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Status Updates posted by desi

  1. Wasn't sure if I had to include anything else in order for the save to work, but this includes my userdata folder Download UserData.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

  2. Can you tell me what line it crashes on?

  3. Did it end up working? Maybe I can give you a save file after that line?

  4. Okay, so... the site that I got from ED was where Amaterasu used to be hosted, so I can't even log in there.. I'm on the newly hosted Amaterasu site and looked for Quartett but only came up with two posts related to it... let me look on google.

  5. Yeah, I have an account. Gimmie a few minutes

  6. brace yourself.... side character. She gets some time in Charlotte's route IIRC

  7. The tsundere heroine is definitely the best out of all (not saying that just because she is a tsundere) Presentation is good, music is excellent.. it's just that I didn't like the other two routes that much. Still a good one to check out though.

  8. I think you have to tinker around with the speed and some of the settings there. I believe that should fix it.

  9. Quartett. Didn't play the other one.

  10. So far, in terms of presentation, Quartett is very nice. Story is very meh though. Period has a better story, but presentation is more on the "normal" side.

  11. Don't forget Period! And umm... damn, you've played a shitload of VNs.

  12. Too late. Played it before.

  13. Wait until the next one... I said too much.

  14. Pretty sure it's Colgate.

  15. I wouldn't say the battles are the main selling point of the game, but it's a pretty big part of the VN. I would say the main point is Takeru's journey throughout the VNs. I think it will make more sense once you finish it.

  16. Yes. I'm happy and jumping for joy! Also, I was looking at Umineko on vndb and saw your vote. 9.2 :o Must have really enjoyed it. Parts 1-4 anyway.

  17. Not sure where you are (maybe the beginning?), but yeah it's weird and sometimes pretty funny.

  18. Alternative is linear

  19. Exactly. Where's my Kasumi route ? : < Screw Altered Fable, I wanted it in Unlimited : (

  20. Yep, that was nice. So much saury in that route :p

  21. so a decent one after a great VN. I'll keep it in mind after Rewrite.

  22. Never played it. All I know is that it has incest or something and has a card game feature.

  23. Think you have to play everything to unlock that......

  24. I'm assuming you have it now? Everything should be in the walkthrough. It'll say where to get the bad ends.

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