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Posts posted by OneManArmy

  1. I bought some games from gog.com and they gave me three download codes as some sort of reward. Unfortunately I already own all of them which means they are utterly useless for me and so I'll just leave them here.


    SimCity™ 2000 Special Edition: YT40B3D2363537

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky: HT40B3D2363537



    And here's the link where you can type in the codes above : https://www.gog.com/redeem/


    All codes were already used. Dunno who took the two other ones though but I hope they'll enjoy the games.

  2. When god created me he kinda forgot about adding emotions besides humor. Because of that accident (or maybe it was intended?) no anime, manga, visual novel, book, movie, etc. made me cry so far BUT some titles gave me a weird feeling in my stomach and I continued to think about specific scenes even days after watching or reading it. So take away my general lack of emotions and that weird feeling probably would be the same as crying. Anyway, here are titles which made me feel this way.



    -Elfen Lied (during some childhood scenes)

    -Clannad Afterstory (when Nagisa

    and the train scene)

    -Mononoke Hime (at the end of the movie)

    -Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (2min of the last episode)


    Visual Novel

    -ef fairy tale of the two (church scene)

    -tomoyo after (epiloque, I feel you max~)

    -g-senjou no moau (one specific scene of haru's route, I can't remember it though lol)

  3. Watching the sequel before its prequel

    That nearly happened to me as well. I was planning to watch "Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai" and so I downloaded both seasons. Unfortunately the second season is called "Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai." (with a dot at the end) and so I started to watch the first episode of the second season by accident because I just opened the first "Ore no Imouto" folder I came across. I did realize my mistake rather fast though but it still was worth a facepalm.

  4. Since usually I've problems to put myself into the shoes of the protagonist I would be a c) kind of person. Although unlike you described I'm not really interested in a specific heroine but more in the story. So like I take whatever choice seems to make the story more interesting.


    And there's of course Fate/stay night where I went for all the bad choices because I wanted to see Shirou dying over and over again haha.

  5. I know this review is fucking old but I just found an old rtf file with the translation of the ending I made ages ago. I know there's an official translation which will translate the ending as well but when playing the translated game the ending didn't have a lot of impact on me. Well most likely because I already knew the ending but maybe they did translate some stuff different. Ah what the hell, I'm not an expert when it comes to Japanese but back then I asked a person who is good at Japanese to translate the ending for me and that's what I made it out of it. Feel free to read.



    Listening to the rolling sound, the hospital bed carrying him arrived.

    I followed constantly,

    waiting to be scolded, I held his hand softly,

    until we reached the operation room, where we got seperated.

    I waited patiently.

    Believing with my entire heart,

    I looked at the result.

    The operation was not successful.

    But in getting back his memory...

    It can be said to be successful.

    Meeting him in Intensive Care room two days after,

    not even able to talk to each other.

    I only heard one word...

    My name..

    I cried with joy like a little kid.

    Soon he got moved to a normal room,

    to start the recovery.

    Both persons working together to continue their lives day after day,

    walking together on the same road.

    At that time, we realized,

    no matter what is waiting in front of us,

    we will not regret anything.

    The confidence we have...

    Because we both

    found what is most important to us.

    The scenery we both saw together,

    I won't be able to forget it.

    The never ending sunset,

    watching us both lovingly.

    It's a wonderful world, I didn't realize it until today.

    No matter if it's naive when not knowing,

    or if it's pain when you do.

    Not knowing this color, just letting it pass.

    It's so beautiful


    I don't know when he fell asleep.

    His face is like,

    a racer that finally reached the finish line.

    His mouth moved at that time, unknown what he said.

    A broken but soft voice,

    maybe a dream.

    Still repeating the same line over and over again.

    He at that time, should have reached the place.

    I can think this way now.

    Not falling into depression again,

    overcoming obstacles,

    believing in eternal love,

    believing with one heart.

    Because of the days we spent together,

    a treasure that belongs only to me,

    an irreplacable treasure.

    Even if there are painful things,

    times filled with crying and screaming.

    But because of those days,

    now I can see them as light.

    The day I met him.

    The days I lived with him.

    All those hopeless days.

    Days I spent crying by myself.

    I'll choose a new path now.



    are together,

    the same as the setting sun that day.

    I'm seeing the light,

    because I found the light of my life.

    Other people with the same problems as me,

    I want to help them.

    I want to help them walking.

    I didn't know when that became my reason of existance.

    So, people who found the same light.

    I hope you can help others out.

    You should have nothing to puzzle over.


    You should have found your purpose in life.

    Your treasure.

    How to reach it?

    No-one knows.

    But, one day, you will find it.

    So no matter how painful it is now,


    sorrow or pain,

    screaming or crying...

    I still wish for you to continue.

    Until the day you find your treasure.

    If on the other side of the screen, you,

    while walking on the road,

    ended up by yourself...

    No problem.

    You are not alone.

    I am here.

    Always traveling with you.

    So don't worry.


    this is what I...

    and he...






    NAME:Mori no Kuma-san(Bear-san in the forest)





    Thank you

    Because of you

    I had a wonderful life


    come, let's go

    The world is so beautiful

    And life is so bright

    It's a wonderful life



  6. I'm getting a feeling that translating Euphoria is going end up bad for Mangagamer... publicity wise...

    Nah. It's just one title so people who take a look at the pictures and start to shiver/cry will just ignore it. If MG plans to translate more of such games then its reputation could decrease quite a bit though.

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