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Status Updates posted by rahrah

  1. See, you love the nekos.


    And that face looks like a "I fucking love it" face. School Days is also legit, esp the vn.

  2. Thank you all!

  3. rahrah

    Thank you Rin. Keep up the hard work!

  4. Thanks for the kawaii-samas. Haven't started on Neko Para vol 2 yet. Busy playing two other vns right now, so I wanna finish one up (esp before the march vn starts) before adding anything new.

  5. Thanks kn. I was hoping for some nude Mugi, but that is a lovely picture too (my favorite Little Busters <3 ).


    The neko reigns supreme another year. Lets hope for another 1,000 more to come for me.

  6. very kawaii nekos

  7. Yeah, p much everyone skips the VA. As soon as I read the line I click to the next one. If you don't do that it takes forever to read. Noble Works has an option for the voice to keep playing after you clicked to the next line, so you don't really miss the entire line. Most people turn that on.


    I am the neko-sama so that tag makes sense.

  8. you changed your avatar away from mugi-chan smh

  9. You gotta have the meows in the neko track.


    And yeah, you can share the game with whoever lol. There's a couple lets plays of it on youtube already etc.


    Neko evidence:


  10. You gotta read FAST kn. You got a whole month so if you keep that pace every day you should be good.


    And you know Nee-san is best waifu (in noble works).

  11. you will need to revert to mugi soon. she is best grill after all.


    as for horror rpg-maker games, idk. I have never been a fan of any of rpg-maker style games. Or really horror games in general. I like the early Resident Evil and Silent Hill series but I think those games are better played than watched. I mostly play strategy, simulation and sports games, so yeeeeeeeeeah.



  12. You've wished me a happy birthday 4 years in a row and it seems I haven't thanked you for them : ( I didn't forget this year though! Thank you! I hope you're having a wonderful day <3

  13. Your photoshopped screen shot has it so it looks like youre typing. You are my multi : o

  14. Youre slacking kn. You need to see Erin unleash her powers of kawaii.


    I've been more or less busier + the shoutbox has just been a F/GO circle jerk lately so I haven't been on as much.


    I'm p hyped for the new nekos but apparently the game is only like an hour long = /

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