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Status Updates posted by desi

  1. Damn, I sort of expected that to happen. Oh well, at least you didn't dislike it. Also, even before you watched Wolf Children, I could see the anime compatibility now. Not sure why, maybe because I watched psycho pass, but that shouldn't have changed things much. I gave that a strong 8 btw, definitely worth a watch. Makes you think if that type of society is right or wrong and people the people that are trying to overthrow it are the bad guys or the people that want to keep it the same are the bad folks. The main female protag can get a little annoying at times but worth a watch.


    Also, I know I keep recommending anime but this is the last one. Death Parade... watch it! (whenever, doesn't have to be this week or next, just keep on the lookout for it).

  2. Damn, things never go our way.


    (btw, i'm glad you caught the fact that I was posting under my own profile)

  3. Did it end up working? Maybe I can give you a save file after that line?

  4. Did you ever download the extra BGMs and stuff for your playthrough? Like the Ps2 version and whatnot?

  5. Didn't realize you liked it her that much that she could go on your list of "favorites".

  6. Disregard that last PM about the image. Just my browser acting gay.

  7. does it have romance and tits? If not, i'm not interested.

  8. Don't forget Period! And umm... damn, you've played a shitload of VNs.

  9. DR series in general is excellent. DR2 improves a lot on DR1. Better and more complicated cases (where you try to guess who the killer is for each case), better cast of characters overall, and just a better setting in general. While the ending wasn't the best (it was good, but not great), I am looking forward to what the series has to offer in the future.

  10. Exactly. Where's my Kasumi route ? : < Screw Altered Fable, I wanted it in Unlimited : (

  11. Exactly. You don't pick something like Baldr Sky for your first translation... no one would ever do that and pretty much drop it 1/4 of the way through.. it's just not possible. It never happened.

  12. desi

    fine, you damn hipster.

  13. Fuck. And no, just like Japan/anime-oriented in general.

  14. Funny thing is I just downloaded that show yesterday. You can read my mind.

  15. desi

    Geass <3 Thanks!

  16. Ghost in the Shell looks pretty interesting, I'll have to find out where to start with that since it has a lot of movies and the show itself. I'm currently watching Psycho Pass and it's pretty good so far.

  17. Glad you enjoyed it. I haven't really read many mangas so far, so from the limited sample size, I've found that to be my favorite. I loved the humor in it.

  18. Glad you mostly enjoyed Katanagatari. I still have to watch the last ep of Yahari, I will do so in conjunction with the last ep of UBW. I really enjoyed both shows though seems like you found the first one to be pretty meh and second one to be a bit better it looks like. I hope they animate the ending but it just might be one of those like you said where they just say buy the LN and that's it.

  19. Guess it's one I'll probably check out after playing something epic.

  20. haha might look like it but its from Katawa Shoujo

  21. desi

    hahaha, thanks :) Who is your favorite? I think it was Lilly wasn't it?

  22. hahahha, you give out so many 10s on VNDB :D

  23. Hanako <3 Battler <3


    Thanks.. I will cherish this forever <3

  24. happy b-day \o/

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