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Helvetica Standard

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Posts posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. Changelog: (As of March 21th 2014)


    -Prologue: RC Final

    -Chapter 1: RC Final

    -Chapter 2: Beta, In editing.

    -Chapter 3: Beta, ready for editing.

    -Chapter 4: Beta, ready for editing.

    -Chapter 5: Beta, ready for editing.

    -Chapter 6: Beta, Ready for editing.

    -Chapter 7: Beta, Ready for editing.

    -Chapter 8: Beta, Ready for editing.


    *Character sprites (Currently being drawn by DarkSin) 25% (15 different for each heroine [pose changes confirmed] + casual clothes + misc)

    *Chibi sprites (Currently being drawn by Maoh) 10% working on variations.

    *Chibi CG's 1% Maoh is working on them right now.

    *CG's (Currently being done by DarkSin) 10%

    *background art 100% (Using photographs with filters and other modifications , more than 50 bgi so far.)

    *Added Imagemap mechanics and animations for weather.

    *Massive UI overhaul (Final ver. "VH Glass" by Helvetica Standard)

    *Drew alternate title screens! 100% made by me, NO PLACEHOLDERS.

    *Made opening video, OP song is Kiri by Monoral (I did try t use PD music for the opening but there's no better song than this one, thus..it will stay.)

    *Music 100% (Public domain, 100% royalty free music.) Vokoca has also composed/produced several songs already

    *Sound effects 100% (public domain SFX.)


    -Rin's route: 100%

    -Kanade's route: 100%

    -Akane's route: 0%

    -Yuki's route: 10%

    -Satsuki's route: 0%

    -Yaoi arc: Alpha, in scripting and checking.


    Overall progress: 35%


    DEMO: (2.0) v3 SOON.



    be advised, content is subject to changes:









    More screenshots once v3 DEMO is out!



    Character Bios (Updated!)

    Featuring the gorgeous artwork of professional artist Darksin and Maoh's adorable chibis:














    "Project Violet" Staff Team Members


    This is our current staff. We are proud to have the help of these talented people:


    Helvetica Standard: Programmer, writer, and designer

    Chocolatemilkgod: Editor in chief

    DarkSin: Lead Artist

    Dan: QC

    Maoh: Chibi artist/Chibi CG artist

    Vokoca: Musician

    Linkman19: Testing

    OneManArmy: Yaoi ending Lyrics

    Yachi: Testing

  2. I even wrote a review dude. Also, I'm not really a Da Capo hater it's just that the first Da Capo game is really bad and I totally hate that "let's make an insane amount of fandisk and spinoffs" policy of Circus.



    Ohohohohoh.. Is that sooo? OMA is pouting, kawaii! XDDDDD

  3. If you're only interested in Kotori then just play Kotori Love Ex P. It contains her route of the Da Capo game and a shitload of other stories*. You can download it from this site : click




    1.Da Capo Plus Communication (normal game with two new heroines, you can only play Kotori's route)

    2.Da Capo White Season (christmas story)

    3.Da Capo After Season (after story)

    4.Circus Disk Christmas Days (christmas story)

    5.Da Capo IF (Innocent Finale) (probably the best route, after story)

    6.Da Capo IF (Innocent Finale) EXTRA (can't remember what this EXTRA is about)

    7.Kotori Love ExP (after story)


    Oya? Just what is this???

    Despite being a declared D.C. hater you have full knowledge of the collection

    and you know what each one is about? mmmhmhmm... Interesting. >:3


    I will remember this~

  4. hi guys, i was wandering, if there's any way to convert the kanji into romaji in the VN's?


    You can try VNR (Visual Novel Reader) as far as I remember it has an option like that, as well as other thingies like particles and furigana and shit.

    The downside is that you'll have half the screen covered in brightly colored text :p

  5. Pretty much. I could have sworn I watched Madoka in 2012, but I guess not. The great Mononoke debacle of 2009 killed anime for me.


    Anime's been dead for longer than that... ENOUGH! delete your MAL account and trash all your anime goods!


  6. Well you see, the TL made a (internal) list of games they're planning on TLing, and there's one particular entry which tends to catch the eye:



    Is this true? because official announcement or not, this is fucking huge news.

    *starts boiling OMA's shoes*

  7. I want to play it but I keep getting this error message which you can see with this link:



    Can any one please help me (T_T) *crying*

    please message me to help.



    I can't read japanese, but it's quite likely that you're missing the .dll file mentioned near the end of the message.

    Make sure you don't have any missing/corrupt files and reinstall/redownload to make sure you have that file (wuvorbis.dll)

    in the game's installation folder.

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