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Posts posted by Crazyboy

  1. Little Busters will get an official release Little Busters! - TLWiki


    EDIT: Tomoyo After as well https://www.facebook.com/VisualArtsUSA/posts/1507390016245822


    Fuck them, announcing that when they were so close to finish... i already bought the japanese version for the patch and now they say that -_-

    I'm not gonna support them and pirate little busters when it's released and i will also cancel my pre-order of Eiyuu Seaki too, i will buy a used copy when i will be able to find one...

  2. Japanese or not,you get weak when you are sick right?

    There is no point that the author/scriptwriter tells you "hey, this character gets cold. but he/she is completely OK"

    Everytime a character gets cold, it is supposed to be something unusual.

    Not every one of your birthday is dramatic.

    but if there is birthday on manga or anime, it is suppossed to be dramatic.

    so yeah that must be exaggerated.


    Yes, but not the the point when i can't even stand when i have a cold.

    Most of the times when i have a cold i get a runny nose and a headache and when the cold is pretty bad i feel like always sleeping, but never before it was to the point where i couldn't even stand because of a simple cold and as far as i know it's the same for everyone i know too.

  3. Something i have been wondering for a while.

    You often see in japanese anime/manga etc. some characters getting a cold and become really weak because of that.

    Is it true that japanese become really weak when they have a cold or it's just an exaggeration like so many other things in anime/manga etc.?

  4. Finally an official Muv Luv translation, eh? If they're using the pre-existing translation (which it sounds like they are), they'd be able to get a release relatively quickly. I suppose the real kicker is if they're able to get all the licensing fees on kickstarter. I imagine they have a good shot, but muv luv is less well known outside the VN community (unlike Clannad which has a very popular anime). Anywho, it'll be interesting and I'm excited to see another player enter the VN translation ring. There's certainly been an increasing interesting in bringing more VN and VN-like games to the west. It could be that Sekai project's explosive success in the past six months has convinced both Japanese companies and western localisation groups that VNs are worth officially translating.


    I just hope Grisaia isn't a trend or we might not see much more huge VN localized.


    Grisaia seem to have sold quite well, but nothing in comparison to shorter visual novel like Nekopara.

    Gaokao who was released almost at the same time as Grisaia, have 7 times more review and that much more review mean that Gaokao most likely sold much more than Grisaia.


    So if localizer think short visual novel are much more profitable, they will probably focus on localizing shorter visual novel and won't localize many long visual novel.


    I think mangagamer is a perfect example of that, since nukige bring them more profit and require less work to localize they focus mostly on localizing nukige.

  5. Sorry, I tend to use that term for that kind of thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)


    Basically, I was talking about that the you could get a different ending if you are good or evil, for each heroine.

    For example: You are good, but you decide to go with the demons. That should give you a different ending than going with the demons if you were evil. Like... an ending with a demon queen ruling at her side, destroying humanity (evil ending with the demons) or you could convince her to stop the war and achieve a peaceful era (good ending with the demons), etc etc... and an harem ending if you are neutral? Who knows. All depends of what do you want to do and how far do you want to branch the game.

    I can't give you more concrete examples without more info, but that is more or less what I meant. I hope you find it useful.


    No, it will either be good of evil.

    Sorry, but i don't want the All ending happily kind of crap.


    Yeah i know, but you made it sound like once you finish some world you'll have to start from zero on the next one, so there won't be a solid story with a start and a ending but a lot of little stories that don't share neither a starting point or anything of the sort.

    Since there's a big main story (the reason why the guy is moving between worlds) you should actually elaborate it sooner or later.


    The guy won't be moving between each world.

    Basically going to one world is like entering a route and that route branch into 2 routes.

    Once you finish 1 route you reset and restart like in an usual VN and then go for a different route.

    Why the guy need to go to a different world would be explained during the prologue.

    In the prologue, you would learn about the guy and why he need to go to a different a world, you will also learn about each world and his childhood friend.


    After that once you enter a world you will have a common route to help you learn more about both girls of that world and choose which side you want to help.


    It won't be just choose a world and choose which side you want to help.

  6. Sounds good. I would try it.

    ... but I think it would be kinda frustrating if I had to be bad or good in order to get a certain girl. I would prefer if you could go for any of the heroines, but the ending changes depending on your alignment... also, adding a neutral alignment also would be good, but that is just my humble opinion.


    I'm not sure i understand what you mean with the alignment.


    And, there should be some kind of "wraping up" at the end where every ending you took decides what happens at the end, so there will be actually an end to the story rather than a lot of little stories that have nothing to do with each other.



    Isn't that normal though for VN to have little stories that have nothing to do with each other?


    Usually once you enter a girl route in a VN, most of the times that route have nothing to do with each other.

    Like for example in a girl route that girl might have a terrible disease, but when you are on another route that girl stay healthy.

  7. This is just an idea for now, but i would like to hear you opinion about it and if you would like to play it.


    I'm thinking of making a VN with gameplay, the VN will be about a guy who need to go to different worlds to save or destroy them, it will be your choice.


    For each world you will be able to select 2 routes, 1 evil and 1 good.

    Each route will basically be a girl route, for now i have idea for 2 worlds.

    1 world will be a typical rpg world, the human against demon kind, if you decide to help human you will have to defeat demon and save the world and you would enter the human princess route.

    If you decide to join the demon route you will have to destroy the world and you would enter the demon queen route.


    Second world would be a shmup world and will be aliens against human.


    You will have a choice during the prologue to not care about going to any other world and stay in your world, that make you go through the childhood friend route, this route would be pure VN and no gameplay.

    A VN can't be a VN without a childhood friend route :p


    If i do make that VN, at the minimum i want to have 3 worlds for a total of 7 routes minimum, i actually would like 5 worlds though.

    Each route would be average 5 hours long without counting gameplay times.


    I realize not everyone would like to spend lot of times on gameplay or they wouldn't like some genre of gameplay, so i would make an instant win option.


    So what do you guys think about that?



    Edit: I forgot to say that i have intention to make each world have their own genre of gameplay, so if i make 3 world it will be 3 different kind of gameplay, if i make 5 it will be 5 kind of gameplay.

  8. I'm pretty sure almost all of the money earned from that kickstarter is going to the devs and not Sekai Project. SP is using their name to support the devs.


    edit: Oh and to desi, it's probably safe to take off Gensou no Idea now, there hasn't been any updates since their announcement eight months ago and their site was taken down.


    I know that and that's exactly why i think Sekai should have founded it without relying on kickstarter.


    22k is not that much tbh, ez money


    Yes, they only ask 22k, but they will most likely end up getting far more than that though and they most likely knew that already.

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