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The Krypt Angel

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Everything posted by The Krypt Angel

  1. I'm about to finish Alternative myself I must say it's waaaay better than Unlimited which to me felt incredibly forced since it was tacked onto extra but dear god is the plot depressing as hell at times not that that detracts at all from the game. Anyway back on topic my latest VN conquest I technically have 2 since I was playing both Otoboku and Deus Machina Demonbane at the same time I think I finished Demonbane first if only by a couple hours.
  2. Last one I finished was ef the first tale which I really liked tho finding out that Hiro could only end up with one girl kinda annoyed me. The last one I finished before that was Dengeki Stryker. It was an interesting change of pace but wasn't nearly as good as other overdrive VNs I've played
  3. One thing i really hate tho its a rather rare is an eroe where they uncensor MOST of the art but for whatever reason some scenes slipped through the cracks. For example theres one animated scene in tsuki: the possession that was left censored tho to be fair the scene is sort of hidden in that you don't see it unless you have completed another route prior to the one it shows up in. I also remember part of one of the scenes in Figures of Happiness starts out censored and then the blur disappears after a slight position change
  4. I've always reffered to that kind of censorship as "creative use of the environment" and censorship in that form doesn't bother me I guess mainly due to the fact that hardcore stuff here in the states that gets watered down for the softcore market love to use a conveniently placed piece of furniture as a blinder On a mildly unrelated how does everyone feel about the bleeping of genital related words in spoken dialogue? It only annoys me in cases where the speaker is going all out with the dirty talk and the spoken aspect ends up sounding like they speak morse code lol. On the other hand c
  5. Tsundere girls are almost always my first targets cuz breaking through their shells just makes the whole thing more satisfying I guess it's a "thrill of the hunt" kinda thing lol. Shy ones are an extremely close second usually for the stereotypical reason of wanting to protect them but my motives aren't always so pure. Since most of these types come off as naive and innocent and some times I just like feeling like I've corrupted them :-X Also the shy ones tend to be the token nerdy type it makes it all the better cuz I have a bit of a weakness for girls with glasses lol
  6. Over all I prefer uncensored scenes just cuz I loathe censorship in general. It's not really a deal breaker for me tho and I've learned to live with mosaics if for no other reason than the fact that there are so many top notch VNs that have yet to or never will be be picked up for release outside Japan and only ever get fan translations so nothing can be done about the censorship of the CG's.
  7. i've loved them all but 6 and 8 are the ones I hold dearest. 8 was the first rpg that I truly devoted myself to playing and 8 was an awesome breath of fresh air after the technical train wreck that was 7.... Take away the story and cast of memorable characters and yer left with a poorly translated bug riddled mess. 9-13 I own all of them and liked them for differing reasons. Even tho I did play FF XI religiously for a good 3-4 years I always hated the fact that it was along with its successor XIV given a numbered entry in the series since they are MMO's placing them with the rest like th
  8. Back again... Jun from Family Project can't believe I overlooked her tho I blame the fact that Kawata Shoujo since I only just finished all the routes sunday night saving our beloved Lilly for last Kind of a bittersweet atttachment to Jun as she reminds me of the ex that broke my heart. God I never realized how many of my memorable VN characters got that way because of bad memories lol meh I'll chalk it up as therapeutic or something.
  9. The list for me would be far too long lol picking my high lights and they aren't terribly original as at least one post has identical tastes Yuka from Crescendo (and yea I cried too...) Lilly and Hanako from Katawa since they are kind of a package deal of sorts and the bond they have is just adrorable and to be honest KS has nearly replaced crescendo as my all time favorite due to the fact that I'm mildly disabled so the subject matter hit kinda close to home. Then there is Aeka from Yume Miru Kusuri ...Much like KS the subject matter hit kinda close to home since there was a rather dark
  10. For me my first exposure was about 10 or so years ago back when english translated H-games were much much rarer. In a fit of boredom and admittedly more than a little morbid curiosity I stumbled across "I'm gonna serve you! 4" on an IRC file server bot and was surprised and how much I enjoyed it. I tried finding other games but not much luck at the time. Fast forward to 2 years ago when I found Eroge Download and I just picked Crescendo out of the list at random fell absolutely in love with it and after that it was like being an alcoholic at a kegger I just downloaded everything in sight
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