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Everything posted by Shawn413

  1. If you can point out the sentence where I tell him to stop reading one VN and pick up another, I'll apologize. What I was trying to convey was that he should read whatever VN he wants based on what he thinks about the game. Not on what anyone else thinks about the game. Don't assume what I mean, on statements that weren't said, that's an even worse attitude.
  2. Do yourself a favour, just play them... Tomoyo After surprised me a lot. I was never a real fan of Clannad (Common, the main girl looks like a bug...). Take peoples personal reviews with a grain of salt after all it's just their opinion, and well opinions are like arse holes, we all have them.
  3. Currently playing FlyableHeart (Yui route), Never7 next and then a replay of A Drug That Makes You Dream.
  4. Shawn413

    Flyable Heart

    I have never seen so much Engrish at one time before... But if you are the least bit familiar with the Japanese language you'll understand most of what's said. Which is good considering how "fluffy" this VN is..
  5. This is one of my top 5 VN's, And I just realized that I played through on my lap top so the install on my desktop is empty..... guess what I'm going to be playing for awhile.
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