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Everything posted by Kyokuza

  1. I know it's off topic but for me yea.... i agree.. but as for me society is a laughing cow, That's why 'we' are here...... (hehehe....)
  2. Waiting for..... Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de (It's gonna be a long 'journey'...) Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 82.6% translated (Got progress so far.) Dracu-Riot! - 13255/53707 (24.68%) lines translate. (MOAR! waiting! MOAR !) Yandere - Fully translated, 36% edited (I think ... this is gonna be my 3rd favorite VN if its actually full translated!) Air - dropped by Edger, picked up by Sheeta (It's still in going right TELL ME!!? *Hiding in corner*) Imouto Paradise - 5% translated (Meh Dream come True or maybe not...) Eroge! - Translation: 100% - CG De-mosaic: 100% - Inter
  3. Post your favorite quote/line here (VN) As for me i got none (Only 1) though ... Saya no uta : The Love, The Frenzy, His Truth and her Daybreak.
  4. I have to agree with you because in my opinion PSP is a 'ninja tool' for meh... hehehehe
  5. I wonder what will happen if i actually reading a VN (using iPad) in a subway and i turning up the sound in H scene i wonder what will happen....
  6. If you can play VN on I-pad, Tab, Phone, BlackBerry and so on.... what would you choose and will you read it outside of room or house ???~
  7. Have anyone read's VN and met a heroine's that really despise you or whatsoever (hate) and end up in her route.... As for me i got kanon route (from G-senjou no maou) which is FUUUUUU...!!! What about you guyz? Meh Favorite..!
  8. Evil perverted mastermind .. that crack me up.. After that day she loves VN char than some barbie shit . I dont why though..@
  9. Visual Novel : Dengeki Stryker - Love the Villain, Cute Heroin. Katawa Shoujo - Love Hanako Route and all the story and my first VN. Steins;Gate - I juz can't describe the feeling after watch this and the comedy is awesome! Anime : Anohana - Nice background story - Simply put a tearjerker. : Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou - The Best Comedy if it were me. : Sakamichi no Apollon -Story Great , Nice Jazz Music composition and most of all my favorite singer Aoi Teshima ,Singing lullaby of
  10. The moment when i was in 'Moe Hardcore Mode' i does not know who behind me , I thought it was only sound of music. (the door open at the time) When H-scene is starting, my phone ringing at the same time so i was gonna get it , And then a face look like my little sis watching at me. It took me 5 sec to realize i was being watch. At the time i was like 'Wat The heck!'. Since she was watching almost the H-scenes, She ask me this 'whyhs areh herp pee-peed ish opehsn ands whsy therse reed bluuod?' at the time i realize something......... I just did something that can't be undid....
  11. After reading almost 7-8 VN i was just thinking about this. The most disturbing character in my list : Ryoko from Saya no Uta. I don't know why i choose this woman . Maybe what i like about her is how she 'viewing' this in world . know what i means? Disturbing (Not an Annoying one) If a person is disturbing, they may have strange ideas about what is awesome/nice/sexy etc. They are probably creepy. ( But disturbing people tend to be those who make you laugh the most. ) Since i kinda make a similar mistake so i thought i'm gonna edit a post.
  12. Hello there? whatchu want??

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