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Everything posted by Black_Lotus

  1. There's a rumor saying that japanese government will shutdown all anime website and manga website. Try google it. There's a lot of it. Most people say that they focus on china website (what will happen if japan succeed close China website ? Maybe they will target another all website on net) and a lot of people think japan will never able to shutdown china anime website. But honestly i'm still worried that i can't download anime again Who know what kind of amazing thing japan will do to protect their anime. I want to know what you think about this (If tell something wrong please tell me about i
  2. Black_Lotus

    Sakura Spirit

    No H-scene. Sadly there's no H-scene.
  3. Black_Lotus

    Sakura Spirit

    Already Play it. Nice art,nice story, No voice, Content said all age but there's a lot of Ero CG. My rating is 8 out of 10
  4. Black_Lotus

    Sakura Spirit

    All Age seriously. The picture didn't match with all age
  5. i think i have made a forum about this one while still untranslated. But now here it is. Words can't describe my happiness
  6. So what connection this muv-luv have with muv-luv alternative. Like this is the next story from muv-luv alternative ? And the game is not all english. Well the main story is english but that one with easy,hard,real option not. And i don't understand. Why a VN need difficulty. Are there any battle where we need to fight ?
  7. i'm pretty sure someone told me that shin koihime musou will be translated soon. But When i wonder ? No progress from majikoi -_-
  8. i found a good one. Try animechiby.com
  9. well what i want to know is a translator with accurate translation and fast translating. I know it sound selfish. But if anyone know one translator like a that. Please tell everyone using this thread. With link please
  10. Well my friend use it to play communication with sonico. Just click the mouse and the translation already show up.
  11. okay so i know some translator that usually used by people to play eroge. Like AGTH,Atlas,ITH,Translation aggregator,and Visual Novel Reader. Up till now Visual Novel reader is better than any translator i know (Free,fast translation). But sadly i can't use it because it's not working on my laptop(don't know why). So anyone know any better translator for eroge. Give your opinion at this thread with link Please
  12. Black_Lotus

    Violated Hero 3

    finish MGQ 3 now download and play Violated Hero 3
  13. It"s hereeeeee. Download and play today
  14. Guess i need to give up to play daibanchou. There's no hope anymore. Thanks for anyone who already comment at this thread
  15. Of course it's exist. I mean there's no way i ask for something that not exist right. But it's kinda hard to find it. All link is dead. Torrent with no seeder. The only link i can find is from hongfire. But for some reason i don't have any access. Btw i use Japanese applocal. This is not my first game you know Try this
  16. okay so my daibanchou got freeze whenever i play the game. And i found the solution that you need to play 3.48 GB version. The real problem is i can't find any download link for the 3.48 GB. Can someone give me torrent or direct link for 3.48 GB. Or someone upload the game for me please
  17. Then how about another song like border of life and another song. Where i can get it
  18. Yeah,finally an answer to my question. And it's a good one. Thx Melancholic
  19. Wait, Why no one say something. Is my explanation is not clear or what. At least say yes or no to my question
  20. Okay so i have searching touhou character song Like wonderful heaven (tenshi hinanai). But i only can find BGM,the one with no one singing. So can anyone tell me where i can download touhou song with someone sing the music like
  21. yeah,i shall do that. Thx for the info
  22. Okay i almost forgot that this anime is release this season. And i just realized it's already have 5 episodes. When i try search miss monochrome at google i found that miss monochrome is like Hatsune Miku. Try this . So the question is....Is Miss Monochrome has it's own concert like Hatsune Miku. If yes please tell me where i can download it. If no just say no
  23. Oh yeah i need to ask first. is the English patch work for another version. And which download site that give better version. From hentai-hot.com or henarchive.me
  24. Finally some solution. Thx Guys. Time to try your trick
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