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Everything posted by Ignazzio

  1. This PersonA ~Opera Za no Kaijin~ looks amazing for me. Why there is no progress here?? At this point they translated 16%.
  2. I'm playing those games for Rance and his awesomeness;p Gameplay doesn't really matter if there is Rance in this game. As a fanboy I'm pretty confused when I hear that plot in Rance is not important enough to make people play this game
  3. I think it's much better than Yandere. Those guys are really obsessed with Rance. Btw. Rance 4 translation has just begun.
  4. Ignazzio

    Melty Blood

    This picture is from Melty Blood: Actress Again. Melty Blood - The TYPE-MOON Wiki - Fate, Tsukihime, Mahoyo, and everything TYPE-MOON Here you can find cover from this game.
  5. It's so weird that I don't believe it myself but according to 4chan Rance 3 is finished and will be released for Christmas oO
  6. If I'm correct that there is an option before you install TS to choose english version. It's a russian option but there is written English.
  7. According to 4chan Rance 3 is at 69% now.Future looks nice.
  8. Looks great. As everything form type. Where did you found this?
  9. Rewrite almost finished. Amaterasu Translations Akane route translated. Btw. What's so fantastic about Yandere? Most of opinions about this game on vndb rating it as 5 or 6.
  10. Flyable Heart « umikaze translations Looks promising.
  11. Looks like Thief and TROLL will be translated. Thief & Troll: Translation Fully Playable for Cape and Sirian, Help Wanted for Troll! Rance would be angry.
  12. Thx. Still, I'm sure that Ixrec can do it fine.
  13. Why it is so hard to translate this game?
  14. Way better than ours. We didn't translate anything xD Something moved this year and G-Senjou was picked by really trustworthy team. At this point they translated 2 chapters so I can have some hope. If not for my studies I would like to translate something as good as F/SN to make some movement. Without program there is no romaji in vns. Romaji is not a proper Japanese, it's just a plaything to make western lazy people life easier;p I prefer normal Japanese. With kanjis it's a lot of easier to read anything. And with fine motivation kanji is not so hard:cool: You raped my optimism;/
  15. And those games are readable after you use these programs?? Machine translators used to make unreadable texts which are killing the mood;p It's must be a huge pain in the ass to change Japanese to romaji and translate it afterwards. As far as I know Japanese I have a feeling that many of words will be written incorrectly. I prefer to wait for a proper translations and improve my own Japanese to read those vn's which will stay Jap forever. Btw. I'm seriously thinking about translating F/SN into Polish. It would be great if our Polish vn scene was as good as Russian.
  16. Well, it's a normal thing that most of people which are not native are way much better in reading than in writing. I'm not native and I know that at this point my English writing skill could be better but in reading I'm fluent. I just started studying English Linguistic and it's totally normal. Btw. machine translations should be banned;p I love DC and I would like to play a proper version of 3rd part. Not all of the proven projects. There are couple of fine projects which are not there. e.g Okasare Yuusha II ~Yuusha na no ni, Chinchin wo Pikupiku Sarete Bakari no Boku...~
  17. Melty Blood: Actress Again and Act Cadenza are Melty Blood's expansions or separate games with another story in them?? I would like to play them in a correct order if they are different games.
  18. I thought that they released Kanade, Kiriha and common route patch before. Thx. It still looks fine. I think that next summer is possible.
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