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Status Updates posted by desi

  1. No problem. I got it from here Mai Waifu Rena Ryuugu - Imgur. Only saw the first picture and thought it was good.. didn't see the rest :p

  2. Nah, they didn't really plan to make a second season, it was mostly just to sell the manga. The manga has ended now though. I finished most of it but had it on hold long ago because I was waiting for subs to come out and just sort of lost track I guess.

  3. Yes. I'm happy and jumping for joy! Also, I was looking at Umineko on vndb and saw your vote. 9.2 :o Must have really enjoyed it. Parts 1-4 anyway.

  4. haha might look like it but its from Katawa Shoujo

  5. desi

    which ones?

  6. desi

    We share a common interest.

  7. oo enjoy, yes I really liked it a lot. Her hair will grow back (this might or might not be a lie). The protag I guess might seem a bit stoic but I thought he worked well for the story. I also finished evangelion about a week back, one of the classics I guess. I'm going to say a "common" criticism which I know that you hate is that he main protag is a wimp.. BUT... I wouldn't call him that and there are legitimate reasons as to why.. anyway, it's more about a character study anime than a full on mecha anime.

  8. I recommend you try it :) Great VN.

  9. You might like this one Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan: Totteoki no Uso - MyAnimeList.net. Short read, but I found it to be fairly good.

  10. http://i.imgur.com/KlzqX.gif



  11. Glad you mostly enjoyed Katanagatari. I still have to watch the last ep of Yahari, I will do so in conjunction with the last ep of UBW. I really enjoyed both shows though seems like you found the first one to be pretty meh and second one to be a bit better it looks like. I hope they animate the ending but it just might be one of those like you said where they just say buy the LN and that's it.

  12. Happy b-day. My gift to you is my picture.. http://i.imgur.com/f6ZmWwv.png

  13. happy b-day



  14. desi

    Just read it. Pretty decent article. I like classic tsunderes because of the permanent change from cold-hearted regular tsun to deredere. The major difference between classic tsundere and modern tsundere is that classic tsundere she starts off cold-hearted and tsun and then gradually falls in love with the protag and changes her personality to deredere. I think this is the most realistic personality type when talking about tsunderes. Modern tsunderes are bitches basically. They have the tsun side where they are violent and tsun to the protag and they switch to the dere side. The difference here is that the girl is permanently a violent bitch, even if she is in love with the protag.

  15. My life is 13 hour work days right now : (

  16. Disregard that last PM about the image. Just my browser acting gay.

  17. happy b-day \o/

  18. Nope, I have not.

  19. I wouldn't say the battles are the main selling point of the game, but it's a pretty big part of the VN. I would say the main point is Takeru's journey throughout the VNs. I think it will make more sense once you finish it.

  20. I have a feeling Lucia is going to be my favorite route... and it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that she is tsundere or a-anything, okay?

  21. Pretty sure it's Colgate.

  22. Wait until the next one... I said too much.

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