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Status Updates posted by switch

  1. ... Nobu ....welcome back, i assume your trip to asgard went according to our plan.

  2. actually i would...i would fuck the living day-light out of jeniffer anistone's corpse if i had the chance

  3. done i'll upload and givu MF link on thursday

  4. fappy birth-canal day! on this day you summed up the courage to leave the warmth of the birth canal.....

    fap long and replicate my child

  5. Fappy fappy fappy birthday!!!


    i know,i know ,i always give you a fully rape-able kamfag action figure,but this year i couldnt find one so heres a poem instead:


    happy birthday to you

    fappy birthday to you

    years before on this day

    your dad forgot condoms on a sunny day

    your mom was ovulating

    you were conceived on this day


    fappy birthday to you nobu . . . . . . . . .

    may you get a real vagina too


    (disclaimer :the above poem is copyrighted to switch-sama inc.)

  6. haa-ppy beer-suu-daay heruvetica san!

  7. happy bee-su-da mr. harhar!

  8. happy birthday, may the god of beer urinate upon you with dark lager flavored urine.

    also hail sumika, may she masturbate in valhalla

  9. hellonice looking ellsie

  10. hmm i was told that it is not curable.......guess whose getting a new anus tomorrow? :D

  11. i c, dannny-dono hath been liveth...i salute thee

  12. many years ago, 9 months before this date, your parents were too horny and had "unsafe sex"

    desi, the anti-spoiler fascist , i hereby congratulate you on your birthday. may your bunker de-bunk spoilers , and may your hand fap till you get calluses on your meatstick.


    happy birthday man

  13. otanjoubi omedeto goziamasu!!!! wuuuulf-tan


    fappy deathday wuulf-tan.... as a gift...heres an onnahole....and a dildo to go with it :D

  14. thanks olaf iss passiba(i know russian but not polish sorry)

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