam, so no rush.
  3. Xishalet


    I'm not complaining. I have nothing else better to do. xD I'm happy someone is doing it.
  4. Me too. Hasn't been much updates lately. Must be busy. :/
  5. Both of these are in Japanese so I'm not sure if they will get posted.
  6. I know it just got released, but just wanted to let you know someone is interested in getting it.
  7. And what we are telling you is we are not translators. This forum is for requesting ENGLISH TRANSLATED GAMES to be uploaded to the website. We don't translate games. None of us here work with a translation group. Send your request to a translation group. Winlight translated the first game. Send them a request that you want the second one translated.
  8. Well I'm just gonna warn you now that this is a partial patch, which means it doesn't translate the entire game. If you even get it downloaded, you won't be able to play the whole thing unless you know how to read Japanese.
  9. Yeah. I love Windows 10 and I haven't had any issues with it with my games, but I have had every game work on Windows 7. It might be more trouble for you, but I can't think of anything else to help you. I would suggest redownloading the game, but since it's 18 parts, I don't know if you would want to do it.
  10. I didn't even realize this game was in Japanese. I know you put it, but just didn't realize it, so thanks for that. I have the same files as you and mine works. I was trying to see if there was a setting for the font in the options, but since I can't read Japanese, I will say try going into the game and seeing if there is any font change. I downloaded mine off this site and it's completely fine. I started the game to see if I was having the same problem as you, but it plays normally. Granted, this game is running on Windows 7, so that may be the difference. Oh! I think I may know what's goi
  11. When I play VNs on Windows 10, I usually don't have any problems, but then again, I have only played a few. I have my computer still on English (U.S.) region and run AppLocale to run in Japanese Admin. I would suggest running the game in admin mode and see if that fixes it. I would also suggest that you post a picture of the files in your installation folder, so I can see if there is anything you need to do for the game to run properly.
  12. What are you playing this game on? That could be the problem. The files on this website all all tested on Windows, so if you are using 10 or any other OS, that might be the problem. Sorry for the late response.
  13. Does the file have it's own font that it uses? They usually include it with the installation. Just go through your files and install it. That should fix it.
  14. Bump? Even though that's not how this works, I'm just hope this isn't forgotten.
  15. Xishalet

    Nurse Love Addiction

    Thanks for this! Been waiting a while for this one.
  16. I actually have less problems on 10 then I did with 7. It took me days to get Koichoco to work on my Windows 7 laptop, but took 5 minutes on my Windows 10.
  17. Maybe you're just not meant to play it uncensored? I don't know what to tell you. I have had a couple of games that have given me problems, but I tend to figure them out eventually. Sorry it's not working out for you.
  18. I have no clue, since I got my version of this game from Fuwanovel, so I actually haven't worked with the patch at all, so I can't confirm nor deny that they are the same.
  19. Aren't you running the Steam version? You don't need to change your locale or use App Locale if you are using that version of the game. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=346505653 This is a step by step guide in order to install it. Hopefully by doing it the way the guide tells you, you should have no more problems.
  20. Changing locale in Windows 10 makes a difference. You can't run a Japanese game unless it's in Japanese locale. If you are using the Steam version, then it's the North American release and you should have to use AppLocale nor change your locale on your computer. Since you added the patch, you're probably not going to be able to load from a save file. You'll more than likely have to start over.
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