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About Stàr

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 06/25/1990

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  1. Heh, thanks ^^. It's Rena from Higurashi!


    Well it's easy to say at least that Umineko is awesome. It sure as hell has the best music in any VN I've read so far, though that seems to be a really common opinion (that it has the best OST). Same thing with the voice acting, which is something you can only get with the PS3 patches. It's very, very enjoyable overall. Great characters, fun story, a lot of thinking to do (a plus), and so on.


    But is it better than Higurashi? That's more difficult to say. Most people do consider it to be better I think, though it's really subjective anyway. Technically, it is better in several areas. For example - it has faaaar more and better quality music, a lot more characters to love, awesome voice acting which Higu doesn't have any of at all, and maybe some other stuff. But the story? The setting? That's different. It'll come down to taste for sure. -------

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