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About Stàr

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 06/25/1990

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  1. Well I got a simple answer for you about that stuff actually: Get this complete pack of Higurashi I made recently! :p part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6


    With this you don't need to worry about anything except one thing, which is mentioned in the readme. The pack contains arcs 1-8. As many patches as possible are included while also keeping it as "stable" as possible at the same time. I made sure that no extras are unlocked from the start, and I also removed a patch that causes a bug in arc 7. And that's different from the versions of the game that you linked actually.


    Download pack - check readme - play. Easiest that way!


    PC music > PS2 Music, if the PS2 music is the same thing as the Matsuri music.

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